Class AX25Stack

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, FrameListener, DebugCtl.DbgListener

public class AX25Stack extends Object implements FrameListener, Runnable, DebugCtl.DbgListener
This class implements the internal AX.25 (v2.2) protocol stack for a TNC (layer 2), as defined in the AX.25 Link Access Protocol for Amateur Packet Radio specification. It does not implement the level 7 applications or any layer 3 protocols.
Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
  • Field Details


      public static final int WAIT_FOR_ACK_T1_TIMER
      Time interval (in milliseconds) to wait for an acknowledgement from the other end of a AX.25 connection.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static AX25Stack getInstance()
      Get a handle to the AX25Stack singleton.
      AX25Stack instance
    • getDigipeaters

      public static String[] getDigipeaters()
      Get the default list of digipeaters for this stack.
      array of String digipeater aliases supported by this stack
    • setDigipeaters

      public static void setDigipeaters(String[] digipeaters)
      Set the default list of digipeaters for this stack.
      digipeaters - array of String digipeater aliases
    • getToCall

      public static String getToCall()
      Get the destination callsign (tocall) that should be used for messages originated by this station.
      destination callsign (tocall)
    • setToCall

      public static void setToCall(String toCall)
      Set the destination callsign (tocall) that should be used for messages originated by this station.
      toCall - destination callsign (tocall)
    • setDebug

      public void setDebug(String categoryName, boolean setting)
      Specify if a specific category of debug messages should be printed out.
      Specified by:
      setDebug in interface DebugCtl.DbgListener
      categoryName - String name of category to enable debug logging for
      setting - boolean true or false to enable or disable debugging this category
    • getTransmitting

      public static Transmitting getTransmitting()
      Get the Transmitting object that this AX25Stack will use for implicit but unrouted transmissions.
      Transmitting object
    • setTransmitting

      public static void setTransmitting(Transmitting transmitting)
      Set the Transmitting object that this AX25Stack will use for implicit but unrouted transmissions.
      transmitting - Transmitting object
    • getRetransTimer

      public static ReschedulableTimer getRetransTimer()
      Get the retransmit timer for outbound AX.25 frames.
    • isAllowInboundConnectedMode

      public static boolean isAllowInboundConnectedMode()
      Indicate whether this system accepts inbound connected-mode connection requests.
      boolean true if inbound connection requests should be accepted
    • setAllowInboundConnectedMode

      public static void setAllowInboundConnectedMode(boolean allowInboundConnects)
      Specify whether this system accepts inbound connected-mode connection requests.
      allowInboundConnects - boolean true if inbound connection requests should be accepted
    • addAX25FrameListener

      public void addAX25FrameListener(AX25FrameListener l)
      Add a listener for incoming AX.25 frames.
      l - AX25FrameListener to register
    • removeAX25FrameListener

      public void removeAX25FrameListener(AX25FrameListener l)
      Remove a listener for incoming AX.25 frames.
      l - AX25FrameListener to unregister
    • setConnectionRequestListener

      public void setConnectionRequestListener(ConnectionRequestListener l)
      Set the handler for inbound connection requests.
      l - ConnectionRequestListener to register
    • registerProtocolParser

      public void registerProtocolParser(byte pid, AX25Parser parser)
      Register another protocol parsing handler for a particular AX.25 UI/I message PID.
      pid - pid byte code for this protocol
      parser - AX25Parser to handle receiving this protocol
    • getParser

      public AX25Parser getParser(byte pid)
      Get the protocol parsing handler for the specified protocol.
      pid - level 3 protocol ID byte (as defined by the AX.25 protocol specification)
      AX25Parser object, or null if no parser registered for the specified protocol
    • fireConsumeAX25Frame

      public void fireConsumeAX25Frame(AX25Frame frame, Connector connector)
      Send the specified incoming frame to all registered AX25FrameListeners.
      frame - AX25Frame to dispatch
      connector - Connector that received the frame
    • consumeFrame

      public void consumeFrame(AX25Frame frame)
      Queue one AX.25 frame (containing some sort of message) for parsing and processing.
      Specified by:
      consumeFrame in interface FrameListener
      frame - the AX25Frame to be processed
    • getCurrentBacklog

      public int getCurrentBacklog()
      Return the current number of backlogged frames to be processed by the AX25Stack thread.
      current queue size
    • getMaxBacklog

      public int getMaxBacklog()
      Return the maximum backlog ever incurred by the AX25Stack parser thread.
      maximum queue backlog
    • getMaxQueueCapacity

      public int getMaxQueueCapacity()
      Return the maximum allowed size of the queue.
      total capacity of the backlog queue
    • getNumConsumedMsgs

      public int getNumConsumedMsgs()
      Return the number of AX.25 messages consumed by the AX25Stack.
      count of messages consumed
    • run

      public void run()
      Private method to asynchronously consume AX25Frame objects for parsing. This tries to prevent back-pressuring any sources (particularly fast-moving TCP connections to APRS-IS servers). Can only be executed from the singleton thread created by this class.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • isFrozen

      public boolean isFrozen()
      Report if parser thread is frozen.
      boolean true if parser thread is stopped
    • setFrozen

      public void setFrozen(boolean frozen)
      Specify whether the AX.25 parser thread should be paused (frozen) to allow the user to view the output without it moving constantly
      frozen - boolean true to freeze the parser thread, or false to resume execution
    • consumeFrameNow

      public void consumeFrameNow(Connector connector, AX25Frame frame)
      Process an incoming AX.25 frame.
      connector - Connector that received the frame
      frame - AX25Frame to process
    • getConnectionMap

      public Map<AX25Callsign,Map<AX25Callsign,ConnState>> getConnectionMap()
      Get the map of all outstanding I-frame connected sessions observed by or end-pointed at this station.
      Map by initiating callsign of Maps by destination callsign of connection states
    • getStateOf

      public static ConnState.ConnType getStateOf(AX25Callsign src, AX25Callsign dst)
      Get the connection state of an I-frame connection session between the specified two callsigns.
      src - AX25Callsign of originating end of session
      dst - AX25Callsign of receiving end of session
      ConnType of the session, or ConnType.NONE if there is no such connection session known to this protocol stack
    • getConnState

      public static ConnState getConnState(AX25Callsign src, AX25Callsign dst, boolean createIfNotPresent)
      Get the connection state of an I-frame connection session between the specified two callsigns, optionally creating the state object if it did not previously exist.
      src - AX25Callsign of originating end of session
      dst - AX25Callsign of receiving end of session
      createIfNotPresent - boolean true if a new ConnState object should be created and registered if it does not already exist
      ConnState object for the requested session, or null if no such session exists and the caller did not request creating one
    • removeConnState

      public static void removeConnState(ConnState connState)
      Remove the specified ConnState object from the map of ConnState maps. Usually done when a connection is closed.
      connState - ConnState object to remove from map
    • dupUnuseDigipeaters

      public static AX25Callsign[] dupUnuseDigipeaters(AX25Callsign[] srcRelays)
      Create a duplicate digipeater list from a source packet, but ensure all the has-been-repeated flags are cleared.
      srcRelays - array of digipeater callsign-SSID's to clone, or null if none
      array of duplicated AX25Callsigns with all has-been-repeated flags cleared, or null if the source array was null or empty
    • reverseDigipeaters

      public static AX25Callsign[] reverseDigipeaters(AX25Callsign[] srcRelays)
      Reverse the order of a sequence of digipeaters (explicit and APRS aliases).
      srcRelays - array of AX25Callsign indicating the path used to get from sender to recipient
      array of AX25Callsigns needed to go from recipient back to sender
    • processIBody

      public boolean processIBody(AX25Frame frame, boolean isUI, Connector connector, long rcvTimestamp)
      This method consumes one information frame. The caller handles any flow control issues for I (versus UI) frames.
      frame - AX25Frame to be decoded
      isUI - where frame was received in a UI AX.25 frame instead of an I frame
      connector - PortConnector over which message arrived, or null for file playback
      rcvTimestamp - time (in Java-standard milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 UTC) that message was received
      boolean true if message has already been reported to listeners
    • processParsedAX25Message

      public void processParsedAX25Message(AX25Frame frame, AX25Message parsedMsg)
      Dispatch an AX.25 frame that was parsed into a higher-level protocol to all registered listeners.
      frame - AX25Frame of incoming message
      parsedMsg - AX25Message subclass containing protocol decoding of message
    • addParsedAX25MessageListener

      public void addParsedAX25MessageListener(ParsedAX25MessageListener listener)
      Register an ParsedAX25MessageListener to be notified of incoming parsed level 3 protocol messages (other than APRS).
      listener - ParsedAX25MessageListener to register
    • removeParsedAX25MessageListener

      public void removeParsedAX25MessageListener(ParsedAX25MessageListener listener)
      Unregister an ParsedAX25MessageListener to be notified of incoming parsed level 3 protocol messages (other than APRS).
      listener - ParsedAX25MessageListener to unregister
    • isLocalDest

      public static boolean isLocalDest(AX25Callsign dest)
      Test if this callsign is addressed to the local station.
      dest - AX25Callsign to test as a destination
      boolean true if this callsign is for the local station
    • isLocalDest

      public static boolean isLocalDest(String destCallsign)
      Test if this callsign is addressed to the local station.
      destCallsign - String of AX.25 callsign-SSID to test as a destination
      boolean true if this callsign is for the local station
    • addConnStateChangeListener

      public static void addConnStateChangeListener(ConnStateChangeListener l)
      Register a listener to be informed when AX.25 connected-mode session state changes.
      l - ConnStateChangeListener to register
    • removeConnStateChangeListener

      public static void removeConnStateChangeListener(ConnStateChangeListener l)
      Unregister a listener to be informed when AX.25 connected-mode session state changes.
      l - ConnStateChangeListener to unregister