Package org.ka2ddo.opentrac

package org.ka2ddo.opentrac

This package defines classes for handling the AX.25 level 3 protocol known as OpenTRAC (Open Tactical Reporting And Communications), defined by the documentation at the OpenTRAC website.

OpenTRAC packets are sent from a station (identified in the wrapping transport layer) and contain sequences of entity identifiers (something telemetered by the station) followed by the telemetry values for that entity. If an entity identifier is not initially provided before telemetry values, the values apply to entity #0. Entity#0 is the station itself.

Multiple entities can be reported in the same message; each entity begins with an OpenTRAC entityId element followed by the attribute elements for that entity.

All elements of an OpenTRAC packet consist of a type, a length, and the data value. There are several dozen reserved type codes identifying the different types of entity identifiers and attributes that can be reported.

See Also:
  • Class
    This class registers and dispatches to sources of additional OpenTRAC entity values, based on the arbitrary business logic of the sources versus the station callsign-SSID or object name.
    This interface defines a source of additional information in OpenTRAC structured format.
    This class represents any type of OpenTRAC data element that has a single byte as its value.
    This class represents any type of OpenTRAC data element that has an array of bytes as its value.
    This class represents an OpenTRAC element containing the ISO 3166-1 country code (two characters), and an optional ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code.
    This class represents an OpenTRAC data element with the course (degrees from True North) and speed (in 1/50th of a meter per second) of the described entity.
    This class represents any type of OpenTRAC data element that has one double precision (64-bit) floating point value as its value.
    This class is the generic parent of the different data types of OpenTRAC element data.
    This class defines a sub-component of an OpenTracMessage, for the information elements about one entity managed by a station, where entity extension ID #0 is the station itself.
    This class represents any type of OpenTRAC data element that has one single precision (32-bit) floating point value as its value.
    This class represents an OpenTRAC data element with the quality information for the entity's GPS fix.
    This class specifies a map symbol element of an OpenTRAC entity within an OpenTRAC message.
    Outer layer of a generic OpenTRAC protocol message, containing entities and attributes of each entity.
    This class represents an OpenTRAC element where the mere presence of the element is the entire value.
    Parser class for converting AX.25 UI frames of of PID OPENTRAC to structured OpenTracMessage objects.
    This class represents the trace of all the stations this OpenTracEntity was relayed through.
    An OpenTRAC element that represents the current position of an entity.
    This class specifies the RadioCapabilities element of an OpenTRAC entity within an OpenTRAC message, which contains one or more RadioCapability sub-elements.
    This class represents any type of OpenTRAC data element that has a single 16-bit integer as its value.
    This class represents any type of OpenTRAC data element that has one UTF-8-encoded string as its value.
    Services for looking up OpenTRAC symbols and translating them to and from APRS symbols.
    An OpenTRAC element that represents the current time at an entity in Java milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 UTC.
    The definitions of the type codes used to identify elements of an OpenTRAC message, as officially documented in the OpenTRAC protocol specification document.
    An OpenTRAC element that represents the current surface weather observations at the entity.
    One RadioCapability array element for the OpenTracRadioCapabilities message element.
    This class defines one trace step in the OpenTracPathTrace element.