Configuring Bluetooth GPS Ports

GPS receivers can be connected through Bluetooth network connections, appearing as a device implementing the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP).

To add a new GPS port, click the Add button on the Configure Ports tab. The port editing dialog will appear. Set the port type to Bluetooth_GPS.

Bluetooth GPS Configure Dialog

NOTE: This may fail to work on 64-bit and/or non-Intel processor distributions of Linux, as only a 32-bit Intel-processor Linux native library for accessing the Bluetooth stack is included with the YAAC Bluetooth plugin. Install the distribution's native version of libbluetooth or BlueZ, using one of the following commands (depending on your distribution and its choice of software upgrade utility):

Debian/Ubuntu derivatives: apt-get install libbluetooth libbluetooth-dev
Fedora and Red Hat: dnf install bluez-libs

The other parameters you will need to specify for the GPS receiver are:

The "Test Port" button provides a means of verifying that you have connected to the correct place; it opens a terminal window connected to the configured Bluetooth device so that you can manually test the GPS receiver for the desired operation. To complete testing, close the terminal window.

Once you have the settings the way you want them, click the Save button.

You can check how well your GPS receiver is performing by selecting the menu choice View -> Show GPS Status.