Class PositionMessage

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<AX25Message>, CommentedMessage
Direct Known Subclasses:
GpsRawMessage, MaidenheadLocatorBeacon, MicE, ObjectReport, PositionReport

public abstract class PositionMessage extends Message
This abstract class extends Message to contain positional information, supporting several different kinds of APRS messages with position data.
Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • DHM

      protected static final String DHM
      Date format to parse day and hours:minutes (in UTC) for a longer delta into the past.
      See Also:
    • HMS

      protected static final String HMS
      Date format to decode hours/minutes/seconds timestamp string.
      See Also:
    • fmtMonitorFreq

      protected static final DecimalFormat fmtMonitorFreq
      Format string for APRS-standard frequency format.

      public static final float COMPRESSED_LAT_SCALING
      Conversion scaling constant for encoding latitude in APRS compressed-text format.
      See Also:

      public static final float ONE_DEGREE_F
      Ambiguity value for one-degree resolution.
      See Also:

      public static final float TEN_MINUTES_F
      Ambiguity value for ten-minute resolution.
      See Also:

      public static final float ONE_MINUTE_F
      Ambiguity value for one-minute resolution.
      See Also:

      public static final float TENTH_MINUTE_F
      Ambiguity value for tenth-of-a-minute resolution.
      See Also:

      public static final float HUNDREDTH_MINUTE_F
      Ambiguity value for hundredth-of-a-minute resolution.
      See Also:

      public static final float CONV_MPH_TO_METERS_PER_SEC
      Convenience constant to convert statute miles-per-hour to meters-per-second.
    • LN_BASE1_08

      protected static final double LN_BASE1_08
      Scaling factor for encoding speed with compressed position.
    • latitude

      protected String latitude
      The latitude of this position in APRS text format DDMM.MMn.
    • longitude

      protected String longitude
      The longitude of this position in APRS text format DDDMM.MMw.
    • fLatitude

      protected double fLatitude
      Latitude in fractional degrees North, or NaN if not filled in yet.
    • fLongitude

      protected double fLongitude
      Longitude in fractional degrees East, or NaN if not filled in yet.
    • fLatPrecision

      protected float fLatPrecision
      The ambiguity level of the latitude in fractional degrees,
    • altitude

      public int altitude
      The altitude of this position in meters above mean sea level, or Integer.MIN_VALUE for unknown.
    • altitudeUnit

      public DistanceUnit altitudeUnit
      The unit for the altitude measurement.
    • abc

      protected byte abc
      The Mic-E status code ordinal, where 0 is Emergency and -1 means that no Mic-E status code is defined by this message.
    • isCustom

      protected boolean isCustom
      If true, indicates that the Mic-E status code should be treated as a custom value rather than the common standard meanings for the ordinal values 1 to 7.
    • enabledForTransmit

      protected boolean enabledForTransmit
      Indicate whether or not this position message is transmittable by this station.
  • Constructor Details

    • PositionMessage

      protected PositionMessage()
      Create an uninitialized PositionMessage (let the subclass initialize it).
    • PositionMessage

      protected PositionMessage(byte msgType, String tp, long rcptTime)
      Create a partially-initialized PositionMessage.
      msgType - msgType character (should correspond to the subclass being created)
      tp - third-party routing string, or null if this message is still on its original network
      rcptTime - time in Java milliseconds in 1 Jan 1970 UTC when this message was received
  • Method Details

    • extractLatitude

      protected int extractLatitude(byte[] body, int pos) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Service method to decode a fragment of an AX.25 frame that is supposed to contain an APRS-standard non-compressed latitude expression. The decoded latitude is stored in the PositionMessage's latitude field.
      body - byte array containing the message
      pos - int into array where latitude expression should start
      index immediately following the latitude expression
      IllegalArgumentException - if the pointed string is not a valid latitude expression
      See Also:
    • decodeLatitude

      public double decodeLatitude()
      Get the latitude from this PositionMessage in decimal degrees North.
      fractional degrees North latitude
    • decodeOnlyLatitude

      public static double decodeOnlyLatitude(String latitude)
      Decode standard long-format latitude without caring about the accuracy.
      latitude - String in standard ddmm.mmN latitude format
      latitude in fractional degrees North
    • getLatitudeAccuracy

      public float getLatitudeAccuracy()
      Computes the precision of the latitude value in fractional degrees
      the double precision least significant digit range in fractional degrees
    • testIfValidCompressedLocation

      protected static boolean testIfValidCompressedLocation(byte[] body, int offset)
      Test if the passed APRS byte array looks like a valid compressed-mode APRS position.
      body - byte array supposedly containing an APRS position
      offset - int array index into body where the position expression starts
      boolean true if this appears to be a valid compressed-mode position
    • extractCompressedLatitude

      protected String extractCompressedLatitude(byte[] body, int offset)
      Decode a compressed format latitude from a byte array.
      body - byte array containing the latitude information
      offset - index into the byte array where the latitude information starts
      APRS standard text-format latitude
    • encodeLatitudePlainText

      public static String encodeLatitudePlainText(double latitude)
      Convert a double-precision fractional degrees North latitude into APRS-standard string format. Note this can only return the value without extra ambiguity, because there is no way to specify the amount of ambiguity in this method.
      latitude - the floating-point latitude value
      the String representation of the latitude
    • encodeLatitudeCompressed

      public static String encodeLatitudeCompressed(double latitude)
      Convert a double-precision fractional degrees North latitude into APRS-standard compressed string format. Note this can only return the maximum precision, because there is no way to specify the lack of precision.
      latitude - the floating-point latitude value
      the compressed String representation of the latitude
    • extractLongitude

      protected int extractLongitude(byte[] body, int pos) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Service method to decode a fragment of an AX.25 frame that is supposed to contain an APRS-standard non-compressed longitude expression. The decoded longitude is stored in the PositionMessage's longitude field. This also supports non-standard shortened longitudes with only 2-digit degree values.
      body - byte array containing the message
      pos - int into array where longitude expression should start
      index immediately following the longitude expression
      IllegalArgumentException - if the pointed string is not a valid longitude expression
      See Also:
    • extractCompressedLongitude

      protected String extractCompressedLongitude(byte[] body, int offset)
      Decode a compressed format longitude from a byte array.
      body - byte array containing the longitude information
      offset - index into the byte array where the longitude information starts
      APRS standard text-format longitude
    • decodeLongitude

      public double decodeLongitude()
      Get the longitude from this PositionMessage in decimal degrees East.
      fractional degrees East longitude
    • decodeOnlyLongitude

      public static double decodeOnlyLongitude(String longitude)
      Decode the specified String as a standard-format longitude "dddmm.mmE".
      longitude - String to decode as a longitude
      longitude in fractional degrees East
    • encodeLongitudePlainText

      public static String encodeLongitudePlainText(double longitude)
      Convert a double-precision fractional degrees East longitude into APRS-standard string format. Note this can only return the maximum precision, because there is no way to specify the lack of precision.
      longitude - the floating-point longitude value
      the String representation of the longitude
    • encodeLongitudeCompressed

      public static String encodeLongitudeCompressed(double longitude)
      Convert a double-precision fractional degrees East longitude into APRS-standard compressed string format. Note this can only return the maximum precision, because there is no way to specify the lack of precision.
      longitude - the floating-point longitude value
      the compressed String representation of the latitude
    • setLocation

      public void setLocation(double latitude, double longitude)
      Set the latitude and longitude of this PositionMessage to the desired coordinates.
      latitude - latitude in fractional degrees North
      longitude - longitude in fractional degrees East
    • setAmbiguity

      public void setAmbiguity(float ambiguityDeg)
      Set the ambiguity of position for this position report. Note that this should be called after setting the position, so there is a current position to ambiguate.
      ambiguityDeg - ambiguity of position in fractional degrees
      See Also:
    • decodeDataExtension

      public int decodeDataExtension(byte[] body, int pos)
      Decode data extension if it exists. The following extensions are supported:
      • /A=nnnnnn
      • cse/spd (with optional DF bearing, number/range/quality, hurricane/tropical storm data, or dir/spd)
      • PHGphgd
      • RNGrrrr
      • DFSshgd
      • Tyy/Cxx (first, only if symbol is \l)
      • fff.fffMHz Tnnn +nnn (and variations thereof)
      • weather data (only if symbol code is _ )
      • supported digipeat aliases (Wn[,SSn-N])
      body - byte array containing the message
      pos - starting index in array
      updated index in array
    • looksLikeFrequency

      protected static boolean looksLikeFrequency(byte[] body, int pos)
      Check if the ASCII character sequence in a byte array contains something that looks like an APRS frequency value.
      body - byte array to search
      pos - zero-based index into array to start pattern match
      boolean true if specified index has a ddd.ddd pattern in it
    • looksLikeFrequency

      protected static boolean looksLikeFrequency(String body, int pos)
      Check if the character sequence in a String contains something that looks like an APRS frequency value.
      body - byte array to search
      pos - zero-based index into array to start pattern match
      boolean true if specified index has a ddd.ddd pattern in it
    • paramString

      public String paramString()
      Descriptive text about this message, to be included in the toString() method's response.
      paramString in class Message
      String describing the contents of this message
      See Also:
    • isShowDate

      public boolean isShowDate()
      Test whether a transmission of this message should include the timestamp.
      boolean true if timestamp is included
    • setShowDate

      public void setShowDate(boolean showDate)
      Specify whether this message should include the timestamp when transmitted or displayed.
      showDate - boolean true to show the timestamp (separate from the receive time)
    • hasPosition

      public boolean hasPosition()
      Report if this AX25Message contains position data.
      hasPosition in class AX25Message
      boolean true if message contains position information
    • getLatitude

      public String getLatitude()
      Get the string format latitude of this message.
      latitude String
    • getLongitude

      public String getLongitude()
      Get the string format longitude of this message.
      longitude String
    • setLatitude

      public void setLatitude(String latitude) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the string format latitude of this message.
      latitude - String latitude to use
      IllegalArgumentException - if string has illegal format
    • setLongitude

      public void setLongitude(String longitude) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the string format longitude of this message.
      longitude - String longitude to use
      IllegalArgumentException - if string has illegal format
    • getAltitude

      public int getAltitude()
      Get the altitude of this position relative to mean sea level.
      altitude in the specified units or Integer,MIN_VALUE to indicate the altitude is unknown
      See Also:
    • getAltitudeUnit

      public DistanceUnit getAltitudeUnit()
      Get the size unit for altitude in this position message.
      DistanceUnit for this message's altitude
    • appendAreaParameters

      protected static void appendAreaParameters(StringBuilder b, Map<Enum,Object> extensionMap)
      Appends the area "symbol" parameters to a StringBuilder for producing a transmittable version of this position message.
      b - StringBuilder to add area parameters to
      extensionMap - Map of message extensions containing the area information
    • appendSignpostParameters

      protected static void appendSignpostParameters(StringBuilder b, Map<Enum,Object> extensionMap)
      Appends the signpost parameters (if any) to a StringBuilder for producing a transmittable version of this position message.
      b - StringBuilder to add area parameters to
      extensionMap - Map of message extensions containing the signpost information
    • appendRepeaterParameters

      protected void appendRepeaterParameters(StringBuilder b)
      Appends the repeater parameters (if any) to a StringBuilder for producing a transmittable version of this position message.
      b - StringBuilder to add repeater/monitor parameters to
    • getAbc

      public byte getAbc()
      Returns the decoded MicE status (if any) from this PositionMessage.
      MicE status code, or -1 if this PositionMessage does not contain a MicE status code
    • setAbc

      public void setAbc(byte abc)
      Set the encoded MicE status (if any) for this PositionMessage.
      abc - MicE status code, or -1 if this PositionMessage should not contain a MicE status code
    • isCustom

      public boolean isCustom()
      Indicate whether the MicE status code is a standard code or a custom code.
      boolean true if custom MicE status, boolean false if standard MicE status or this message does not have MicE status
    • setCustom

      public void setCustom(boolean isCustom)
      Specify whether the MicE status code is a standard code or a custom code.
      isCustom - boolean true if custom MicE status, boolean false if standard MicE status or this message does not have MicE status (ignored if status is EMERGENCY)
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Test if message should still be transmitted.
      boolean true if message should still be transmitted
    • createObjectFromThisPosition

      public ObjectReport createObjectFromThisPosition()
      Create an ObjectReport from this PositionMessage.
      new ObjectReport cloned from this PositionMessage
    • isUsingCompressedFormat

      public boolean isUsingCompressedFormat()
      Indicates whether this PositionMessage is using compressed-mode (but not Mic-E) encoding of latitude and longitude, because this affects what are legal symbol overlay codes. Intended to be overridden by appropriate subclasses.
      boolean true if compressed encoding in use
    • bodyEquals

      public boolean bodyEquals(AX25Message o)
      Compare the contents of the body of the message, reporting if they match.
      bodyEquals in class Message
      o - another AX25Message to compare against
      boolean true if the body values are equivalent