Package org.ka2ddo.yaac.osm

package org.ka2ddo.yaac.osm

This package contains classes for reading, decoding, writing, and optimizing OpenStreetMap map information for convenient and efficient use by YAAC. The OpenStreetMap database is made available in a compressed XML or Google protocol buffer file, which is not efficient for random location rendering, so YAAC compiles the file into a proprietary binary storage format, discarding all information not necessary for actual map rendering. The Way and Node classes are the in-memory representations of the basic OpenStreetMap data structures rendered on maps by the OSMLayer graphical widget.

  • Class
    Supported types of the OSM aeroway="*" attribute.
    Enum of the categorizations for different types of amenities.
    This interface identifies an OSM enumeration whose individual values could be amenities or ways, depending on the specific values.
    This enumeration defines the well-known type names for the OSM attributes "amenity", "office", and "shop".
    Supported types of the OSM attraction="*" attribute.
    Supported types of the OSM barrier="*" attribute.
    This enum defines the supported values of the border_type="*" attribute of OSM.
    Supported types of the OSM boundary="*" attribute.
    This class contains the data extracted from a OSM changeset record.
    Enumerate the default colors and textured patterns used to render OSM.
    Supported types of the OSM cycleway="*" attribute.
    This enum defines the commonly-used values of the diplomatic="*" attribute of OSM.
    This exception is thrown if the YAAC OSM importer decides that, due to a specific piece of information, this OSM element should not be stored in the tile files.
    This enum defines the commonly-used values of the emergency="*" attribute of OSM.
    This interface specifies a method by which OSM attribute enums that may (but do not always) imply that the specified Node or Way has boolean attributes associated with it, and can specify whether this particular value of the enum implies boolean flag bits.
    This interface specifies a method by which OSM attribute enums that may (but do not always) imply that the specified Node or Way has boolean attributes associated with it, and can specify whether this particular value of the enum implies extended boolean flag bits.
    Abstract class describing common attributes of a OSM dataset object.
    This enumeration identifies all the extended attributes that can be associated with a GenericTaggedNode.
    This class extends the standard FastBlockingQueue to contain context information associated with a particular instance of the queue.
    This class wraps a OpenStreetMap record (way or node) found by the OsmSearcher to conveniently provide its position and distance from the map center so the GUI can sort it in with other search results.
    This enum defines the supported values of the healthcare="*" attribute in OSM.
    Supported types of the OSM highway="*" attribute.
    Supported types of the OSM historic="*" attribute.
    This enum defines the supported values of the landuse="*" attribute in OSM.
    This enum defines the commonly-used values of the leisure="*" attribute of OSM.
    This class defines a compound object containing a length, width, or height value and the unit of length.
    This enum defines the commonly-used values of the location="*" attribute of OSM.
    This enum describes the supported types of man_made objects described in OSM.
    This class represents Member sub-tags of a Relation element of a OSM file.
    This enums defines the supported types of natural structures defined by OSM.
    This class represents a Node element of an OSM file.
    Class to pre-load way queues with the oceans coastlines extracted with the osmcoastline and ogr2ogr utilities.
    This specifies color attribute values that can be found in OSM tags, to handle types of amenities where the type is the same but the map rendering should be of a different color to show some significance of the instance.
    Code for downloading OpenStreetMap imported "tile" files from author's website.
    Structure of statistics reported by the downloadTileFile() method.
    This enum identifies the information that will be stored in *.nodes and *.ways files by the OsmXmlSegmenter for use by OSMLayer.
    Enumerate the types of lines that can be drawn on rendered OSM maps.
    This class provides a means of looking up potential above-ground obstructions (obtained from OpenStreetMap data) in a specified area.
    Structure containing parameters for interpreting OSM Node objects that could be RF obstructions.
    This class parses an OpenStreetMaps PBF (protocol buffers) file into a series of one-degree "square" tiles of map data, stored in a compact binary format suitable for efficient and fast rendering by YAAC.
    This class provides a standardized mechanism to search the imported OSM tiles for a landmark matching the specified name string.
    This interface defines a means by which a user of OsmSearcher can be informed of the progress of a search, and optionally pre-maturely abort a search.
    Common code for different OpenStreetMap dataset file format loaders.
    This class provides a FileFilter for identifying the relevant temporary files for sorting the results of an OSM import.
    Callback interface for OsmSegmenter instances reporting updates to a progress indicator.
    This class parses an OpenStreetMaps compressed XML file into a series of one-degree "square" tiles of map data, stored in a compact binary format suitable for efficient and fast rendering.
    Supported types of the OSM place="*" attribute.
    This enum describes the supported values for the power="*" attribute of OSM, representing types of electrical utility transmission network components.
    This interface tags a class that contains a magnitude value and unit thereof.
    Supported types of the OSM railway="*" attribute.
    This class represents a Relation element of an OSM file.
    Supported types of the OSM religion="*" attribute.
    Supported types of the OSM seamark:landmark:category="*" attribute.
    Supported types of the OSM seamark:type="*" attribute.
    This class defines a compound object containing a speed value and the units of speed.
    This enum defines the names of OpenStreetMap tags the OSMLayer renderer might care about, which therefore should be saved in the imported tile files.
    Supported types of the OSM tourism="*" attribute.
    Caching class specifying whether instances of enums are visible or not.
    Supported types of the OSM water="*" attribute.
    Supported types of the OSM waterway="*" attribute.
    This class implements a Way element of an OSM file.
    This enumeration lists all the supported categories of Ways that can be rendered on the map.
    This class defines a compound object containing a weight value and the unit of weight.