Load and Save Messages

The received AX.25 frames (APRS or not) can be saved to files in three different formats:

All three format files can be read back into YAAC at a later time. Note that, because log file playback could be from a considerable time in the past, filtering and purging based on packet age does not apply to played-back packets. Also, since such packets are obsolete in the real-time network, they will not be digipeated or I-gated by YAAC.

These formats are also selectable for automatic logging of received and locally transmitted messages.

Objects and Items can be saved and loaded from files in the UIView .pos file format. This format is the same as the APRS packet format for Object or Item messages, one packet per line, each comment line starting with '*', each timestamped Object packet starting with ';', and each non-timestamped Item record starting with ')'. An example is displayed below:

sample of object .pos file with Object and Item

Note that the second line is a timestamped Object for a repeater (hence the /r symbol) with the repeater frequency and digital squelch in the free-text comment. The third line of the example is an Item (no timestamp, so it lasts until some station stops transmitting it) identifying the location of a hospital (APRS symbol /h).

The object load dialog provides options for the user to specify the scope and retransmission intervals for the objects and items; however, they will use the default proportional digipeat paths of WIDE1-1 and WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1. These paths may be changed later by editing the loaded objects.