next beta build #205 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Dec-30 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. update version of Apache compress library, including adding dependent Apache IO library to fix breakage in OSM XML importer. 2. augment NWSMultiline code to support arbitrary colors (not just ones looked up by the datatype code) and filled polygons so it can be used to add arbitrary drawings to messages, especially new protocols from plugins. 3. add new configuration flag options to support non-APRS-IS or RF protocols (to support incompatible protocols provided by plugins). 4. add support for more foreign language spellings of units in OpenStreetMap database snapshots. 5. more minor performance optimizations in OSM importers. 6. fix premature throwing of EOFExceptions for non-empty buffered input streams. 7. fix spelling errors in Javadocs. 8. add another search directory for FreeBSD's way of installing the distro's package of the JSSC library. 9. add new generic GUI methods to support user input dialogs with plugin-provided extensions. 10. fix tactical query message processing so it doesn't annoy the user asking if it's OK to send tactical names when the local YAAC station doesn't have any tactical names. 11. improve ?LOCAL query to report if station hasn't heard any local stations. 12. allow supplemental map layers to be conditionally omitted if the current environment doesn't allow them for some reason. 13. expose OSM search-related classes in core YAAC so plugins can use them for their own search code. 14. fix MultiRangeSpinnerNumberModel so a JSpinner-edited numeric value won't break the UI if it was set to an out-of-range value (e.g., by changing the locale country of the computer to a jurisdiction with a different band plan). 15. keep PopupTaggedNodeWindow from getting excessively large when there is a large amount of information to display. 16. add a hook so plugins can add data to a PopupTaggedNodeWindow. 17. fix layouts of port configuration panels so fields don't collapse to invisible sizes if the editor window is reduced in size. 18. fix bug in GUI startup on Mac OS X when using Java 8. 19. fix rendering bug for Locate Landmark table. 20. recognize more types of OpenStreetMap features, such as intermittent or seasonal bodies of water, and more obscure amenity types. 21. change structure of OSM binary files to allow storing the segment number of a single segment of an OSM Way. 22. refactor OSM importers so common code isn't duplicated between the PBF and XML importer variants. fix bugs in XML importer and bring it up-to-date with the PBF importer. 23. add optional support for extracting postal address information from OpenStreetMap into a local database, using a plugin to provide the database support. Also add support to extract the national border Ways so they could potentially be used to update address points with country codes. 24. created the Address DB plugin, which provides the above-mentioned database support for extracting postal addresses from the OpenStreetMap data and adds YAAC menu choices for searching said database. 25. add extension to Callsign DB plugin to support Address DB plugin. 26. normalize plugin Ant build.xml files to produce output .jar and .zip files with the same names in the same directories as the Maven POM files would do, and vice versa for Maven POM files that didn't formerly completely do what the Ant scripts did. 27. fix Ant build.xml scripts for plugins with unit test code to be able to run the unit tests from Ant. 28. fix exception in sounds plugin when new station is heard. 29. create new TAK plugin to enable YAAC to be a client of a Team Awareness Kit (TAK) network. 30. fix documentation directory location for telemetryalarm plugin, update some out-of-date SMS gateway names. 31. include test libraries in source code distribution so Ant build scripts can run the unit tests. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#204 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), re-created 2024-Oct-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. account for day and month wrap issues for timestamped position and Object reports. 2. support compressed-mode position reports for weather stations where the compressed-mode position includes the wind direction and speed. 3. speed up YAAC startup by optimizing initialization code. 4. properly identify private Objects as Objects when they will never have any messages. 5. add ability to draw "heat map" of station position density across time (for moving station coverage). 6. add optional capability to send an Object kill message when a locally originated Object is deleted from the local system. 7. harden packet log import code to survive cases when logged packets were corrupted. 8. add the ability to mark selected stations with higher or lower importance for purposes of sorting stations. 9. fix cases where certain popup menu choices were not allowed on the map view when they should have been. 10. remove some duplicate GUI layout code. 11. fix bug introduced in digipeat path editing panel. 12. widen timestamp columns in table views so the time isn't truncated by default. 13. fix Object editor when updating an Object using an alternate symbol table overlay code. 14. first pass at trying to fix Station/Object list when the list is restricted to only Stations or only Objects. 15. first pass at trying to fix map refresh logic when timed values need updating. 16. fix rendering of overlay character when using double-sized or quad-sized icons. 17. add indicator on map window toolbar to report that filtering is being used, so the user doesn't have to open the Edit->Filter dialog to check for the presence of filtering. 18. fix inactivity timing in APRS-IS port driver to prevent spurious disconnects when traffic is light. 19. make the "pool ball" icons stop rotating on the map. 20. fix ADSB plugin to refresh the map when aircraft data is updated. 21. make it possible to clear old history from the vessels table in the AisDecoder plugin. 22. fix pseudo-APRS-IS server plugin to send cached state of known stations to newly connected clients so they don't have to wait to get current on network status. 23. update demo and smallscreen plugins to work with new screen feature added to support a previous build's update to the dynamic objects plugin. 24. add ability in dynamic objects plugin to locate the position of a distance along a route. 25. tweak the MS150CueTranslator utility to match the identifiers used for this year's rest stops. 26. add more icons for amenity types on the OpenStreetMap rendering. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#203 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Sep-27 downloadable from or part 1 of changes and updates include: 1. miscellaneous performance improvements regarding memory consumption and excessive transient malloc's. 2. add the ability to copy the mouse cursor's position on a map window to the clipboard as pasteable CSV latitude and longitude values. 3. generalize ability to create glass pane overlays so plugins can use them too. 4. fix problem in rendering maps when the International Date Line is showing with Western hemisphere to the right of it. 5. fix problem in rendering highway signs when two or more routes are on the same stretch of road. 6. fix WayAnalyzer debug utility to run faster with extremely large Way files, fix sort by way ID number, and allow searching for highway and airport IDs. 7. minor Javadoc improvements. 8. fixing assorted cases where map data was manually updated but map was not immediately refreshed to show the changes. 9. bring in Hessu's tocalls database as of 11 Sep 2024. 10. add ability to manually add and edit routes in the Dynamic Objects plugin. 11. improve accuracy of fitting a coarse cue point route to OSM street data in the Dynamic Objects plugin. 12. add ability to save Routes as external CSV, GPX, or KML files. 13. update MS150CueTranslator to account for latest format in cue spreadsheets. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#202 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Sep-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix hanging condition in marineports plugin's NMEA0183-over-TCP driver (library code in core YAAC contributed to the problem). 2. fix some incorrect Javadoc comments in the source code. 3. stop rendering locally-created APRS Objects on the map when displaying Objects is conditionally suppressed in a YAAC display. 4. fix Edit Filter dialog so that red dot on tabs will appear initially if a filter on that tab is already restricting the packets and stations viewed. 5. fix sorting problems on View Local Objects table. 6. conserve storage in imported OSM way files where the Way is identified as being some sort of amenity type instead of a road or waterway. 7. fix message content filter UI to not place the controls for setting ambiguity bounds off the screen. 8. fix recognition of some non-standard OSM amenity type values when importing OSM data into YAAC. 9. add support for the OSM Boundary type "timezone" and the Emergency type "water_rescue_station". add more OSM amenity types from allowed value additions to the "man_made" and "building" keys. 10. fix OSM import processing when multiple tags provide amenity type values and/or the provided values are multiple for a single tag. 11. improve error messages from the JSON message parser when a JSON source is providing invalid JSON text. 12. fix versioning error for persisted routes in dynamic objects plugin. UNFORTUNATELY, this is not backwards-compatible, so you will have to manually delete the old persisted routes from the $HOME/YAAC/routes directory, and re-load them into YAAC. But now you will not have issues from further updates to the dynamicobjects plugin. 13. make Ant build.xml file for the ms150utils utility consistent with other build.xml files in YAAC, having the default target of PACKAGE to build everything in the module. 14. remove use of the dated.tile.dir override Java property, and allow the user to select from the GUI older available versions of the imported OSM data in case of incompatible YAAC structure version or OSM database vandalism. 14. add logic to allow recreating all window menus when a plugin is installed. 15. add logic to permit removing menu entries for simplified training version of YAAC (training plugin not yet written). 16. on tile downloading dialogs, don't enable the "refresh all tiles" checkbox unless there are existing tiles to refresh (preventing user complaints they never got any tiles downloaded). 17. improve OSM map searches for propagation obstructions. 18. support enlarging the size of the ID field for OSM Ways to prepare for future growth in way ID numbers, rather than having incompatibility in the future. 19. fix help lookup code to support possible help file locale plugins. 20. merge Uri DO7HBL's corrections to the German locale translation of YAAC's UI text. 21. fix OSM rendering of islands in the ocean. 22. fix logic errors in AREDN Objects plugin, fix interconnections view to not scroll the left-column node names away when scrolling horizontally. fix race conditions in the AREDN plugin. 23. upgrade Apache compress and POI libraries to latest versions. 24. fix the demo plugin so changing the sequence of slides actually will update the running demonstration without having to stop the demo or YAAC itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#201 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Jul-14 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. increase regression test coverage for GPS package. 2. ensure blinkenlight-launched port configuration editor won't fail to dismiss if there is an error in opening the revised port. 3. fix debug logging logic in TopoLayer. 4. fix shutdown race condition in port close for APRS-IS ports. 5. prevent deleting SRTM files if download errors occur when downloading updated files. 6. fix documentation for MADIS weather checks. 7. Add GPSD JSON tests to GPS unit tests. 8. improve AREDN plugin debug logging. also fix obstruction calculations to account for SRTM tile cells that do not contain elevation data. 9. another attempt to fix timing in unit test for marineports plugin port connector class so false failures don't occur. 10. add PNG icon images for creating startup shortcuts on platforms that don't support Microsoft Windows ICO files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#200 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Jun-08 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix ClassCastExceptions in table extensions provided by dynamic objects plugin. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#199 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Jun-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. prevent spurious EOFExceptions from using buffered input streams. 2. add message event types so user can be informed when their outgoing APRS text messages are acknowledged or rejected by the recipient station. update the sounds plugin to recognize these new event types. 3. a few more minor performance improvements for station with wide-open APRS-IS feeds. 4. experimental (and not yet complete) enhancement to landmark search to use comma-separated search string to indicate reverse hierarchical search. 5. fix logic in ProgressDialog causing default dialog to be too small to see the progress bar on window managers with large title bars. 6. fix broken login in Winlink message sender so that login challenges will be recognized properly, and the multiple lines of a Winlink email message will be sent one at a time, waiting for acknowledgement before proceeding to reduce chance of packet collisions. 7. add logic so that code can test the current state of a SendableMessageWrapper in terms of the progress in sending the message. 8. fix race condition in ADS-B plugin causing failure of the old aircraft track timeout login. 9. fix demo plugin build.xml and pom.xml to properly clean up and build demo plugin distro zip file. 10. fix dynamic objects plugin to more efficiently and accurately match up routes with known OpenStreetMap Ways for roads, trails, and paths. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#198 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-May-21 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. assorted changes to improve performance and reduce JVM heap fragmentation and garbage collection overhead by reducing the number of transient objects created. 2. update Javadocs to indicate in which Provider API version number new functionality was added. 3. ensure that packets originated by the local station are not digipeated or Tx I-gated by the originating station. 4. update the ?YDBG query handler to add an option for listing the plugins in use by the queried station. 5. clean up port beacon name selector so duplicate beacon types don't get registered to a port. 6. fix the Heard Station table view to optionally use the current filter settings to calculate the table contents. 7. fix the line-of-sight window to use smaller units for lines of sight over a short distance. 8. when saving and loading polyline definitions in the Draw layer, actually honor the control that identifies whether the CSV file is in lat,lon order versus lon,lat order, and report an error if the user picked the wrong ordering (identifiable by a latitude exceeding +/- 90 degrees). 9. re-optimize the OSM importers to reduce the likelihood of excessive garbage collection crashes on faster systems by reducing the number of transient objects being created. 10. improve the documentation for timeslottable APRS ports. 11. in the ADS-B plugin, set the inactive station time interval separately for aircraft, with a default inactive-before-purge time of 5 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes. Also display the distance and direction of the aircraft relative to the YAAC station and the current transponder squawk code. 12. in the AIS decoder plugin, ensure stale vessels are properly purged from the system the same way stale APRS stations are purged. also improve map symbols for some types of marine vessels and navigation aids. 13. in the AREDN plugin, fix issues with AREDN nodes whose names exceed the maximum length of APRS Objects, so that there aren't problems with similarly named AREDN nodes on the map. also fix errors in the calculation of line-of-sight obstructions. 14. correct error in Maven assembly of the distribution ZIP file. 15. add debugging support for sounds plugin playback of recorded .wav files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#197 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Apr-01 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. correct formatting of ambiguous position reports (reduced accuracy), and ensure changes to the ambiguity level are properly saved when the beacon is edited. 2. add code to log broken plugin JAR files to help debug the problem. 3. fix error introduced in displaying APRS symbol codes in dropdown lists. 4. fix the AREDN plugin to not lose mesh nodes on later polls (an error introduced in the last update to the AREDN plugin). Improve debug logging in the plugin, introducing "arednall" debug category for finer-detailed logging. 5. fix typo introduced in sounds plugin that prevented finding the plugin provider when the code was built with Maven. 6. fix sounds plugin's WAV file playback to support multiple overlapping signals. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#196 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Feb-17 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix station renderer so killed Objects (if requested to still be displayed) are rendered as "old" in their status. 2. add configuration option to control whether the mouse wheel will zoom the map. This feature is on by default, but may be disabled from the expert-mode Configuration dialog on the Behavior tab. 3. allow inactivity time limit to be edited even when the user doesn't choose to use the "operator present" overlay, so it can still be used for controlling auto-answering (if enabled at all). 4. adjust OSM importers to account for current number of Nodes and Ways in the OpenStreetMap database. 5. fix logic error introduced in previous change to AREDN plugin that caused recognized node to not be refreshed on update scans. Also improve debug logging in the AREDN plugin. 6. update the Demo provider with the mouse wheel control option. 7. update the repeater finder and small screen plugins to always ignore the mouse wheel. 8. try to fix race condition in marineports plugin's unit test. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#195 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Jan-31 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. handle repeater Object reports where the frequency is only in the Object name and not in the free-text comment, per the errata on the website. Also support Allstar, Echolink, IRLP, and Wires-II gateways in repeater Objects, and repeaters in the 10-meter band. 2. properly support repeater definitions using no subtone or DCS. 3. fix auto-answer of APRS Text messages to only happen (even if enabled) when YAAC has determined that its operator is not there (station is unmanned). 4. fix plugin store table to properly identify all installed plugins since the fix for circular plugins dependencies was made. 5. fix order sensitivity of unit tests. 6. fix repeater finder plugin to use above fixes for repeater Objects, and to regenerate the repeater list when the repeater filters are changed. 7. fix sounds plugin to recognize alternate frequency field in repeater objects. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#194 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Jan-21 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix stupid typo introduced in previous build that breaks APRS text message transmitting. 2. add more unit tests to catch recurrences of the above issue. 3. try to prevent hangs in marineports plugin unit tests. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#193 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2024-Jan-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. write JUnit unit test cases that will be executed when using Maven as the build tool. This covers part of core YAAC and the AISdecoder and marineports plugins. 2. make changes in core YAAC code to permit unit tests to run. 3. fix bug in packet creation where AX.25 frames didn't have the last digipeater address marked with the "last" bit as required by the AX.25 protocol specification. 4. fix formatting error in NMEA-0183 format GPS logger. 5. fix getting access to Help files in a newly-installed plugin. 6. minor non-functional code cleanup in ADS-B decoder plugin. 7. fix AIS decoder to properly support AIS-Catcher as a data source, and add JUnit tests to verify it. 8. fix marineports plugin to remove unwanted check for port callsign and to collect port throughput statistics, and add JUnit test cases to verify correct operation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#192 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Dec-29 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. general source code cleanup to reduce IDE warnings. 2. fix more issues reported by UMD find_bugs utility. 3. clean up missing Javadocs. 4. remove support for obsolete X-APRS software in weather reports and add radiation level weather data field in its place. 5. support negative values for Position Report altitude parameter "/A=nnnnnn". 6. more minor performance improvements. 7. fix YAAC digipeater core logic to support transmissions from subclients attached through the pseudo-APRS-IS-server plugin, and ensure the beacons fromn YAAC direct to APRS-IS don't send spurious digipeat aliases. 8. fix issues with "right-clicking" on a Mac with a one-button mouse by properly mapping the Option keys in the mouse click handlers. This also required updating some plugins with custom screen views. 9. rescale line-of-sight plot to display more useful vertical range. 10. fix popup station window to be reasonable size and scrollable if there are hundreds of stations at the point (such as for the Coast-of-Africa point for stations without positions). 11. fix OSM downloader to optionally download sways (unlabeled way) files if preferences say to use them. 12. fix pseudo-APRS-IS-server plugin to properly send APRS frames upstream (working with the core YAAC fixes to support it). 13. make "right-click" fixes in smallscreen plugin. 14. fix marineports and aisdecoder plugins to support AIS-Catcher application. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#191 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Nov-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support for decoding USGS river flood gauges (from FireNet). 2. remove duplicates from received text messages display. 3. fix scaling of weather flood level value. 4. support maxweight limits in units of persons, i.e., elevator or foot bridge capacity. 5. allow monitoring APRS Objects the same way specific Stations can be monitored, including right-clicking to monitor. 6. improve the interface for drawing extra information on line-of-sight plots, and provide an implementation that can add OpenStreetMap Nodes and Ways that might obstruct a line-of-sight, but is selectively enabled by the expert-mode configuration dialog so small machines running YAAC won't be driven into the ground from the memory demand if not explicitly chosen. 7. add the ability for code launching line-of-sight panes to get feedback from antenna height sliders. 8. fix marking start point for line-of-sight plots. 9. add hook for creating non-standard popup menus. 10. work around XML limitation that XML strings cannot contain US-ASCII NUL control characters, which causes problems for saving Status message configurations when they don't send Maidenhead locators with APRS symbol codes. 11. make compatibility-breaking change to OpenStreetMap data storage format to support more RF line-of-sight blocking structures that can be plotted by the new line-of-sight plot additions. Users of older versions of YAAC will need to upgrade to handle the new ways and nodes files. 12. fix splitting of extremely long OSM Ways (from Relations) that are multiply-concave. 13. tweak APRS-IS Pseudo Server plugin to allow not having an administrator name appearing on the status web page. 14. add functionality to the AREDN Objects plugin to plot line-of-sight for all detected AREDN nodes reported by the local AREDN node's routing table, and also for proposed new nodes to add to the network. Note this is a first draft of this functionality, and may be enhanced in future builds. Also, it depends on the new OpenStreetMap import functionality introduced in build 191 of core YAAC, and on the topgraphic data. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#190 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Oct-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. allow tracking stations from the tabular views as well as the map. 2. minor code optimizations. 3. correct encoding and plotting of Area symbol (\l) per the APRS 1.1 errata. 4. fix scaling error when entering latitude and longitude using the DDMMSS (degrees-minutes-seconds) format. 5. add hook to line-of-sight plot so OpenStreetMap surface objects on the plot line could be plotted. 6. fix logic for adding private objects so they will be properly plotted on the map. 7. add support to ExtraColumnProvider implementations to send table cell updated events for extra columns providers that can change the cell values without user input. Alas, this support is not backwards-compatible, so all plugins implementing these interfaces also have to change. 8. prevent YAAC from sending APRS text messages when there is no body text. 9. try to eliminate duplicate messages (by alternate digipeat routing) from the Messages table view. 10. fix introduced error in selecting icon images for APRS 1.2 overlay symbols. 11. fix some Javadoc errors in code comments. 12. fix clicking on double-sized station icons so clicks within the double but outside the single icon size wiuld still be accepted as clicking on the icon. 13. fix NullPointerExceptions when viewing and editing Tracked Stations table for stations and objects that have expired out. 14. fix introducd bug where enabled Status messages were being disabled due to maximum transmit limits. 15. fix bug in OSM importing where map Nodes and Ways with multiple amenity types were corrupting the written files. 16. collect OSM building heights in stories in case needed for height calculations. 17. fix BikeStats plugin to support enhanced extra columns. 18. fix Dynamic Objects plugin to support objects going backwards on their route. 19. fix Dynamic Objects plugin to support enhanced extra columns that will display the position of all stations and objects (not just Dynamic Objects) that are on a dynamic route. 20. start writing unit regression tests. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#189 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Sep-29 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix -version command line option so YAAC doesn't try to start GUI before printing version information and exiting. 2. fix core YAAC use of extended APRS symbols at startup. 3. more improvements to Wayaqnalyzer debug tool. 4. more attempts to merge odd slices of oceans into fewer Ways for more efficient rendering. 5. update Dynamic Objects plugin to: a. display the route-relative position of all APRS stations and objects that happen to be on routes for dynamic objects. b. allow persisting routes so they are reloaded when YAAC restarts. c. allow reversing routes (so the same file can be used for a return trip). ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#188 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Sep-22 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix Check For Updates table to account for plugin loading changes in build#187. 2. fix bikestats plugin to properly save new column definitions, and properly label the help appendix. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#187 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Sep-17 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix plugin loading logic so dependencies between plugins will be properly resolved and first windows provided by plugins can be used again (this was broken in build#185). 2. allow creating alternate map windows centered on a specific station or object. This was intended to be a convenience in tracking multiple individual mobile stations (such as SAGs in a bicycle event). 3. fix the ?YDBG qury handler to not report the map center and zoom if the queried station does not have any map windows. 4. resolve a few more "bugs" about inner classes that could be static. 5. fix popping forward of text message table window so self-addressed text messages don't cause the pop-forward to occur. This became necessary when YAAC could start originating telemetry messages with the associated self-addressed text messages labeling the telemetry fields. 6. fix individual station history table to decode free-text comments as UTF-8 (same as the main Raw packets table), not ISO-8859-1. 7. fix table popup menu choices to pan the map to a station or object to not cause a failure if YAAC is running without a map window. 8. fix expert-mode configuration panels so they don't fail to be created if YAAC doesn't have a map window open. 9. fix plugin "store" to work with revised plugin loading logic. Newly installed plugins that have other pre-existing plugins dependent on them may not work correctly, but at least it will try, and the issue wil be fixed when YAAC is restarted. 10. fix APRS-IS port drivers to automatically send comments to backbone server if the YAAC instance hasn't sent a packet to the backbone for the timeout check interval, so the backbone won't keep disconnecting YAAC instances operating in listen-only mode. 11. fix sendable packet logic to prevent extra duplicate packet from being transmitted. 12. for Mic-E packets, fix model type code for Anytone D878UV, add type codes for new Yaesu FTM-300D, FT5D, and FTM-500D. 13. upgrade version of SLF4J logging library used by YAAC to 2.0.7. 14. harden SmallScreen plugin to better handle circular plugin dependencies. 15. add first draft of new RV Telemetry plugin, which allows YAAC to collect and recompute telemetry data from its environment (using the Pi4J library to access GPIO data on Raspberry Pi computers) and subsequently transmit APRS Telemetry messages of the collected data, with a new directed query option ?TELEM to ask the station to send its telemetry now instead of waiting for the next configured reporting time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#186 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Aug-26 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix upgrading bug where use of an operating-system-supplied copy of the JSSC library makes YAAC think it can't be upgraded. 2. fix broken hyperlinks in built-in help files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#185 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Aug-26 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix incorrect map clearing of regions bounded by a Shoreline Way. 2. make position message parsing more tolerant of text-format latitude and longitude of exactly zero that alsdo use "0" instead of the hemisphere indicator ("N", "S", "W", "E"), and extract signpost comments better. 3. generalize access to per-user YAAC data directory to ensure consistency, 4. improve error reporting when YAAC tries to use a plugin requiring a newer version of the Java runtime environment, so that the user will know what version they need to use the plugin. 5. clarify some debug logging messages. 6. add the ability for plugins to selectively force logging of received APRS packets, even if the user configuration specifies not logging received traffic. 7. re-order the default entries on the View menu to make YAAC still usable if using the GtkLookAndFeel (which doesn't support scrolling or multi-columning menus that are longer than the screen height). Also allow using the swing.defaultlaf property to override the default look-and-feel for the Java UI. 8. fix Help->About dialog to not expand to ridiculous size if a large number of plugins are installed. 9. fix per-station history table to refresh automatically as new packets are received from the station or about the object. 10. fix NullPointerException and ClassCastException from improper initialization of JSpinners. 11. clean up more old code style issues causing spurious compiler and IDE warnings. 12. fix NullPointerException upon starting a mouse drag across the map from outside the map boundaries. 13. fix LineEditor control for table cells allowing the user to select a line style for rendering polylines upon the map. 14. fix node domain name processing in AREDN plugin. 15. fix plugins with inconsistent text on the About dialog. 16. fix timestamping of dynamic objects so they move and render correctly. 17. fix PBBS plugin so configuration panel doesn't fail on initial configuration. 18. add Extreme Temperature alert conditions to weather alert plugin. 17. fix NullPointerException in weatheralert plugin's configuration panel. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#184 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Aug-10 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix user-reported bugs in connected-mode AX.25 stack. 2. clean up source code Javadocs. 3. more repairs on Mac OS X specific operation of YAAC. 4. make Kenwood display message list scrollable with keyboard arrow keys, implement Tune button if repeaterfinder plugin is available and current message is a repeater specification. 5. on map, fix sizing of symbol overlay character, background status and Mic-E status circles when symbol icon is enlarged so they aren't hodden by the larger icon. 6. fix "active operator" overlay configuration control to not conflict with symbol choices that would prevent using the "active operator" overlay. 7. fix OSM rendering so areas of map would not be blanked incorrectly and that water bodies surrounding an island would not be reported in OSM popup dialog if the island was clicked. 8. fix more bugs in WayAnalyzer debug utility. 9. fix bugs in rendering GeoTIFF raster images that use angular coordinates instead of linear (distance) coordinates. 10. fix errors in processing KISS output stream escapes. 11. fix OSM map importing and rendering of wetlands and islands, and Ways that barely cross tile boundaries. 12. Updates to support using extra column providers on the local objects table, not just the station/object list. This is a service enabled by the bikestats plugin. 12. update dynamic objects plugin to allow manually correcting a dynamic object's position by specifying a OSM or APRS object or station where the dynamic object should be now (ex.: lead bicycle object just passed a staffed route checkpoint). 13. update the repeater finder plugin to expose its tuning capabilities through the TuneIfc now used by the Kenwood radio view dialog. These capabilities are specific to the radio being controlled by the plugin. Also add tuning support for Icom IC-2730A, IC-9700, and IC-705. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#183 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Jul-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix broken startup on Mac OS X, and do some platform-specific cleanup to make YAAC operate more cleanly in the OS X environment. 2. more code cleanup for the advance to Java 8 as minimum release. 3. fix APRS Text message sending to not use sequence numbers (requesting acks) if the message is addressed to a known group, rather than to a single station or APRS-IS service. 4. fix refreshing of station/object table when sorting by age of the entries in the list. 5. correct reported version of OpenMap library used in YAAC. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#182 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2023-Jul-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix IS-to-RF (transmit) I-gating to use the I-gate's RF port callsign-SSID and tocall instead of the original station's values in the raw AX.25 frame. This fixes a possible contributor to the APRS flooding noticed on #APRSThursday. 2. add new utility called WayAnalyzer to help debug issue with OpenStreetMap importing and rendering. 3. significant logic and performance improvements in importing OpenStreetMap datasets, though, alas, there is still more work to come. 4. reaarrange the source code so that Maven builds with POM files will actually work correctly for both the YAAC application and all the currently supported plugins, with appropriate adjustments to the Ant build.xml files to work with the new structure. 5. a new Debug plugin which allows dynamically turning on and off debug logging from the expert-mode Configuration dialog for different supported categories of logging while YAAC is running. Also some new core API methods on the DebugCtl class to permit plugins to register new debug logging categories. 6. version update on the JavaHelp library. 7. some code cleanup for the change to Java 8 as minimum supported runtime release, so as to reduce warnings from findbugs and IDE, including identifying interfaces meeting the FunctionalInterface annotation. 8. fix references to old http:// websites in Javadocs to use the current https:// URLs to avoid redirections by browsers visiting the Javadocs on the author's website. 9. add configuration option to not gray out old message traffic (to make it more readable in the UI). 10. fix exceptions thrown when doing a Locate->Landmark search so that all matches will be reported. 11. first draft at fixing filtered message view. 12. make it possible to select text from the popup OSM node/way information dialog and copy it to the clipboard. useful for debugging OSM issues. 13. allow configurable level of position ambiguity in locally-originated beacons. 14. ensure if use of GPS is deselected in the configuration wizard, beacons configured to use GPS as the position source automatically have the "Use GPS for Position" option unchecked. 15. fix places in YAAC where HTTPS transactions were still allowed when the option to force only unencrypted transactions was specified. 16. keep unlabeled OSM ways fronm being selected when clicked on the map if rendering unlabeled ways is disabled. 17. ensure plugin status tabl is correctly updated when a new plugin is installed. 18. ensure AX.25 frame command/poll bits are set correctly. 19. fix SRTM (topographic) data downloader to allow the user to abort if they don't have a USGS account yet to use for the downloading. 20. fix pseudo APRS-IS server plugin so a jammed subordinate client is treated the same way as a real APRS-IS backbone server would, disconnecting the client rather than letting all of YAAC get frozen. 21. remove the bluetooth plugin from the supported plugin set, as the BlueCove library no longer works with current versions of Microsoft Windows. 22. fix port naming in the marineports plugin so the port driver for NMEA-0183 over TCP/IP can actually be used. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#181 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Nov-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix reported NullPointerExceptions when attempting to transmit or processed delayed text message ack or rej messages. 2. better identify the types of traffic incoming from a specific PortConnector instance to ensure non-realtime traffic does not get digipeated or I-gated. 3. add support for plugins to register handling non-GNSS NMEA-0183 sentences, so a multi-sensor NMEA-0183 talker can be handled by the plugins. 4. optimize file reading for OSM files some more. 5. fix some bugs in configuration XML importer. 6. add the ability to configurably route traffic to known stations through only the port the station was most closely seen through. 7. don't plot labels on OpenStreetMap pipeline Ways, and don't display anything tagged as underground (not yet saved in OSM importers. 8. augment the APRS-IS pseudo server plugin to allow connected sub-clients to forward APRS packets to the YAAC instance, and have YAAC configurably forward that traffic on through the regular ports (RF and APRS-IS backbone). 9. fix repeater finder plugin to use more accurate traffic sourcing changes. 10. add new marineports plugin which provides the ability to read NMEA-0183 GPS data through a TCP connection to a network server sending the raw sentences. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#180 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Oct-30 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add first draft of configuration analysis logic, to verify which way APRS packets will be sent based on digipeat aliases and I-gate configuration. 2. attempt to ensure plugin "store" table view is updated after a new plugin is installed and activated. Still a work-in-progress. 3. fix timestamps and backoff pressure for software TNCs accessed through the AGWPE port driver. 4. fix incomplete port I/O statistics collection in some of the port type Connectors (needed to support configuration analysis). 5. add hooks to port I/O drivers to support enhancements to APRS-IS pseudo server plugin. 6. more performance tuning for OpenStreetMap importer. 7. fix duplicate transmission error for ports enabled for both APRS and connected-mode AX.25. 8. fix map rendering of pipelines so they aren't mistaken for roads. 9. augment APRS-IS pseudo server plugin (aprsisserver) to support subordinate APRS clients that can transmit packets through YAAC, using standard passcode authentication. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#179 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Oct-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix digipeating and Tx-I-gating that was broken by build#178. Also fix older bugs regarding digipeating if multiple RF ports are open (cross-band digipeater). 2. collect digipeating and I-gating statistics on a per-port basis, display this information in Bandwidth Monitor display. 3. add ability to provide additional Station Capabilities from plugins, which would be reported in the Station Capability response to the ?IGATE query. 4. add capabilities reporting to PBBS plugin. 5. allow user to specify arbitrary overlays for alternate symbols, not just defined APRS 1.2 extended symbols. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#178 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Sep-24 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix typo in OpenTRAC object entity numbering introduced in build#177 2. better handle compile version issues 3. officially release the eventlogger plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#177 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Sep-19 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix internal port routing logic so it can be better identified whether a particular packet should be transmitted out a APRS protocol port versus a raw AX.25 port, to better separate connected-mode traffic from APRS traffic, and ensure connected-mode traffic cannot be sent to the APRS-IS backbone by the YAAC port drivers. 2. fix internal AX.25 protocol stack so connected-mode AX.25 works properly (even for bodiless control frames) and the user interface code automatically picks more optimal digipeater path for outbound AX.25 connects if destination station had already been heard. Also persist the setting of the "allow inbound AX.25 connection requests" checkbox. 3. fix debugging display of MaidenheadLocatorBeacon messages (including status messages with Maidenhead prefix) to display the Maidenhead locator instead of its decoded lat/lon, properly support appending symbol table ID and symbol code when used as a status message. 4. fix mapping APRS ObjectReports into OpenTRAC protocol by ensuring each locally originated Object gets a unique and stable OpenTRAC entity ID number. 5. fix telemetry message parsing when integer values with leading zeros are specified in an analog field by the sender. 6. fix startup race condition for code that wants to override incoming AX.25 connection logic (such as a plugin). 7. persist filter settings over YAAC restarts on sender and destination address filters. 8. just in case case-sensitive filesystems are causing mismatch errors on file types, change all filetype file filters for file load and save dialogs to support both lower and upper case versions of the file type. 9. Switch AX.25 connected-mode terminal windows to full JFrames, so they don't stay in front of the window that launched them like they did when the windows were JDialogs. 10. ensure raw packet table view can tell the difference between APRS UI frames and connected-mode I frames. 11. switch to using Hessu's tocalls.pretty.json file instead of the tocalls.dense.json file, so it will be easier to see the differences in future builds of YAAC. 12. fix non-localized text on General tab of expert-mode configuration dialog. 13. add missing ability to put an APRS symbol on the Status message when also sending the Maidenhead locator as the status message prefix. 14. fix cross-referencing between plugin help files and core YAC help files, especially when running in development/test environment. 15. attempt to fix recursive checkbox setting and clearing in map layers POI tree. 16. add the ability to paste text to a YAAC terminal window (ctl-shift-V) as well as the existing ability to copy from it (ctl-shift-C). 17. support buffer flushes when Linux/Unix linefeed control character is sent as end-of-line in a Terminal session, instead of the Microsoft carriage return control character. 18. have terminal window support 132-character line mode and total screen reversal escape sequences. 19. try to make WXNOW.TXT port driver more tolerant of time field formatting. 20. attempt to resolve issue on Linux where attempt to open a browser for an URL does not occur until YAAC is exited. 21. remove entries from YAAC's historical tocall database that now exist in Hessu's tocall.pretty.json file. 22. clean up YAAC's help index and make it easier to merge help indexes from plugins. 23. fix the ADSB, AIS, AREDN, Bluetooth, callsign DB, demo, dynamic objects, madispost, repeater finder, smallscreen, sounds, telemetry alarm, and weather alert plugins' help files to be more index-mergeable. Also fix AIS, AREDN, and dynamic objects plugins to account fo AX.25 protocol stack changes. 24. start delivering the bikestats plugin (which allows additional manually entered statistics fields to be added to stations and objects, and display this persisted information in the station/object list). 25. fix typos in Ant build scripts for the callsign DB, demo, and madispost plugins. 26. "Forward into the past!" Add the new PBBS plugin, to provide 1990's style Packet Bulletin Board Service in YAAC, so if YAAC is configured with an AX.25-capable port configured for raw AX.25 (connected mode), it can accept inbound AX.25 connections as connections to the PBBS, rather than keyboard-to-keyboard chat sessions. The PBBS allows posting public (bulletin board) messages, and private emails to other users. Such private emails can only be read by the specified user logging into the BBS (or by the YAAC operator manually examining the files in the configured PBBS directory tree). Note this requires the AX.25 connected mode fixes in this build of YAAC; the plugin cannot be used with an older build of YAAC. 27. add support for Yaesu FT-891, FT991, and FT-991A to repeater finder plugin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#176 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Aug-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. update 3rd party libraries, including Apache commons compress, Apache POI, Slf4j, and ensure old versions are cleaned up. 2. correct digipeater identification so stealth digis named WIDE1, RELAY, etc., don't show up on the station list and map, and that first and last digipeaters are correctly identified. 3. allow the text in table cells to be resized the way other types of cell contents are resized for the smallscreen and demo plugins. 4. fix plugin installer to ensure newly installed plugins get started correctly without needing to restart YAAC. 5. try to fix data trucation errors when tiling OpenStreetMap data. 6. fix bug in AREDN plugin to not double suffix the mesh domain names. 7. add support to demo plugin to optionally read notes associated with the slide show presentation if the sounds plugin is also installed, make it more obvious that LibreOffice Impress presentations aren't supported yet. 8. in demo plugin, fix saving of slide change interval. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#175 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Jun-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. make the TelemetryMessage class a SendableMessage (to support YAAC plugins that transmit locally-originated telemetry). 2. fix Age displays in dropdown lists so the later parts of textually-longer ages don't get cropped off by JSpinners and JLists. 3. fix symbol codes list that allow editing repeater frequency info for beacons and Objects (formerly used wrong symbol table for repeater symbol). 4. allow OpenStreetMap layer renderer to adjust text font size (needed by latest version of small screen plugin). 5. fix some Javadocs. 6. harden up JSON processing code to support Java enumerations and null fields. 7. add the ability for plugins to provide weather data to YAAC. 8. improve documentation for drawing layer. 9. improve details for why Mic-E status codes can't be changed from the small screen plugin, such as "not using Mic-E position reports", etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#174 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-May-06 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. optimize topographic contour line rendering some more. Still not fast enough but it's better than it was. 2. tune OpenStreetMap importing a little more. 3. have Edit Filter dialog indicate which particular filters are filtering out packets. 4. make the Tracked Station table viewable from any other window, not just map windows, and allow editing station non-responsiveness timer from the table instead of only from the popup menu entry for editing timeouts. 5. for KISS-over-TCP ports, don't send the Fldigi-specific hardware command messages if the original "TNC" hardware command doesn't get back a report that Fldigi is actually being used as the KISS-over-TCP TNC. 6. add a couple more amenity types to the OpenStreetMap importer. 7. add functionality that will be needed in a future version of the OpenStreetMap importer, so that there won't be unusable errors for users of this version of YAAC when map data using the new functionality becomes available. 8. fix the AREDN objects plugin to not report errors for querying discovered nodes on the AREDN network that don't have configured positions. 9. fix Small Screen plugin so touch screen can be used to scroll the tabular views (Raw Packets, Station List, Text Messages) the way they are scrolled on cellphone touchscreens. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#173 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Apr-17 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. finalize changes so YAAC and all plugins require a minimum of Java 8 to run (Java 1.7 no longer supported). 2. add support for Peet Bros weather stations running in complete history mode (as opposed to the already-supported packet, data logger, and complete record formats). 3. a few minor performance optimizations, including improving the multi-thread OpenStreetMap renderer. 4. allow telemetry view window to display filtered output. 5. fix layout of message sending panel (used in both core YAAC and smallscreen plugin) to support font enlargement and portrait layout. 6. fix Javadoc documentation errors in source code. 7. fix Repeater Finder plugin to work with OpenMap 5.1.15 (including map rotation) and with Small Screen's plugin's support for portrait-oriented screens. 8. fix Small Screen plugin to work with screens with a portait orientation (screen height taller than the screen width), fix so Small Screen launched as first window becomes the main map for map-related menu choices, add user button to display touchscreen "keyboard" for entering a text message. 9. fix sounds plugin to actually play sampled sound files; still an outstanding issue if multiple files of different formats are played simultaneously. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#172 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Mar-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix miscellaneous error messages in APRS parsing. 2. fix error message reporting in the YAAC startup (bootstrap) code. Not all the information needed to print error messages from the Java-6-compatible startup code was present in the YAAC.jar, so rearrange so the needed dependencies were compiled with Java and included in the first Jar file. Also fix so that the bootstrap code does check for a minimum of Java 8 before allowing the startup to proceed (it was still checking for Java 7). 3. fix blacklist control code so modifying checkboxes on the blacklist table will be persisted over YAAC restarts. 4. allow panning map with the keyboard faster by using Shift with a cursor arrow key for larger movement. 5. attempt to speed up map rendering some more (not much improvement, as still mostly limited by disk reading speed for map data files). 6. not very effective fix for JRE problem on Linux where web browser launching doesn't happen until YAAC is exited (when selecting Open URL or Email targets for a station with an URL or email address in their comment text). 7. add read support for some new attributes in OSM data (won't write them until a later release, because that would invalidate the map data). 8. clean up some (but not enough) OpenStreetMap map data parsing issues. 9. add support for pipelines on OpenStreetMap maps. 10. add ability to sort stations on the stations page of the mini-webserver. 11. clarify the meaning of the NB (narrowband) checkbox on the beacon configuration panel in the documentation. 12. fix all plugin build scripts to use Java 8 as the compiler version. 13. fix date format error in the CallsignDB plugin when reading the US FCC licensee database. Thanks to James Palmer AG5VQ for this fix. 14. rebuild the dnsjava library with the Java 8 compiler, so Java 8 users won't get an UnsupportedClassVersionError upon trying to edit a KISS-over-TCP or AGWPE port configuration. 15. upgrade the OpenMap library to release 5.1.15. This hopefully will fix map rotation issues in the Repeater Finder plugin. 16. fix some NullPointerExceptions in GPSDistributor when using a multi- constellation GPS. 17. fix the SmallScreen plugin to look better on a high-resolution small touch screen (such as a HD monitor of 1920x1080 that's only 10 inches diagonal), including related back-fixes to core YAAC components reused in the SmallScreen plugin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#171 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Feb-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix Serial_TNC port driver to wait long enough for the "exit KISS" command to get to the TNC before closing the serial port, so that the operating system doesn't discard the "exit KISS" command bytes. This fixes both core YAAC and the legacy RXTX plugin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#170 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Jan-29 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix error with negative temperatures for reading from WXNOW.TXT weather station interfaces or when transmitting weather data in PositionReport or MicE messages. 2. fix topographic color scale dialog so it doesn't prevent adjusting the map while the dialog is still open. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#169 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Jan-25 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix build script to ensure YAAC startup code can still catch users using an excessively old version of the Java runtime and warn them instead of having unexpected random failures later. 2. delete some obsolete unused code. 3. clean up some Javadoc (source code) documentation errors. 4. clean up GPS processing code to avoid thread collision errors. Alas, this caused an API change requiring several plugins to have to be rebuilt, such that they will only work with this new build of YAAC. 5. try to fix error with digitally-signed APRS text messages, so that trying to sign it before the output port's callsign is known will properly detected. This may not fix the problem with incorrect signatures, but it will at least help debug the problem. 6. fix error in formatting message age strings when the fully-spelled version is wanted. 7. add finer control of blacklisting, so that traffic from blacklisted stations can be individually blocked from Rx I-gating, Tx I-gating, digipeating, getting query responses from the local station, or making an AX.25 connected-mode connection to this station. 8. fix the reporting of station timeout events so that all stations can have a default interval before they are reported as timed out, but individual stations can still have a per-station timeout set. Also fix so that once a Station Timedout event has been reported for a station, it will not be reported again until the station has been heard again (possibly reporting a New Station event if it was inactive past the configured holding time) and then times out again. 9. optimize memory usage for fetching station lists for rendering on the map. 10. clean up IDE warnings about weak code. 11. don't allow users to enable a beacon until they have specified the symbol for that beacon. Symbolless beacons are invalid syntax APRS and will be rejected by other stations. 12. keep the wizard from blowing up or displaying port type buttons for serial port types if the JSSC native library can't be found. 13. upgrade to JSSC 2.9.4 so serial ports on Windows on ARM64 and Mac OS X on ARM64 will be supported, and fix upgrader to remove older versions of JSSC. 14. make GPSD port editor report obviously and clearly if a GPSD daemon cannot be found at the specified computer, instead of hiding the error message in the YAAC error log. 15. reduce heap thrashing when scanning OSM data to match a map click. 16. tweak the home page of the mini-webserver to be more strictly HTML compliant. 17. fix Bluetooth plugin to let Windows 10+ users know that the plugin doesn't work with the newer version of Windows. 18. in the Sounds plugin, add another macro so the age of a message or how long since a station or object was reported can be spoken with synthesized speech. 19. improve logging of the actions takes by the YAAC upgrader, to make it easier to debug future issues with the upgrader. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#168 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2022-Jan-06 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix Locate->Station so it can locate Objects with mixed-case or lowercase object names. 2. fix popup menu "View Station on Radio" so if record is picked from a table showing individual packets (instead of just the station as a whole), show that packet. Selecting a station or object on the map view or a table view where the records are for different stations still shows the most recent packet from that station or about that object. 3. block Tx I-gating of self-addressed text messages (such as telemetry interpretation messages from a station sending telemetry). 4. change Tx I-gating RF header to be the sender and destination of the APRS-IS sourced packet, with the I-gate station callsign in the RF digipeat alias set as an already-digipeated digipeater (with any WIDEn-N alias after that unused). This undoes a change from build#146. 5. when right-clicking on a single station object's history of raw packets, allow the popup menu for all types, not just objects. 6. fix connection-lost reconnection logic in AGWPE port driver. 7. fix DNS-SD service discovery logic to wait a maximum of 5 seconds for an answer before giving up. 8. fix timestamps of dynamic objects so they advance as the objects move. 9. fix speed column on dynamic objects table to be in configured distance units instead of locked into statute miles per hour. 10. fix NullPointerException problem with dynamic object table bearing column editor. 11. fix NullPointerException problem with loading route files. 12. fix editor for Dynamic Object table's route name column so the blank route name (no route) is the same height as the named routes' names. 13. recompile the dnsjava library with Java 8 to stop the UnsupportedClassVersionExceptions when somone tries to open the AGWPE or KISS-over-TCP port editors with Java 8. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#167 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2021-Dec-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix breakage of YAAC -version option that is used by the KM4ACK Build-a-Pi scripts. 2. fix outbound URLs in Javadocs and help files that were out-of-date and incorrect. 3. fix manual Object moving on the map so it doesn't break the dynamic object plugin. 4. fix list updating for the geographical layer selection dialog. 5. fix column sizing for plugin installation table. 6. add a few missing OpenTRAC to APRS symbol mappings. 7. restructure the build scripts to support future translations of the help files. 8. fix the Dynamic Objects plugin to: a. allow dragging of dynamic objects to a new position without stopping the dynamic progression once dropped at the new location. b. provide logic so when a dynamic object hits the end of a non-looping route that intersects the middle of another route, it will continue on the intersected route instead of stopping. c. fix NullPointerExceptions when using Private scope dynamic objects. d. replace random timing of dynamic object updates with using the configured fast send rate for each object. e. change the View->Dynamic Routes menu choice to default to selected. f. improve run-time performance of OpenStreetMap route fitter when trying to increase accuracy when using a route of turning points instead of a finely sampled track file; also background the file import so a progress dialog can be used to trace the route fitter's progress. g. provide default names for imported routes from files that don't specify an explicit route name (also prevent NullPointerExceptions caused by the lack of a route name). h. ensure the default color, width, and stroke styles are applied at import time for route files that don't contain such information. i. fix swapped latitude and longitude when reading routes from GPX files. j. fix swapping play and pause buttons for dynamic objects when the running state of an object is changed. k. allow editing the drawing color and stripe width of loaded routes. l. add hot-key Help to plugin window. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#166 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2021-Dec-01 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix startup logic to properly support 3rd-party libraries and proper selection of JSSC library version. 2. allow third party plugins to pick up indoor temperature and humidity data from Peet Bros weather stations in data logger or complete modes (only for use by plugins, since not in APRS protocol). 3. fix proper length of statute mile distance unit (was slightly off). 4. add a few more obscure units of weight used in some places in the OpenStreetMap dataset. 5. clean up more issues detected by University of Maryland findbugs utility. 6. ensure deleted local Objects are also deleted from persistent storage so they don't show up again when YAAC is restarted. 7. allow text-messaging to stations by their tactical name (alias), both from core YAAC and the smallscreen plugin. 8. fix Move Object menu choice so that moved Objects will still be transmitted after their move (was broken previously). 9. fix typos in webified version of YAAC help files. 10. add AMSL of ground at endpoints (if terrain elevation data is available) and properly rescale the height-above-ground sliders on the line-of-sight plot. 11. fix built-in help hyperlinking from plugin help back to core YAAC help. 12. stop freezing the YAAC UI when checking the webservers for updates and plugins when the network connection is slow and/or unreliable. 13. fix UI updating in the map Point-Of-Interest tree. 14. fix upgrader to search for which Java runtime ran YAAC so the same one (especially if not in a standard location) can be used to run the upgrader and re-launch YAAC post-upgrade. 15. fix broken Service Discovery (ZeroConf/Bonjour) implementation so it will work on Linux systems with Avahi installed, and on Microsoft Windows systems without Bonjour installed (still don't have the API to work with Bonjour on Mac OS X or Windows with iTunes), add support for using it with AGWPE as well as KISS-over-TCP. 16. ensure OpenStreetMap layer is re-rendered when restoring default settings or loading a saved file of layer settings, and that parent and child levels of POI tree are properly updated when adjacent node type settings are changed. 17. fix NullPointerExceptions occuring in case of forwarding locally-originated packets to APRS-IS. 18. add a few more icons to OSM map rendering for POIs. 19. miscellaneous documentation improvements and corrections. 20. add support for newer versions of ADS-B air protocol in ADSB plugin. 21. add help files for AREDN Objects plugin. 22. add the first draft of the new Dynamic Objects plugin, which manages locally-originated Objects which move either on a fixed bearing or along a path loaded from a GPX, CSV, or KML file, at a specified speed. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#165 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2021-Sep-24 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. Add ability to stop displaying the callsign or object name for specific tracked stations and objects. This can help reduce clutter on the map where the icon alone provides sufficient information, and the click-for-popup-window can get the rest if needed. Also make this readily accessible from the Local Objects table view so it can be done for local Objects without having to sort through other stations and objects getting special rendering treatment. 2. Refactor the code so initial map rendering doesn't have to load the entire map importer code (rarely used) to draw the streetmap, hence speeding up the first map draw a bit. 3. Arrange to turn map auto-self-centering back on after a map pan caused by an attention alert (flashing arrows pointing at a station) for emergency status or the operator requesting a station Locate, once the attention alert has timed out. This also applies to the map in the demo, repeater finder, and small screen plugins. 4. Per unanimous vote (so far), move the Help menu back to with all the other menus on the menu toolbar. 5. Fix loading of the tocall.dense.json file so it works regardless of the current working directory when YAAC is started, and get the latest version of the file (updated since YAAC build 164). 6. Fix spurious error message when viewing the Local Object table view. 7. Fix beacon enabling and disabling to only take effect after the Save Changes button is pressed, such that enabling a beacon without actually saving the beacon doesn't cause the (still disabled) beacon to start transmitting. 8. Prevent getting a spurious NullPointerException when using the configuration wizard on a system not running GPSD. 9. Bombproof the Edit Filter dialog to not assume that all filter editor panels that are implemented as table views are using the fast table sorter (since most filter views won't have insanely large numbers of rows in their tables). 10. Arrange that users with APRS-IS ports will _always_ get the default filter when not explicitly specifying a filter expression on the port, and change the filter to "m/100" when explicitly using GPS coordinates to override the default beacon's coordinates, so that the filter will automatically move as the user's station sends updated position reports with the change of location. The "r/lat/lon/80" default filter will still be used for stations not using GPS coordinates for their default beacon. 11. Clarify the log message reporting whether the custom native code for Linux filesystem cache management (used only by the OpenStreetMap importers) was loaded. 12. Try to clean up ocean coastline processing in the map importer a little more (still not finished). 13. Fix YAAC upgrade cleaner to properly get rid of out-of-date Apache libraries used by some plugins, as the plugins should have all been updated to refer to the newer versions of the libraries now shipped with YAAC. 14. Fix the MS150 cue sheet translator utility to use the icons the local MS organization prefers and account for two days' worth of cue sheets in the same spreadsheet file, differentiate between water stops and full-service lunch stops, and make the course.kml stripe be translucent so the the underlying road lines can still be seen. 15. Fix smallscreen plugin's Status panel so that changes to Mic-E status will be reported immediately with an updated beacon transmission, and the buttons will be disabled with an appropriate error message if the station is not using Mic-E format to transmit its position beacons (standard position reports don't have a place for Mic-E status). 16. rearrange the BulletinBoard UI so that it can still be usable on a small screen computer and it's easier to see and edit the text for various groups of locally-originated bulletins, and fix the New Bulletin event (processed by the sounds plugin) to only be triggered if there is a change in the bulletin board (a new or modified line in the table, not an unchanged re-transmission of something already received). 17. fix typos in some plugin pom.xml files in source distro. 18. add a new variable substitution to the sounds plugin so the tactical name (alias) of a station or object can be spoken instead of its official callsign (if the station or object has a non-blank tactical name); if it does not, the station callsign will be reported for this new variable. Change some of the default spoken phrases to use the new variable. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#164 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2021-Sep-18 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. general refactoring to better structure the YAAC code and make the non-YAAC specific packages reuseable in other applications. 2. add new mini-webserver pages to view the digipeater and station health monitor pages via web browser. Also add support for other HTTP methods besides GET. 3. restructure the third-party libraries used by the demo plugin and other optional modules so that we aren't keeping duplicate copies of the libraries. 4. add support for a few more obscure amenity types in the OpenStreetMap data. 5. upgrade the Apache libraries to current versions. 6. add custom native code for 64-bit Intel processor Linux so that a strange "feature" in the newer Linux kernels doesn't cause the system to swap out all running programs in an attempt to filesystem-cache everything in the OpenStreetMap data because the OSM importer has been made too fast. (!) 7. refactor the repeater finder plugin's UI so it can also be displayed within the small screen plugin's window (assuming both plugins are installed). 8. change signature support to SHA256 for signed APRS messages, since some Java runtime installations will no longer allow MD5 digests even though we don't really need a stronger signature algorithm. 9. handle invalid packets using station position report format but the prefix character for Object reports, properly tagging them as invalid instead of discarding them. 10. clean up some more issues reported by the University of Maryland findbugs utility. 11. clean up the Javadoc documentarion for the source code some more, including removing use of the deprecated HTML tag. 12. add support for more constellations of GPS satellites, including the new $GAxxx sentence prefixes for mixed constellation results. 13. fix support for the newer versions of the US National Weather Service forecast region shapefile databases, and document how to use and install the shapefile databases so YAAC can use them, and let the user know that the files are needed if they try to use the Severe Weather zone table view without having installed the zone files. 14. fix startup error condition causing bogus ClassNotFoundException failures when core YAAC is passing data to certain plugin extensions. 15. fix startup-time port opening errors when the plugin providing a port driver for a configured port is no longer installed. 16. remove remaining support for Java 6 and 7. 17. fix bug in UI for controlling valid/invalid filter when trying to select invalid-only packets. 18. ensure APRS text message editors will color-code the output to indicate if text messages are too long to comply with the Protocol Specification. 19. add logic to track active "chat" sessions using APRS text messages, so that ongoing chats will not annoyingly pop forward the text message table window when the same information is in the chat window. 20. fix the font updating when windows with printable tables are displayed and the fonts are changed. 21. fix the map motion by keystrokes mechanism so it still works when overlays (such as the Draw toolbar) or popup windows (such as the line-of-sight reports) are being displayed over the map window. 22. fix failure when trying to edit an APRS Object whose position is ambiguous by having trailing spaces instead of digits in the latitude and/or longitude. 23. rework debug logging control so that a future build of YAAC could support dynamically changing the logging categories instead of having to restart YAAC every time the user wanted to change the categories. 24. don't let user pick "refresh existing tiles" on OSM Download Pre-Imported Tiles dialog if the user doesn't have any existing tile files to update. 25. fix Locate->Landmark dialog to use the current center of the map at the time the search button is pressed, rather than being fixed at the center at the time the dialog was launched. 26. fix copyright notice when displaying topographic (elevation) data to show exactly who provided the data. 27. make sure deleted beacon records are no longer transmitted. 28. add option to not rotate mobile station icons to point along bearing of travel. 29. add explicit "Save" button for supplemental Tx I-gate filter expression so user can be sure that they've saved their changes. 30. fix NullPointerExceptions trying to use keystroke map motion while draw toolbar is active. 31. fix draw toolbar close button's operation. 32. augment External Message Source port driver to support receiving messages from a physical (RS232) or virtual (USB) serial port (in addition to the network ports already supported). 33. add support for finding TCP-port-served TNCs by Service Discovery using multicast DNS (as opposed to having to type in the host name and port number manually). 34. try to improve rendering of oceans and small land masses surrounded by oceans. This is _not_ complete, but is still an improvement over what we had before; releasing it now so 9 months of backlogged fixes can be made available, rather than waiting even longer to get more debugging done. 35. account for changes in US National Weather Service radar data website. 36. fix font resizing of table columns. 37. make the restriction to IPv4 network addresses be optional for users whose Internet Service Providers do not prevent access to IPv6-addressed servers. 38. support restructed topographic elevation file formats from the USGS, and the fact you now need an account on the USGS's LP DAAC website to download the NASADEM (formerly SRTM) files (and the old unsecured website has been shut down). 39. fix NullPointerExceptions caused by stations labelling themselves with the weather station APRS symbol but not actually transmitting any weather data. 40. change the ADS-B plugin to use the enhanced debugging controls. 41. change the AIS decoder plugin, the pseudo-APRS-IS server plugin, the Bluetooth plugin, the repeater finder plugin, the sounds plugin, and the weather alert plugin to account for certain incompatible updates in the core YAAC programming API. 42. change the AREDN plugin to use the enhanced debugging controls and allow configuration setting changes to take effect immediately instead of after a YAAC application restart, and configure limiting the maximum geographical distance to mesh nodes that will be reported as APRS objects. 43. fix the callsign database plugin to honor the no-HTTPS configuration setting and account for website and data file reconfigurations by the US FCC, Radio Amateurs of Canada, and AD1C's country database. Also added a configuration option to optionally keep the callsign DB plugin from attempting to access online databases when flagged as "off-net". 44. fix race condition in the demo plugin that prevented PowerPoint slide shows from being visible. 45. minor layout improvements for small screen plugin. 46. update the MS150 utility to handle the current layout of the cue sheets generated by the organization. 47. fix the map rendering of private Objects of symbol type signpost. 48. update the tocall database. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#163 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Dec-29 downloadable from or IF you have already made the unfortunate mistake of installing the defective build#162, manually download the distribution from one of the above sources and unzip it over your existing installation (telling unzip to overwrite all pre-existing files). CRITICAL changes and updates include: 1. fixed startup sequence and distro structure to work both in development and production environments when searching for a dynamically selectable version of the JSSC library. 2. update the cleaner to remove an obsolete version of JSSC from having formerly installed YAAC build#156. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#162 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Dec-28 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. major and pervasive performance improvements throughout YAAC and a few of the plugins, so hopefully YAAC will perform more usably on slow and/or small-memory systems like the Raspberry Pi Zero. 2. fix the documentation spelling for the Kantronics (not Kamtronics) support added to the Yaesu port driver, and include that support in the legacy RXTX plugin. 3. fix the build scripts for the legacy RXTX plugin so the plugin will actually work once installed into YAAC. 4. non-backwards-compatible changes in certain APIs within YAAC. No current plugins use those APIs so it is not an issue unless someone has written a plugin of their own using the SignableMessage or SaveableTable interfaces. 5. clarify that the fake APRS-IS server plugin does not support transmissions from its downstream clients. 6. delay the polling startup for the AREDN plugin, so that a race condition at YAAC startup does not cause the plugin to report spurious errors. 7. fix more plugins to report localized About dialog credits. 8. add support to use operating-system-specific distros of the JSSC library, so if the JSSC library bundled with YAAC doesn't work for the specific O/S and CPU architecture of the computer, the user might still be able to access serial ports with the O/S version of JSSC installed. 9. add security check to plugin installer to prevent hacked plugin ZIP file distros from modifying files outside the YAAC installation directory subtree. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#161 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Dec-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support for Multiple mode on the Peet Bros weather stations. 2. fix scaling error on rain data when processing Peet Bros weather station data. 3. fix error in moving and updating locally-originated objects when the object is never heard back from a digipeater. 4. localize text in About dialog for core YAAC and plugins (not all plugins updated yet). 5. fix whitespace issue when extracting email addresses from APRS packet free-text comments. 6. fix NullPointerException when trying to send APRS text messages from Radio View window. 7. fix NullPointerException in local object table when objects are private. 8. improve the topographic layer contrast for flatter areas close to sea level. 9. allow user to maximize topographic layer contrast over the area they are currently viewing. 10. make per-way-type line styles editable for OSM map layer. 11. make Kenwood port type better report whether the attached Kenwood radio is delivering GPS or weather data multiplexed into the data stream from the radio, based on actual data content of the stream. 12. fix bogus file reading error. 13. augment the Yaesu port type to also support Kamtronics TNCs in command mode (still receive-only). Note the date format selection is irrelevant when a Kamtronics is used, as it does not deliver receive timestamp information with packets. 14. better clean up widthless stripes of ocean data when importing OpenStreetMap PBF files with extracted ocean coastline data, and improve dicing of high-vertex-count area boundaries from oceans and Relations. 15. fix HTML syntax errors in mini-webserver's /history page, try to improve compression of the map image page (if the JRE release will allow it), improve hyperlinking on /messages and /monitor/wx pages, don't provide hyperlink to /wx page if local station doesn't have an attached weather station. 16. add new plugin for plotting AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Digital Network, amateur-frequency WiFi mesh networking) RF stations on the APRS map, based on the mesh topology and station location information available from a mesh node whose LAN includes the YAAC system. Such a map can be exported back to the mesh by making the YAAC mini-webserver a service on the mesh. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#160 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Nov-27 downloadable from or For those suffering from the false virus detection on YAAC, you will have to reboot your Windows system after manually downloading the new file. Then unzip it into your existing YAAC directory. Hopefully, this will bypass treating the new YAAC.jar file the same as the old one that accidentally had a pattern looking like a virus in it. changes and updates include: 1. add support for AX.25 V2.2 extended connected mode window size, with backwards compatibility to AX.25 V2.0. 2. fix launching of the old version upgrader cleaner when there are spaces in the directory path to the cleaner.jar file. 3. ensure that GPS log marker comments are properly escaped for the GPX (XML) save file format. 4. persist settings for filtered message logging across YAAC restarts. 5. stop searching unlabeled ways for matching labels when searching the OpenStreetMap data for matching geographical elements. 6. clean up performance error messages in port drivers. 7. add support for RFC1961 GSSAPI authentication for SOCKS5 proxying in the APRS-IS port driver (formerly only PAP password authentication was supported), plus improved error logging for SOCKS connections. 8. add support for OSM Relations and ocean shorelines that exceed the maximum allowable vertext count for a Way in YAAC. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#159 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Nov-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support for meteor-scatter mode, allowing bursting of continuous Status packets through Serial_TNC, KISS-over-TCP, or AGWPE ports that use timeslotting. When doing meteor-scatter, only one RF port should be enabled for transmit, the port should be configured for timeslotting, the Status record should be enabled with Maidenhead locators and marked for meteor-scatter mode, and any Beacons should be disabled. Also recommended to set the Status for direct-only transmission (no digipeating). 2. support receiving 4-character Maidenhead locators for approximate locations. 3. warn users if they set their beaconing rates too fast. 4. clean up source code Javadocs. 5. prevent logging TCPIP or TCPXX as I-gates if someone generates a bad 3rd-party header. 6. make more fixes for AX.25 V2.2 connected-mode stack (still incomplete for V2.2 extensions). 7. clean up more issues reported by the University of Maryland findbugs utility. 8. fix drawing of PNG-defined range circles (which may be offset). 9. add option to not coalesce fast duplicate packets to AGWPE, Serial_TNC, and KISS-over-TCP (except for FLDIGI) port types. 10. allow SSL-APRS-IS port type to use encrypted payload. This has become necessary because most deployments of SSL/TLS have disabled use of weak ciphers (and the NULL cipher is about as weak as it gets), so attempts by YAAC to force NULL cipher will cause connection failures unless the remote APRS-IS server has explicitly re-enabled the NULL cipher. 11. add support for a Yaesu APRS radio user changing the default date stamp format, since this affects the format of the exported APRS packets to YAAC. 12. add ability to control-C copy the contents of a cell of most display tables in YAAC, such that the cell contents can be pasted as plain text into another application. 13. fix timeslotting logic so continuous bursts of packets can be sent (TNC permitting). 14. support KISS device IDs other than zero for software TNCs supporting more than one simultanously-connected sound card, such as AGWPE and DireWolf. 15. add more enhancements to OpenStreetMap map importers. 16. fix station category identifications for D-star and other non-APRS gateways. 17. fill in missing parts of the built-in help for the ADS-B, Callsign DB, and Repeater Finder plugins. 18. support PNG offset direction in selecting suitable repeaters in the Repeater Finder plugin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#158 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Oct-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix incorrect dependencies in pom.xml files. 2. prevent error upon receiving OpenTRAC packet with an undocumented zero-length OpenTRAC element. 3. accelerate OpenStreetMap importing of PBF files. 4. add -version command-line option to print the version of YAAC to standard output and then terminate. Also -version:all to print out versions of all plugins in use. This is to support KM4ACK's Raspberry Pi scripts. 5. eliminate bounding box parameters for OpenStreetMap import, as it is much more efficient to use a pre-bounded input file instead of skipping over unwanted parts of a full planet file. 6. fix help index exporter so website's copy of YAAC help files will indicate for what build the help is for. 7. stop cluttering map with marine nodes at outer zoom levels. 8. don't require DSR signal on Serial_TNC ports when using hardware flow control on a Kenwood radio (since Kenwood didn't put the DSR wire in the PG-5H programming cable). Requires selecting the Kenwood work-around as well when selecting hardware flow control. 9. document issues with gpsd switching GPS receivers to proprietary binary mode instead of NMEA-0183 ASCII mode. 10. document Linux kernel filesystem caching issues associated with the OpenStreetMap importer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#157 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Sep-09 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. upgrade version of JSSC library to try to work around Windows library reference problem. 2. make the green color on the blinkenlight buttons have better contrast with the superimposed text. 3. add memory heap size check prior to starting OpenStreetMap import operations to prevent YAAC from hanging or crashing due to heap thrashing from OSM import on a undersized system. 4. change detection of Winlink login prompt messages so that logins may work with the current behavior of the APRS-Winlink gateway. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#156 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jul-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. replace obsolete RXTX serial port library with newer JSSC library. Note this adds built-in support for Solaris x86 and Linux on ARM processors, but may make use on platforms without built-in support more difficult than it was for RXTX. This also removes the user account requirement to have write access to the system lock directory, as JSSC uses kernel locking instead of old-style lock files. 2. provide plugin to restore use of RXTX instead of JSSC (for platforms that aren't supported on JSSC). 3. add support for submit-only UDP port to APRS-IS servers. Note this may be unreliable, as not all APRS-IS servers support UDP submissions and it is unlikely that your computer will be informed if such service doesn't exist on the selected server. 4. minor performance improvements and documentation fixes. 5. update repeater finder plugin to also use JSSC instead of RXTX. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#155 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jul-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix spurious ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions from parsing Mic-E and position report messages that have the absolute bare minimum amount of text and have no optional fields appended. 2. fix progress dialog percentage report when importing CSV-format packet logs. 3. add support for the Byonics TinyTrak4's ability to pass through GPS sentences as an alternate-DeviceID KISS "frame" in the serial connection to YAAC, when the GKRELAY command is properly configured. This updates the Serial_TNC, KISS-over-TCP, and Bluetooth_TNC port drivers (Bluetooth plugin). 4. regularize size of map zoom buttons, fix sizing and scaling of map scale to always be a round multiple of 2, 5, or 10. 5. properly handle seamark beacons with an unspecified color. 6. fix problem with AX.25 ports that feed through GPS sentences when the sentence boundaries aren't caught correctly, causing spurious errors that can't be read because of the embedded carriage return characters. 7. try to optimize reading UTF-8 strings and OSM objects from files a little more. 8. add generic ability for PortConnectors to report asynchronous status changes not already handled by PortStatusListener, PortMgmtListener, or PortEventListener. 9. remove support for Byonics TT4 prompt catching in Serial_TNC PortConnector, as it will never work unless the TinyTrak4 is rebooted just as YAAC opens the port. 10. fix naming of AIS decoder plugin in website "store". 11. fix parsing errors in AIS decoder, add support for DGNSS and Aid-to-Navigation messages. 12. add identification of vessel nation-of-registry in AIS decoder. 13. remove spurious debugging print statements in repeater finder plugin. 14. improve error reporting and documentation in repeater finder plugin when rig control serial ports can't be found. 15. add support to repeater finder plugin to recognize Yaesu System Fusion (C4FM) repeater objects. 16. add Java Activation library to telemetry alarm plugin so email will still work on Java runtime version 9 and above. 17. improve screen appearance of upgrade utility, ensure O/S-provided window close button behaves the same as the Cancel button in the upgrader's UI. 18. augment upgrader to support plugins that include native libraries (in preparation for deprecating use of RXTX library). ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#154 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jun-25 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. more cleanups of the Maven pom.xml files; now possible to compile all supported components of YAAC with Maven, although Javadocs still don't work from Maven, and plugins requiring ZIP file collections of their JAR file and 3rd-party library JAR files aren't built correctly. 2. phase out using duplicate CharSet objects for standard character sets (US_ASCII, ISO_8859_1 and UTF_8), replace with the StandardCharsets class introduced with Java 7. 3. support messages having both altitude (/A=nnnnn) and range (RNGnnnn) optional data extensions in their comments. 4. support reading CSV format APRS packet files where the port column is provided but an empty string. 5. improve documentation of first window selection, merging plugins with first window choices into the help index. 6. add new AIS decoder plugin that works with DireWolf 1.6 and later. 7. fix status reporting and repeater detection in the repeater finder plugin, including identifying DMR repeaters and filtering out short-range hotspots that are out of range. Also add support for auto-tuning generic radios to repeaters using the Hamlib rigctl command. 8. fix emailing in the telemetry alarm plugin, including correcting Test buttons that didn't work. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#153 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jun-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. [CRITICAL] fix timer breakage across many functions of YAAC that was introduced in build 152. This also affected rolling log file writing. 2. update tool used to post built-in help files to author's website so it will also post help for plugins. 3. update forced beaconing to also flush log files to disk immediately after the forced beaconing. 4. add James Palmer's mnemonics support to the Bookmarks menu. 5. fix logging of transmitted AX.25 packets to not occur until packets actually leave YAAC (i.e., after timeslotting delays, etc.). Note this doesn't account for TNC delays waiting for a clear channel, but it is still more time-accurate than the prior transmit logging. 6. clean-up of plugin help files to better merge with core YAAC help. 7. fix error display code in callsign DB plugin for downloading Canadian and Australian databases. 8. in MADIS post plugin, add the option of reporting the YAAC receive time of the weather packets, as opposed to any timestamp the sending weather station might include in the packets. Note that some weather stations have seriously incorrect clock settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#152 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jun-12 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix generation of Maidenhead locators to use more string all-uppercase as specified in the APRS Protocol Specification. 2. fix round-off errors for decoding day-hour-minute timestamps near end of month. 3. fix some Javadoc errors in source code. 4. fix reschedulable timers (as used for timeslot code in port drivers) to actually be reschedulable after they expire. 5. properly handle classpath setup for plugins that reject initialization. 6. fix timer-based logger classes to allow changing the flush rate independent of the log rollover time, and to allow post-processing of a closed periodic log file. 7. fix configuration importer to force replaced callsigns to be restricted to legal AX.25 callsign-SSID syntax. 8. allow popup menu "View URL" and "Send Email" to work on map views (as well as tabular views). 9. add keyboard mnemonics to Bookmarks menu (per James Palmer AG5VQ). 10. allow popup menu on callsign column of Tracked Station table view. 11. fix NullPointerException problem in Radio View display when rapid updates are occurring. 12. fix formatting of Credits tab of Help->About dialog. 13. make progress dialog more compact so it won't get in the way during extremely long background tasks (by James Palmer, AG5VQ). 14. correct errors in implementing MADIS quality checks (particularly the Level 1 self temporal consistency delta checks), add partial Level 3 spatial consistency checks. 15. add slot length control for timeslotted APRS ports, so that YAAC knows when to stop adding packets for transmission when the end of the timeslot approaches, even if there is more traffic to send. 16. more attempts to improve performance of OpenStreetMap renderer. 17. fix way statistics counters in OpenStreetMap PBF importer. 18. add device interface check to Bluetooth plugin using new plugin error reporting, so user will be informed if host computer does not have a Bluetooth interface or does not have a native library for that operating system. 19. add James Palmer's performance optimizations for downloading and parsing national public record databases for amateur radio callsigns. 20. enhance MADIS Post plugin to allow user-selectable file format in either CSV or JSON format, with the option to automatically push a finished file via HTTP POST or FTP to another host, and add help on how to use the feature. Default format is that used by previous version of plugin. 21. have the Small Screen plugin remember the desktop position and size of its window. 22. augment email client code in Telemetry Alarm plugin to allow non-default port numbers for the remote SMTP server. 23. allow displaying the defined units of telemetry data (as specified by the remote station) in telemetry alarms. 24. add built-in help for Telemetry Alarm plugin. 25. restructure Telemetry Alarm plugin configuration so email configuration is done in the expert-mode configuration dialog as for every other part of YAAC, and add ability to send self-addressed test emails to verify the email configuration. 26. fix plugin help index XML files to avoid index merge failures. 27. fix Weather Alert plugin to detect wind gusts from stations that only report current wind speed and not recent gust peaks. 28. add ability to speak station/object course (direction of travel) in Sounds plugin. 29. add weather station clock error condition to Weather Alert plugin. 30. more fixups of UoMD findbugs issues. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#151 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-May-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix barometric pressure units in OpenTRAC weather reports. 2. fix Julian date extraction for Peet Bros Ultimeter weather station reports. 3. fix Yaesu port driver's parsing of Yaesu APRS radio data. 4. fix NullPointerException from cancelling non-started timeout timer. 5. improve error reporting if a plugin can't be activated. 6. don't do map pan-and-flash for blacklisted station that is reporting an emergency (presumably, they were blacklisted for abusive/illegal transmissions already). 7. add new mini-webserver page for weather data from the local station. 8. (courtesy of James Palmer) sort the bookmarks menu into alphabetical order. 9. properly handle keyboard mnemonics and accelerators for menu entries defined by plugins (courtesy of James Palmer). 10. ensure Help menu is all the way to the right on menu bars. 11. fix raw packet table view to not break when bodiless frames are received (such as connected-mode packet supervisory [S] frames handling flow-control). 12. allow map mouse-clicks to select the local station. 13. prevent IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions when viewing the Last Digipeater table in the filter UI. 14. add debugging hook to allow playing back Yaesu port log file. 15. fix OpenStreetMap rendering errors for Ways whose width values use punctuation marks to indicate units of width. 16. stop doing unnecessary land fills on island shorelines. 17. try to reduce plotting OpenStreetMap labels on top of other labels. 18. harden mini-webserver against browsers who send Unicode byte order marks as the start of their HTTP request. 19. fix more import issues with OpenStreetMap data, optimize open ocean tile data for more efficient reading and rendering. 20. begin effort of localizing mini-webserver pages so they will appear in the locale of the station operator. 21. allow mini-webserver page handlers to throw FileNotFoundException so they can conditionally be reported as HTTP 404 Not Found instead of having to show content that doesn't exist in the local station. 22. fix menu keyboard mnemonics for callsign DB plugin. 23. update tocalls list from the master lists as of build date. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#150 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-May-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support for Peet Bros weather stations' "complete record" protocol for sending weather data to computers. 2. add support for manual-only beaconing, on a per-beacon definition basis, so that a system working cross-band VHF and HF (on a band where automatic transmissions are prohibited) can beacon automatically on VHF and comply with regulations on the HF band. Add a more obvious control (the BCN button) to trigger manual beacon transmissions, with a visual indication whether it is "reasonable" to force another beacon. 3. fix proportional path editing logic in case user deletes all paths; this then assumes that the user meant only the direct (no digipeat) path. 4. make some UI adjustments to prevent sudden widening of lists and text fields because the widget doesn't have any text entries to figure the necessary width of the widget. 5. fix NullPointerException when viewing the health monitor for weather stations that have only sent one packet since YAAC has started. 6. stop drawing street names upside down; name flipping should only occur for borderlines (such as province or national boundaries) where the side of the line the name occurs on matters. 7. try to fix parsing for the Yaesu port driver. 8. fix weird case in OpenStreetMap importers where a Relation for a body of water has only one Way in the shoreline, and no labelling tags on the Way (only on the Relation). In such cases, the unlabelled Way is dropped, and the multipolygon element of the Relation gets dropped because it doesn't merge multiple Ways together. 9. some cleanup of online help documentation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#149 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-May-09 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. yet more improvements and bugfixes in OpenStreetMap importer, including support for coastline shapefiles and actually fixing tiling of large bodies of water, and adjusting default assumptions for incomplete OSM records to account for cases where the assumptions didn't apply (such as assuming a riverbank is a closed area of a section of the river [both banks] rather than potentially only one shoreline). 2. fix errors in the Maven pom.xml files provided for an alternate means of building YAAC. Note that the Ant build.xml files are still the supported means of building YAAC and its plugins. 3. clean up Javadocs and fill in more missing Javadocs. 4. eliminate incorrect identification of TCPXX as a digipeater alias. 5. more minor performance enhancements. 6. add ability to parse time intervals (Ages) as well as display them. 7. fix up display of the YAAC Help->About dialog, ensuring that it can't grow excessively large from installing many plugins and increasing the font size. 8. allow quad-sized icons so if all icons are displayed in double-size then more significant stations/objects can still be displayed in a larger size on the map. 9. fix displaying weather stations as old-style weather map symbols so that the temperature and dew point are in the configured temperature units instead of fixed at Fahrenheit. 10. fix beacon configuration to ensure any modified beacon record has the chance to be saved when switching to another beacon record, and ensure the controls for setting beacon-specific rates are properly set to the last values for that beacon instance instead of always to the APRS defaults. Also add sanity check to beacon free-text comment in case user puts the word EMERGENCY in the text, just to validate that they really want to announce a real emergency to listening stations. 11. fix configuration wizard to propagate callsign-SSID changes to existing ports rather than only to any new ones (which might not be created when the callsign is changed). 12. add to list of standard APRS-IS backbone rotator domain names, the CWOP rotator (which contains traffic from non-amateur-radio Citizen's Weather Observation Program stations) 13. for the WxNow.TXT port driver, supplement support for the 2-line Cumulus file format with chooseable support for the 1-line Weathercat (TNC2 command-mode frame) format, and allow freely typing the model code of the weather sensor as an alternative to the canned list of model codes. 14. add transmit slowdown to radio ports to try to ensure TNC has time to get the last packet out before pushing a new packet into the TNC, as some TNCs don't have the buffer space for more packets from the computer when the last one hasn't finished going to the radio yet. Was already there for Serial_TNC port type, added for other TNC port types. 15. update the list of referred websites for obtaining OpenStreetMap dataset downloads. 16. restructure the email composition method in the Telemetry Alarm plugin so it can be accessible from other plugins. 17. properly handle weather data in APRS packets when the field is provided but filled with "..." to indicate the sending station does not actually have that data parameter. 18. reduce JVM heap thrashing by replacing calls to StringBuilder.append(s.substring(start,end)) with StringBuilder.append(s, start, end). 19. add more support in core YAAC for inter-plugin data sharing. 20. eliminate spurious re-render of the OpenStreetMap layer just because a new station was heard. 21. refactor MADIS weather data quality check so it can be used elsewhere than just in the Health Monitor view, including in the new Weather Alert plugin (more about this later). 22. fix issue reported on APRSSIG mailing list 8 May 2020 about I-gating packets with embedded carriage return and line feed characters. 23. (provided by James Palmer AG5VQ) fix bugs in the CallsignDB plugin to support multiple licenses/callsigns per individual licensee. 24. fix duplicate speaking of the degree portion of a longitude in the sounds plugin. 25. add new Weather Alert plugin, which reports when certain conditions are detected in local or remote weather data, by verbal speech, email, SMS, highlighting the station on the map, and sending APRS text messages. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#148 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Mar-26 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. more improvements in OpenStreetMap importer, including support for coastline shapefiles and attempting to fix tiling of large bodies of water. 2. add more debugging code in case plugins are flaky. 3. fix NullPointerException with Tx I-gated packets. 4. add support for still-in-development speech recognition plugin. 5. don't report NullPointerExceptions when processing GPSD packets before the GPS receiver has acquired the constellation almanac. 6. ensure optional Help button in error message dialog has focus if it is included in the dialog. 7. handle prompting for and processing handshake of Winlink password. 8. add ability to display public key certificates used for accessing APRS-IS over SSL/TLS connections. 9. fix APRS-IS over SSL port driver, add option to allow encrypted communications in case the APRS-IS server got a security upgrade and won't allow the YAAC-default NULL cipher for communication with the server, improve error reporting when the problem is an expired certificate, and add support for config re-import. 10. remove spurious error message when configuring SSL-APRS-IS port. 11. add ability to type in weather station model code for WXNOW.TXT port driver, so weather station models not listed in the (rather old) APRS Protocol Specification can be reported in their weather reports. 12. ensure APRS-IS server passcode is cleared when re-importing configurations. 13. fix beacon position report packet to not include weather data if there isn't an open weather station port (so as to prevent transmitting stale weather data indefinitely if a weather interface fails). Note this may cause problems if the weather station clock is significantly off. 14. fix minor glitches in conguration re-importer. 15. attempt to fix Outernet port driver URLs for reading the Outernet receiver's webserver. 16. collect performance statistics on WXNOW.TXT port driver, attempt to handle file lock collision with writing application. 17. fix ADSB decoder to work around a API problem. 18. fix startup bug for Icom CI-V control in repeater finder plugin. 19. add speech plugin support to repeater finder plugin. 20. make repeater finder able to speak tuning changes if sounds plugin is also installed. 21. add speech plugin support to small screen plugin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#147 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jan-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fill in missing information in the Javadocs for the YAAC source code. 2. fix the built-in help index merging. This required changing all of the plugins that had help extensions, as the old format would actually cause help generation to fail when sort-merging the index. 3. implement and document command-line options to support limited configuration setting, suitable for use by third-party installation scripts. 4. eliminate excessive digits after the decimal point for QRU maximum range. 5. add user-selectable new formats for logging GPS track data, including the existing format of whatever YAAC is receiving, and per-source (local and remote) logging in NMEA-0183 sentences, GPSD JSON structures, GPX (GPs eXchange) XML, and CSV format. 6. fix error in time-limiting the playback of a GPS log file. 7. fix memory and CPU leak when closing raw packet view. 8. fix spurious NullPointerException when setting up map windows. 9. add safety check to make user confirm they really want to change their Mic-E status to the Emergency setting before actually doing it. 10. copy the latest version of Hessu's tocalls.dense.json file. 11. normalize the entries on the View menu to not say "View" or "Show" redundantly. 12. add one-touch changing of Mic-E status to the small screen plugin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#146 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jan-10 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. properly identify scope of Object/Item reports received over RF by scanning the digipeater list for RFONLY and NOGATE aliases. 2. better calculate the transmit time for AX.25 frames for traffic analysis. 3. fix infinite loop in processing OpenTRAC sequence number elements. 4. fix incorrect RF-transmitting station identification and tocall for a Tx I-gate YAAC station. 5. log traffic forwarded by a Tx I-gate to the I-gate station as well as to the originating station (i.e., how much local RF traffic is the I-gate creating?). 6. fix bug where popup menus launched from the popup station information window (launched by left-clicking or touchscreen touching a station on the map) show selections suitable for a textual table display rather than for a map. 7. minor optimizations to the OpenStreetMap PBF-format importer. 8. add built-in help to the Small Screen plugin. 9. add piped command support to the Sounds plugin in case the text-to-speech synthesizer program needs its output piped to another program to reach the correct sound card and speakers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#145 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jan-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. expose some private components of the core YAAC graphical UI so they could be re-used for the new Small Screen plugin. 2. make some of the popup menus alternatively have larger font sizes so the menu choices can be selected more accurately with fat fingers on a touchscreen. 3. fix a few pom.xml issues within the build structure. 4. Implement the first build of the Small Screen plugin. The Small Screen plugin is designed to make YAAC more usable on systems with low-resolution screens and/or touchscreens, such as the Raspberry Pi with the 7-inch touchscreen connected to the DSI port. It uses a different layout of the most useful of the YAAC screens (the map, raw packets table, station/object list, text message table, and the GPS status dialog) in a full-screen mode to take full advantage of what screen real-estate is available instead of having it consumed by window manager overhead. However, all of the other YAAC windows are still available for use. Note that the sounds plugin may also be useful in mobile environments using the Small Screen plugin. With the Raspberry Pi, sound effects could be played through the Pi's default output-only hardware sound interface with a small speaker, while other sound cards (such as the Tigertronics SignaLink or NW Digital Radio DRAWS HAT) handle packet audio input/output. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#144 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2020-Jan-05 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. properly generate standard APRS packets in locales where a comma is used instead of a period as the numeric decimal point. also fix where executing KML files or CSV files of lat/lon data. 2. fix null pointer exception when using GPSD with a non-moving station or station that doesn't currently have a valid GPS fix. 3. shorten outgoing text message panel's text field for the message body to cut down on field loss when someone shrinks the desktop window too small (typically under 965 pixels in width of the map window, depending on font choice). 4. fix ClassCastException accidentally introduced by a refactoring to resolve a findbugs issue. 5. fix hang in mini-webserver caused by using buffered input in an invalid context. 6. fix null pointer exception and HTTP server error in mini-webserver when viewing the stations page on a system that is still rapidly growing its station list. 7. fix incorrect map direction rotation in repeater finder plugin, and handle fitting on small screens by using fullscreen mode and no window title bar. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#143 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Dec-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support hooks for upcoming large-scale event distributed database plugin (not yet available) and demonstration plugin (now available). 2. clean up more issues discovered by University of Maryland findbugs utility, including in some plugins. 3. fix incorrect unit scaling in PositionlessWeatherReport. 4. separate digipeaters and I-gates in Station Category filter. 5. add first digipeater filter (still keeping last digipeater filter). 6. fix identification of a NewN-n digipeat alias. 7. add warning message when running YAAC in non-GUI mode, so users don't think it's stuck when it's actually running without a user interface. Especially important for Unix/Linux users that try to run YAAC without a graphical X-Windows desktop. 8. ensure weather data is consumed, even for delayed weather packets with timestamps that is pre-empted by later packets without weather data from the same station. 9. add configurable ability to ensure tactical names (aliases) for stations are preserved over YAAC restarts. 10. report the specific Java runtime version in use at YAAC startup time; in case there are any weird problems causing it to fail to startup, at least some info can be collected to help debug it. 11. add experimental means to copy a YAAC configuration from one installation to another, trying to apply reasonable precautions to avoid duplicate stations interfering with each other. Add javadocs to explain hooks needed in existing code to support the config importer. 12. on configuration export, ensure that user meant to overwrite an existing file before proceeding to do so. 13. fix NullPointerException in GPS processing through GPSD when the GPS doesn't have enough of a fix to report VDOP and PDOP. 14. fix weird font rendering issues where spaces didn't take up any space (caused by recent Java Runtime patch to all releases 8 through 11). 15. fix displaying of locally-created objects with area symbol codes when digipeater echo-backs aren't occurring (such as for Internet-only installations of YAAC). 16. fix layout problems for configuration panels if the user reduces the size of the configuration dialog window "too much". Now controls won't be lost from undersized windows, because scroll panes will allow the missing controls to be reached by scrolling the panels. 17. add smarts to the configuation wizard to prevent creating 2 I-gate ports in YAAC (can still be done in expert mode, but not a good idea unless you need to listen to FireNet whyile being connected to the regular APRS-IS backbone). 18. make use of KISS work-around for Kenwood MCP (Memory Control Program) protocols (so an AX.25 packet can't accidentally lose some of its bytes to an MCP command to the radio) optional, because some other TNCs can't handle the work-around as being an illegal KISS escape. 19. add extra debugging logic if OSM tile files aren't read correctly. 20. ensure port driver errors causing events (such as Internet connection lost and restored) are reported properly when YAAC is running in non-GUI mode. 21. add Javadoc warnings to buffered input stream classes regarding using them with intermittent real-time input streams (such as socket connections), as some packets might be delayed until enough traffic to fill an entire buffer arrives. 22. handle a few more OpenStreetMap non-standard amenity type names and map them to the standard ones, and recognize some more obscure standard keys (diplomatic="", emergency=""). 23. performance-tune the OpenStreetMap PBF importer some more. 24. stop keeping the YAAC builds compatible with Java 6, and move them up to Java 7 (not 8, due to people running antique computers). 25. include the new demonstration plugin. This is designed for stand-alone demonstrations of YAAC at hamfests, etc., and allows running an automatically-advanced PowerPoint slide show on one side of a split window and cycling through chosen YAAC display modes on the other side. Somewhat restricted in what PowerPoint features it can support, but it works if the slide show keeps it simple. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#142 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Sep-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix network socket reading code that downloads static files from webservers so they don't get stuck if the available() method doesn't work. 2. similarly, fix network socket reading code that reads real-time data from other applications to not use buffering that could prevent receiving data as soon as the frame/sentence/packet is finished arriving at the YAAC-side network socket. 3. fix UI breakage for sounds plugin's configuration panel. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#141 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Sep-03 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add option to use or not use YAAC's experimental Mic-E model code for locally-originated Mic-E position reports, defaulting to OFF. 2. obsolete the deprecated SoundMaker programming API inside YAAC and convert all usages thereof to the MsgEventListener API. This includes a mandatory upgrade to the sounds plugin. 3. add a new view for controlling features of rendering specifically identified stations and objects, including supporting double-sized icons only for those stations, adding motion track stripes only for those, and only making sound effects for those stations. Also, make these settings optionally persisted across YAAC restarts, and viewable in a tabular view. 4. separate enabling/disabling display of NWS severe weather zones (according to the shapefiles of those zones) from enabling/disabling display of NWS multilines (which may be used for purposes other than weather). 5. fix ordering of elements on the File menu so Close and Exit will always be near (if not at) the bottom. 6. fix a few obscure NullPointerExceptions. 7. localize the units display in the GPS status dialog. 8. fix the saving of the initial map window size. 9. fix GUI generic dialog service functions to support plugins' properties files. 10. report to user when OSM tile file version structure has changed to more recent than the local code supports (i.e., they need to upgrade their code). 11. add a means to send extra descriptive information for the plugin installer. 12. for APRS-IS and APRS-IS-over-SSL ports, add a sanity check of the filter expression to warn the user during port configuration editing if they are using filters requiring local beaconing but don't have beaconing enabled. 13. improve contrast of lesser roads and unnamed water bodies on OSM map layer. 14. improve support for separate IHO S57 seamark data. 15. add support for downloading older versions of map tile data if a newer version is implemented and the user is using automatic downloading with an older software version. 16. add tracking timers to verify an APRS-IS port is receiving periodic comment lines from the server (even if no traffic is received). 17. more optimizations to OSM importers. 18. don't try to fill nonshareable buffered input streams with more than is available in the underlying stream (i.e., don't block for more on intermittent socket streams and cause APRS-IS server connection timeouts). 19. expose more OSM parsing code for convenience in future IHO S57 map layer development. 20. support fractional layer numbers in OSM data (even though it's not supposed to be that way, it is). 21. fix termination race condition in OSM XML importer. 22. fix overbuffering issue in mini-webserver. 23. add knowledge of Anytone radios, Yaesu FT3D. 24. remove excess words from View menu choices. 25. attempt to identify duplicate packets coming from both RF and Internet sources. 26. properly extract weather data from stations using old raw Ultimeter packet format. 27. introduce new MadisPost plugin to support the National Weather Service. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#140 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Jun-08 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. correcting speed units in protocol messages to use the correct protocol-specific units (NMEA-0183, APRS, OpenTRAC, etc.) so they will be correctly converted to the user-preference units for display. This also affected the sounds plugin and the repeater finder plugin. 2. correctly identify repeater RF parameters (frequency, shift, tone, etc.) instead of mis-identifying other free-text comment words as repeater parameters. 3. accept truncated telemetry messages that don't contain all the analog and digital fields. 4. identify version of Java runtime being used in YAAC.out logfile to aid in troubleshooting issues. 5. add generic support for other operating systems instead of just arbitrarily failing. 6. add support for safely announcing events that are detected in synchronized code after the synchronized block is exited. 7. add support for reporting on selected stations/objects that haven't been heard from for a specified period of time. 8. more minor performance improvements. 9. eliminate running 2 JVM's unless absolutely required (patched RXTX library didn't work on or Mac OS X that requires command-line options). 10. correct Aloha circle calculation for multi-port systems (I-gate and cross-frequency digipeaters) for remote stations/objects appear on more than one port. 11. make more functionality appear on map windows with less capabilities than the main map window (ex. repeater finder plugin's map). Functionality includes locating stations/objects and OpenStreetMap landmarks. 12. improve information delivered for OBJECT_TAKEOVER event. 13. bombproof obscure bug in Message Content Filter from private locally-originated objects that were persisted. 14. fix minor infrastructure issues for custom extra columns in table views. 15. improve formatting of error messages when parsing invalid-syntax APRS frames. 16. handle race conditions in querying both websites for upgrade info. 17. optimize replies to queries by only sending them through the port that received the query if that can be done. 18. clean up source code for syntactical differences in later versions of the Java language, such as not having to explicitly declare an interface method as public in the interface if the interface itself is public. 19. source code delivery of not-yet-complete BikeStats plugin, which uses the extra custom table columns mechanism to allow appending operator-entered statistics to station or object records via either the Station/Object table view or via the popup station information window when stations are clicked on the map. 20. stop generating extraneous error text for APRS packets with syntactically incorrect repeater parameters when using the repeater finder plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#139 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-May-30 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. correct error where local station's callsign overwrote originating station's callsign when forwarding to APRS-IS backbone. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#138 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-May-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. partial first draft of custom note-taking table extensions to support events where additional dynamic information (not transmitted via APRS) is needed for stations and objects. 2. more OpenStreetMap-standard amenity icons added to map rendering. 3. more IHO S57 sea chart data drawn from OpenSeaMap records, beacons and buoys rendered in their primary colors (green, red, yellow, etc.). Also draw IHO nodes at higher zoom levels than other OpenStreetMap nodes. 4. latest tocalls list downloaded from GitHub. 5. altitude decoding in MicE messages fixed for packets also containing station model codes. 6. deal with cases where GPSD sends satellite data without any satellite subrecords (for GPSs that don't provide that data or when shielded from sky-view). 7. try to fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when scrolling to oldest entries in Kenwood radio emulation view. 8. fix jiggling of top line of Kenwood radio emulation view for different sized callsigns. 9. ensure object's APRS symbol is shown in Kenwood radio view instead of its transmitting station's symbol. 10. report the number of times a local Object has been transmitted in the Local Objects table view. 11. reuse the local objects table view instead of creating duplicate views. 12. recognize "Severe Thunderstorm" weather zones as well as "Thunderstorm" zones. 13. more minor code optimizations. 14. fix SSL APRS-IS port driver to log server certificate errors to the YAAC.out file as well as displaying them in an error dialog, so that there is a record of why the server could not be accessed with SSL. 15. document history of plugin API changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#137 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-May-14 downloadable from or Note: due to the changes in the OSM map rendering, you must upgrade to this build before downloading author-provided YAAC map tiles based on the 190506 snapshot or later. changes and updates include: 1. fix compressed-mode altitude encoding/decoding in position report packets. 2. use English abbreviations by default for distance/length units. 3. add ability to do digipeats of HF-sourced packets that don't have a digipeat path. also add ability to all RF port type editors to optionally specify if the port is for an HF-band radio. 4. fix memory/CPU leak from blinkenlight timers. 5. add missing source code from build#136 that wasn't checked into source control. 6. shorten timestamps in severe weather zone table, health monitor, and local object table so they can be better seen without resizing the table. 7. harden mouse dragging logic for line-of-sight plotting. 8. fix NullPointerException in configuration wizard when serial port based port types can't be used because RXTX library is not available. 9. add configurable ability for APRS-IS and SSL-APRS-IS port drivers to attempt reconnecting to the backbone servers indefinitely, rather than for a limited 50 minutes, and also handle when Internet connectivity is not available at initial connection time (YAAC startup or port enabling). 10. fix Locate Amenity on map to hide other amenity types when a specific type is selected on the list. 11. adjust place name font sizes on OpenStreetMap rendering so crowded areas are easier to read. 12. add additional OpenSeaMap data to YAAC-decoded OpenStreetMap data to better render marine map data. 13. fix rendering of islands (former map sorting bug where, to prevent the color of water from running over the island, the island was filled with land color) so that the land does not cover up other features like roads and amenities. 14. fix some typos in the Bluetooth_TNC configuration dialog. 15. add check for potential future changes in YAAC OSM tile format. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#136 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Apr-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix javadoc comments to be more accurate. 2. more minor performance optimizations. 3. resolution of more issues detected by the University of Maryland findbugs utility. 4. correct processing of Mic-E model codes in case where altitude is included in the position. 5. assign one of the experimental Mic-E model codes when YAAC is configured to send its beacon in MicE format. 6. fix positionless weather report to not override the symbol for a station, so its position report symbol is displayed even though it is sending weather. 7. add code to handle AX.25 frames with more digipeater addresses than allowed by the AX.25 protocol specification (marking such frames as invalid), rather than failing to process them. 8. add proper cleanup for attempted connected-mode session windows. 9. add support to soundsplugin and core YAAC for arbitrary announcements to be triggered by the application or its plugins; add support in repeaterfinder plugin so operator will be told which repeater was being tuned (in case they hit the wrong button on the repeater table). 10. support extracting weather data from positionless weather reports to update the accrued status of a station. 11. add ability to right-click on the map and start a line-of-sight plot from the clicked position. 12. add right-click popup menu option to automatically add a selected station to the health monitor list. 13. allow Show URL and Send Email popup menu options to work on raw packet table views on the specific selected packet (as opposed to only the most recent packet when clicking on a station). 14. fix bandwidth monitor to not display ports with an unknown maximum bandwidth (since the percent consumption of such ports is meaningless). 15. refactor geographical map to allow plugins to add more layers to the map. 16. add support for OpenTRAC weather observations to Kenwood radio panel. 17. add ability to set beaconing rates for the records in loaded Object files. 18. change selecting specific stations for tracking and untracking to be per map window instead of for all map windows. 19. add display of Tx I-gate callsign-SSID to table views of raw packets. 20. fix invalid row selection for popup menu on station/object list. 21. fix RF path plottor to properly trace path of packets transmitted by Tx I-gates. 22. fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to delete a station from the health monitor list. 23. add support to mini webserver to support localized browser requests from non-English locales. 24. recognize more amenity types in OpenStreetMaps datasets. 25. start adding support for maritime map overlays (not complete). 26. improve error logging in OSM data importers. 27. add throughput numbers to pseudo-APRS-IS server plugin's status web page. 28. add accessibility support to Bluetooth plugin's configuration panels. 29. add support for beacon instance selection on Bluetooth TNC ports. 30. fix bugs in repeaterfinder plugin's Icom CI-V protocol handler; add support to announce radio tuning changes to Icom and Kenwood radio types. 31. add error handling to upgrader app in case someone tampers with the downloaded upgrade files before the upgrader gets started. 32. fix bug with longitudes > 109 degrees outgoing Mic-E format beacons, add weather data to Mic-E messages if a weather symbol code and weather data configured to be added. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#135 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Feb-28 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add better support for signpost "symbol", including supporting UTF-8 text on the "sign", porting the sign to OpenTRAC packets, and rendering it better on the map. 2. fix so private APRS Objects will be rendered on the map (creating bogus messages so they have something to draw). 3. fix change of flag for persisting local objects so that local objects created before turning the flag on will also get persisted. 4. add ability to modify symbol of local object through the Local Objects table view. 5. extract old signpost text when editing an existing Object that is using the signpost symbol. 6. support the operator-attended 'O' overlay for signpost symbols (intent being to identify milemarkers for public service events where a radio operator is stationed versus not stationed). 7. update MS150 cue sheet converter to produce an alternate .pos file of route checkpoints using the signpost symbol code, labelling the signs with the mile marker number, and marking signs as operator-attended if there is an operator callsign for the checkpoint. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#134 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Feb-26 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support to upgrader and upgrade launcher to remember profile specification of exited YAAC instance for use in launching new YAAC instance after upgrade. 2. fix storage and restoration of new transmission timing fields in beacon and status message configurations. 3. fix callsign DB plugin to repair corrupted callsign indexes. 4. rebuild repeater finder plugin to account for changes in core YAAC. 5. add support for more types of serial port devices on Mac OS X in customized RXTX library. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#133 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), create 2019-Feb-25 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. (actually in build#132) add map option to draw RF digipeat path vectors between transmitting stations and local receiving station. 2. fix more javadoc comments. 3. add support for multiple flavors (full, abbreviated, or rate) of localized enum names. 4. add support so each beacon, the status message, bulletins, and locally-originated objects can have unique beacon repetition intervals (defaulting to the common default used for text messaging). 5. obsolete TODO comments removed from source code. 6. change authentication keystore format to PKCS#12 instead of Java proprietary format, with backwards compatibility. 7. fix SslAprsIsConnector so it can successfully fall back to second and later choices on the rotator. 8. remove duplicate/obsolete certificates in certificate chain import. 9. survive handling bodiless AX.25 frames that should have contained APRS packets (transmission error by originating RF station). 10. add popup menu option to pan to a selected severe weather zone (since NWS zone names aren't very descriptive). 11. ensure HDOP is fully provided (if available) when using GPSD connector. 12. add ability to re-export imported public key certificate chains. 13. make sure blacklist applies to inbound connected-mode requests. 14. add unit display to object editor dialog when editing weather or hurricane objects. 15. localize some common I/O error messages reported as exceptions. 16. update Callsign DB plugin to use new version of QRZ.COM's XML query protocol. 17. raise maximum interval for beacons to 1 hour (3600 seconds). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#132 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Feb-14 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix logging of defective APRS packets that happen to be terminated with a carriage return control character. 2. add more missing Javadocs and correct out-of-date external hyperlinks to other documentation (such as the APRS protocol specification at TAPR). 3. fix Maidenhead locator beacon message processing to accept 4-character Maidenhead locators instead of requiring 6-char locator. 4. more minor code performance optimizations. 5. resolve more issues reported by University of Maryland findbugs utility. 6. add support for range-limiting of general queries (as opposed to directed queries). 7. update DX report to show both reported and reporting stations. 8. harden detection of blacklisted entries in case the blacklisted station is a Tx I-Gate as opposed to an originating system. 9. update OutgoingMessages table to indicate whether a message has been explicitly acknowledged or just went idle from running out of retransmits. 10. change ?APRS? query handler to only respond through port that received the query. 11. make all general query handlers support optional range specification. 12. fix directed queries to not use sequence-numbered messages to make the queries (a violation of the APRS protocol spec). 13. fix popup menu choice "Show URL" to use URLs as provided by APRS stations rather than forcing to lowercase. 14. add popup menu choice "Send Email" for stations whose free-text comment appears to contain an email address. 15. update directed message query so explicitly acked messages won't get resent. 16. fix logic error in packet source filter. 17. stop reporting GPS ports as failed just because satellite lock was lost by the GPS receiver. 18. better calculate channel capacities for bandwidth monitor. 19. fix OSM mirrors list to not show HTTPS mirrors if HTTPS is configured as disabled for YAAC. 20. fix popup menu station selection error on Tx I-gated table. 21. reorganize station rendering on the map so auxiliary info (such as track stripes, digipeat hop paths, etc.) can be displayed for weather stations, areas, and signposts. 22. fix potential ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to edit filters on a newly started YAAC instance with slow incoming traffic. 23. bring in latest additions to tocalls list. 24. update built-in help to add missing alt attributes to support accessibility. 25. update documentation to account for Outernet being renamed to Othernet. 26. add support for OpenTRAC GPS Data Quality element. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#131 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Feb-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. Better handle recursive third-party prefixes in APRS packets. 2. Better handle erroneously-truncated APRS packets that don't have a body. 3. Fix locally-generated message transmissions to support non-default maximum transmission counts on a per-message basis. 4. Handle Mic-E model type decoding from stations that append an extra carriage return character to the end of the packet. 5. Support Base91-encoded telemetry appended in a MicE position packet (formerly only supported in verbose position report packets). 6. Correct spelling of embedded Mic-E status names for non-Mic-E position packets for the statuses that have spaces in the names; specifically, expect that embedding the status name between exclamation points in the free-text comment will not have spaces in the status name (such as !INSERVICE! for the Mic-E "In Service" status code). 7. Fix incorrect javadoc comments (so the SDK documentation will be more correct) and add more missing javadoc comments. 8. Fix more issues reported by the University of Maryland findbugs utility. 9. More general minor performance optimizations. 10. Fix potential infinite loop in Yaesu port driver in case a non-APRS packet is received. 11. Fix spelling errors in error log messages. 12. Report GPS DOP (dilution of precision) values on the GPS Status dialog if the GPS receiver reports DOP. 13. Persist locally-defined bulletins and start transmitting them again on YAAC restart. Also add new startup command-line option to delete all persisted bulletin messages at startup should they no longer be wanted by the user. 14. Fix typo in range filter evaluation that would cause newly-in-range and newly-out-of-range events to be reported under the wrong circumstances. 15. Shorten time window from 80 minutes to 30 minutes for position messages used to estimate position of stealth digipeaters. 16. Add ability to plot digipeat hop paths on the map for RF stations. 17. Harden the user cancellation for the OpenStreetMap importers. 18. Add popup menu option to open browser on URL specified in APRS packet free-text comment. 19. Allow OpenStreetMap importer to accept non-compressed XML (as is provided by some mirror sites that allow partial downloads of OSM data). The file name should end with ".osm" instead of ".osm.bz2" (for bzip2-compressed XML) or ".osm.pbf" (for protocol buffer format). 20. Add hot-keys for commonly-used popup menu choices, such as Zoom In, Zoom Out, Locate Station, Show Message History, Show on Radio View, Track this Station/Untrack this Station, and Message Station. 21. Fix local bulletin message creation to support nameless bulletin group, properly line-wrap multi-line bulletins, and allow customized per-group retransmission rates and lifespans, and properly allow cancelling the creation of a new group before transmitting it. 22. On per-station message history table dialogs, fix popup menu to properly extract the sending station's callsign from the table for pre-setting popup menu choices. 23. Fix performance impact from formerly keeping map footer's message sender "To:" list updated constantly when not actually being used. Now list is only updated when list is selected and new stations have been learned since the last time the "To:" list was used. 24. Properly render multi-line notes appended to a station or object. 25. Fix timing race condition in AGWPE port inactivity timer. 26. Eliminate potential infinite loop in OSM importer when randomly reading scratch files at exactly the end-of-file. 27. The latest tocalls information has been imported from and's tocalls JSON file. 28. Make the following enhancements to the Telemetry Alarm plugin: a. Allow specifying multiple email addresses and/or mobile phone numbers as alarm notification destinations. Note that mobile phone numbers all have to be on the same carrier. b. Add ability to test-send the emails and mobile phone SMS text messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#130 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2019-Jan-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. update Apache commons-compress library to latest version 1.18. 2. resolve several TODO comments in the source code. 3. fix 100 or so issues reported by the University of Maryland findbugs utility. 4. more minor performance optimizations to save CPU and heap memory. 5. add support for inbound connected-mode AX.25 chat sessions (as opposed to the existing APRS text message chat sessions and outbound-to-PBBS connected-mode sessions). 6. fill in more missing Javadoc comments. 7. fix an API ambiguity in the OpenTRAC package. 8. add the area 'a' and entry I-gate 'e' filters to the supplemental Tx I-gate available filter set. 9. add ability to delete supplemental beacon definitions if they are no longer needed. 10. add support for beaconing using Mic-E custom statuses (in addition to standard Mic-E status meaings). 11. allow GPS connected through the gpsd daemon to be for a remote GPS (i.e., Internet connection to a remote gpsd), with the same features for position plotting and object transmitting of the remote GPS as the Serial_GPS port type supports. 12. more attempts to fix rendering of labels for common borders (ex.: between states) so labels are drawn on correct side of border. 13. attempt to fix bug with repeated AGWPE port timeouts. 14. correct generate of OpenTRAC weather observation element to account for ambiguity in APRS speed and course info (for the station or for the weather?); only produce weather element if other weather data (temperature, barometric pressure, rainfall, humidity) is present. 15. fix built-in help to account for above fixes and a few missing items. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#129 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Dec-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. adding more missing Javadoc comments to source code (improving the code documentation in the plugin SDK). 2. make a few more corrections to the OpenStreetMap map importer to try to correct rendering issues for some large bodies of water (such as the North American Great Lakes); still not completed. 3. separate Swing-GUI-specific code from generic error logging code. 4. refactor mini-server implementation so that plugins would be able register additional pages. 5. fix blinkenlights so high-speed connections to TNCs (Kiss-over-TCP or AGWPE socket links) don't hide packet reception and transmission. 6. keep message dialog from popping up when severe weather alert messages are popping (only do so when text messages actually addressed to the station arrive). 7. add missing blinkenlight receive reporting for AGWPE ports. 8. recognize a few more OpenStreetMap amenity types. 9. refactor the aprsispseudoserver plugin to account for the mini-webserver refactoring in core YAAC. 10. refactor the bluetooth plugin to account for refactoring in the AbstractGpsConnector class. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#128 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Nov-24 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. support GPS receivers that provide PPS data to the gpsd daemon. 2. add the option to the Serial_TNC port driver to not assert the DTR modem control signal when not in hardware flow control mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#127 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Nov-24 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix AX.25 XID frame handling to report the correct retransmission limit. 2. more minor performance improvements. 3. fix default path for connected-mode chat sessions. 4. stop drawing political boundary names as "highway signs" on the border lines. 5. remove unnecessary debug data from severe weather zone table. 6. fix misdirected error reporting in APRS-IS port driver. 7. phase 1 on fixing some errors in map importing and rendering for large bodies of water (such as the North American Great Lakes) and for extremely zoomed-out map views. not complete, but better than before. 8. fix Internet download path for zoomed-out map file (planet.ways). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#126 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Nov-09 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix stupid typo causing window resizing shortly after the user opens the expert-mode configuration dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#125 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Nov-09 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix Mic-E packet handling when a trailing carriage return is appended to obscure the manufacturer code. 2. multiple minor performance enhancements and comment corrections. 3. handle more misspellings in OpenStreetMap tag data. 4. ensure views using configurable units are properly updated if the chosen unit (distance, weight, etc.) is changed. 5. refactor APRS event notification mechanism so it can be used for other purposes besides making selective sound effects. document for plugin authors. 6. add option to compute Aloha circle for APRS-IS feeds, so as to calculate what the Aloha circle might be if an Internet-only station was given a radio and TNC. 7. remove AWT-specific logging code from core package and put in gui package instead. 8. add tabular display of severe weather zone reports (corresponding to NWS shapefile filled polygons on map). 9. add ability to connect help text to a reported exception so the user is able to see why an error dialog was popped up, use new capability in Serial_TNC, APRS-IS, and AGWPE port drivers. 10. augment Message Content filter to support matching packets using or not using a specific digipeater. 11. fix NullPointerException in SendingStationFilter for objects whose sending station has been manually deleted from the YAAC history cache. 12. genericize line graph plotting widget so it could be used for data besides the bandwidth monitor. 13. fix bulletin board display to not display severe weather alert messages and fix a memory leak for old purged messages. 14. prevent memory and listener leaks from dynamic monitoring configuration panels when the expert-mode configuration dialog is closed. 15. more fixes to dynamic font changing in the UI. 16. remove no-longer-existing rotator from APRS-IS port configuration default choices. 17. better recognize US Interstate highway labels so the correct sign shape can be used. 18. fix ClassCastExceptions caused by improperly formatted APRS text messages that can't be decoded correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#124 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Oct-10 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. allow weather reports where wind speed and direction are not filled in, but are replaced with "...". 2. support telemetry messages that don't specify all 8 bits of the digital field. 3. add a new message event type for when tracked objects report a position change. 4. add option to Sending Station filter to specify whether newly heard stations are initially visible or invisible by default. 5. avoid duplicate message logging to a station that sends itself as an Object. 6. add view menu option to optionally display speed and course of a station or object numerically beneath the station/object identifier on the map. 7. add ability to locate stations and objects by tactical aliases as well as their official callsigns. 8. fix File->Clear Realtime Table and Clear Playback Table menu choices to not appear for tables that don't contain realtime and playback data, respectively. 9. add option to remove draw toolbar from the map using the toolbar itself instead of the menu choice. 10. remove Query menu choices if YAAC is not configured with a port that can transmit the query choices. 11. have Sending Station filter also filter out Objects who were transmitted by filtered-out sending stations, and display and edit tactical aliases on the control widget. 12. reduce overhead for blinkenlights reporting start and stop of reception and transmission. 13. accept left mouse button with depressed ALT key as an alternative to right mouse button. 14. fix font resizing controls in expert-mode configuration dialog. 15. ensure that removing the draw toolbar also unselects any drawing element that was still selected. 16. make local object table bulk-clearable from File->Clear Table menu choice, make QRU category and object scope editable from local object table view. 17. add ability to configure hot-keys for direct access of menu choices without navigating the menus. The following hot-keys are presently implemented: Ctrl-L - locate a station or object Ctrl-Shift-L - locate a landmark Ctrl-M - bring the map view to the foreground Ctrl-P - bring the raw packets view to the foreground Ctrl-S - bring the station/object list to the foreground 18. more general performance optimizations. 19. fix NullPointerExceptions and improve MADIS checks for health monitor weather table, particularly for out-of-range barometric pressure. 20. fix topographic level editor so it takes color changes. 21. add ability to specify line styling when loading a line drawing from a GPX track file with the File->Load->Drawing menu choice. 22. fix KISS-over-TCP port editor to properly save digipeat alias selections. 23. fix plotting of street names on map rendering so they are more likely to appear. 24. make it easier to click on OpenStreetMap ways to get the descriptive popup window. 25. fix startup deadlock for Serial_TNC port connector. 26. add checks for hardware flow control case on Serial_TNC port connector to ensure that modem control signals exist on the specified serial port. 27. fix some import-time interpretations of OpenStreetMap tag attributes. The ADSBdecoder, Bluetooth, CallsignDB, repeater finder, sounds, and telemetry alarm plugins have been updated due to internal API changes within the core YAAC application. If you are using these plugins, you will need to upgrade them when you upgrade YAAC. The MS150 utility has been updated to support the more recent formats of the route cue sheets. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#123 of YAAC "Yet Another APRS Client", created 2018-Aug-21 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fixing negative temperature handling for Peet Bros Ultimeter native packet protocol. 2. add a few more alternate unit spellings for speeds and weights to account for typos and alternate languages in OpenStreetMap data. 3. add callsign to Kenwood and Yaesu port configurations so the assumed callsign programmed into the corresponding radio will be used to identify the local station. 4. add an option to log raw incoming text data from the Yaesu port type to help debug the port driver. 5. fix HTTPS downloading of OpenStreetMap pre-imported tiles from the author's website. 6. stop cloning OSM enum constant arrays (saving memory and reducing garbage collection overhead). 7. fix inactivity timer leak on flakey APRS-IS port connections. 8. add a few more OSM amenity types to the supported list. 9. add code to remove duplicate Ways from imported OSM data. 10. fix Sounds plugin to not use excessive digits after the decimal point for distances. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#122 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Jun-24 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. ensure manual configuration changes are immediately written to disk instead of possibly lost by lazy writes that don't happen before a shutdown of YAAC. 2. support weather stations that transmit "..." (unknown code) as the wind direction when the wind speed is zero. 3. add new options for searching OpenStreetMap data (Locate->Landmark), such as searching for the intersection of two ways, and searching for bridges and tunnels. 4. try to make map clicking for identifying OSM ways less picky on mouse position. 5. optimize sounds plugin processing for text-to-speech output a little more. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#121 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Jun-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. more minor performance optimizations, especially including not trying to render far-off-map-window stations and objects just because track stripe mode is enabled. 2. switch to using secure HTTP (HTTPS) for all possible file transfers, with the option to force using non-encrypted HTTP (to handle the case of Internet service being provided over an Amateur Radio Service radio network such as HSMM, where encryption is prohibited). Internet services that only work over HTTPS (such as the US NWS weather radar overlay and USGS elevation data download, or upgrade fallback to SourceForge) will fail with an understandable error message if non-encrypted HTTP is forced. 3. add experimental support for Yaesu's receive-only APRS support for external computers, implemented with a custom port type similar to the Kenwood receive-only APRS port type. Not yet tested. 4. move OsmSegmenter common code out of the original OsmXmlSegmenter into the common superclass. 5. harden NWSZoneLayer for plotting activated NWS zones for non-supported alert types (used by some non-US weather services). 6. support a few more OpenStreetMap amenity types, correct OSM data import errors from misinterpretation of data from alternate keys (such as "tourism" or "natural"). 7. add a privacy policy to the YAAC application and website to attempt to comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 8. clarify a few points in the built-in help files. ------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build#120 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Apr-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. ensure that messages that are re-transmitted until either an ack or rej is received or the retry count is exceeded will actually stop sending when the ack/rej is received. 2. more minor performance improvements. 3. fix problem with finding built-in help sets under Java 9. 4. fix table contents synchronization issues with outgoing message table. 5. fix Locate->Landmark to ignore punctuation marks when doing the compares. 6. update Callsign DB plugin to allow purging cached records looked up from QRZ, in case the records have been updated on the QRZ website. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#119 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Mar-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. try to fix POM file references to account for local customization of the RXTX library. 2. start adding support so locally generated position messages can have coarsened position precision (increased ambiguity). 3. more tiny code performance improvements. 4. fix NullPointerExceptions when sorting locally generated APRS messages that haven't had their transmit port callsign assigned yet. 5. fix the command-line "-debug" option that takes debug message categories to properly handle comma-separated lists of category names. 6. add more WXSVR NWS message categories for watches and advisories. 7. optimize stealth-digipeater position approximation code. 8. add ability to preemptively abort long-running threads without waiting for them to issue updates to the progress dialog (i.e., if they are hung or in an infinite loop). 9. add ability to filter on ambiguous position messages by their level of ambiguity. 10. add ability to plot National Weather Service counties and forecast zones as identified by WXSVR text messages from the shapefiles available at the webpage 11. fix NullPointerExceptions from being extremely slow to answer the popup dialog asking for authorization to accept tactical callsign assignment messages. 12. change automatic upgrader to use HTTPS access to the website. 13. add option to symbol filter control panel to "squeeze" the display by removing the text description column for each symbol, making it easier to see the symbol usage counts when using APRS 1.2 extended symbol definitions while using tooltips to provide the text descriptions. 14. improve rendering of water-type OpenStreetMap amenity areas. 15. recognize additional OpenStreetMap amenities. 16. document the format of the CSV (comma-separated values) log files. 17. produce a SHA256 sum of the distribution file at build time so downloaders can verify they are receiving a non-corrupted version of the file. changes/updates to the telemetryalarm plugin: 1. update the JavaMail library to the current version 1.6.1. Note that restricts use of the plugin to Java runtime versions >= Java 7. 2. correct configuration of JavaMail session so that it will properly use SMTPS and STARTTLS. 3. add option to view the actual email server domain names instead of the carrier names for the known SMS gateways. Note that there was a bug in storing the configuration of the SMS gateway, so you will need to change away and change back the SMS gateway selection to ensure the correct value is stored. 4. remove length and character restrictions on configured phone number for SMS destination. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#118 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2018-Jan-08 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix bug in handling illegal message formats that just happen to use the characters expected in a third party header that cause incorrect double third-party header processing. 2. minor performance improvements throughout the code. 3. accept APRS messages with dotted-out timestamps. 4. fix NullPointerException in handling S frames and certain subtypes of U frames when transmitting to multiple ports. 5. correct potential dropped-packet hangs for connected-mode AX.25 communications by adding timeout-retry timers (which should have been there in the first place). 6. fix typo in handling received SABME U frame. 7. add checks to connected-mode menu choices to confirm YAAC is configured to allow connected-mode packet before letting the user try to open a connected-mode session. 8. ensure that if upgrading YAAC while using a non-default first window, YAAC will restart with the same non-default window after applying the upgrade. Note this won't actually work in this build, because upgrading to it will still use the old upgrader (without this capability), but it will take affect in all future upgrades. 9. increase flushing interval for GPS logging to reduce strain on Raspberry Pi SD cards. 10. improve accuracy of mouse clicks on OpenStreetMap overlay to allow matching to streets and nodes more precisely. 11. fix NullPointerException accidentally introduced in build#117 when rendering raster map image overlays. 12. fix display of streaming garbage characters on terminal emulator window when opening a connected-mode AX.25 session. 13. fix flood of ClassCastExceptions when importing OpenStreetMap files from XML or PBF sources (typo introduced in build#117). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#117 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Dec-29 downloadable from or changes and updates to YAAC include: 1. fix YAAC to work with Java 9 (including making a custom patch of RXTX to avoid needing to use the java.library.path property on the command line). 2. fix more "bugs" identified by the University of Maryland's findbugs utility. 3. minor performance improvements. 4. add more accessibility support in the plugins. 5. fix terminal display to support PBBS systems that don't send linefeeds after carriage returns. 6. fix problems with the keystore password option on the command line, both fixing the race condition at startup and adding a new option so other users can't see your keystore password on the command line. 7. fix a weird race condition where YAAC sends a status message with maidenhead locator, followed by a timestamped position report, and (because of the transmission latency), the later position report is logged before the status message, such that the state for the station couldn't get the symbol or position for plotting the station. 8. try to make "night mode" display work (using dark-backgrounded displays to prevent affecting night-time eyesight in mobile operations). still a work-in-progress. 9. fix Station/Object list refresh when in filtered mode and the filter is loosened. 10. fix initial weather radar map overlay loading race condition. 11. fix Bluetooth plugin to support internal refactoring of YAAC port drivers. 12. fix typo causing MissingResourceException in sounds plugin. 13. ensure "Digi" phrase is pronounced correctly by sounds plugin even when capitalized. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#116 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Dec-18 downloadable from or changes and updates to YAAC include: 1. assorted minor code performance improvments. 2. properly differentiate between valid APRS-IS forwarded packets with third-party headers and RF packets that happen to contain embedded colon characters (":") in their text. 3. fix race condition when printing position message debug strings. 4. add support for 2-digit repeater tone frequencies without a leading zero. 5. more accurately filter local transmissions when filtering for RF-only stations. 6. properly ignore NMEA-0183 GPS sentences without digits (typically due to lack of satellite reception) by not including the checksums in the scan for numeric values. 7. extend the -gui command-line option to allow plugins to provide window views that can be the first displayed window of YAAC, and add a "help" choice to display the available choices. 8. add categories to the -debug command-line option so not all debug-level logging needs to be turned on simultaneously. 9. fix bugs in Java classloader usages so that core YAAC won't have errors in referencing plugin extensions. 10. extend the text message autoreply mechanism to configurably send the auto-reply message without operator intervention. 11. fix NullPointerExceptions in error logging when the GUI is not used. 12. fix main map window to support not being the first window. 13. fix failure to display automatic upgrade dialog. 14. make expert-mode configuration dialog fit on the Raspberry Pi 7-inch touchscreen. 15. add support to send commands to Kenwood radios (used by plugins). 16. fix a few bugs in OpenStreetMap import interpretation. 17. improve spelling of some prompts to better support screenreaders and related accessibility technologies. 18. add German language localization to all supported plugins and to the upgrader. changes to adbsdecoder plugin: 1. add online help to plugin. 2. add support for piped commands sequences so that tools such as dump978 and uat2esnt can be used to monitor aircraft using UAT instead of ADS-B. 3. improve ADS-B packet processing to catch aircraft using alternate ADS-B message formats (or alternate packet choices by uat2esnt). 4. ensure the age column of the ADS-B table view gets updated periodically even if no new aircraft transmissions are received. changes to callsign DB plugin: 1. add support for Australian Communications and Media Authority database. 2. fix HTML typos in help files. New plugin repeaterfinder, to help identify usable local repeaters based on APRS object reports, with a custom new view (which can be a first window for YAAC) that will fit on a Raspberry Pi screen, with ability to tune some Kenwood and Icom radios automatically to a repeater report (similar to TUNE button on Kenwood radios) (only tested with Kenwood TM-D710A and TH-D72A, and Icom IC-7100, but should work with others). Written per discussion on APRSSIG mailing list on November 30th, 2017. changes to sounds plugin: 1. add new macros for speech output for mobile relative bearing (relative to current course and position of local YAAC station) and repeater frequency, and ensure bearing phrases are I18N-localized. 2. add Test Speech button on configuration panel so the user can easily verify that the speech synthesizer command has been properly entered without having to wait for a speakable event to occur. 3. support for localized text-to-speech synthesizers with both English and German-locale default speech strings. changes to telemetry alarm plugin: 1. general fixing of bugs that kept this plugin from working. 2. correct default hostname assumptions for sender e-mail address and e-mail server name when reporting alarms by e-mail or SMS (cellphone text messaging). 3. fix application of e-mail server authentication information. 4. fix macro substitution in text messages when the message starts with a macro. 5. add clear and unambiguous check to confirm JavaMail library is correctly installed so that telemetry alarm plugin won't fail in strange and unexpected ways due to a missing library. 6. fix layout and invocation of editors for field alarm triggers. 7. update list of known SMS gateways. 8. add tooltips to support accessibility screen readers. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#115 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Nov-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. CRITICAL: fix typo in Help->Check for Upgrade menu choice. 2. improve reporting of non-APRS AX.25 packets. 3. fix and finish writing AX.25 connected-mode packet handling. 4. support more variations of unit symbols in OpenStreetMap tag attributes with dimensions, such as weight and height. 5. improve performance of OpenStreetMap file importer, and add support for PBF file format. 6. add debugging support for AX.25 protocol stack. 7. fix code failure on Java 9 when loading icon images. 8. clean up AX.25 connected-mode connection setup and interactive session display. 9. add localization support to QRU query dialog. 10. reduce memory heap thrashing of YAAC. 11. add localized sorting of POI categories on the POI visibility selection JTree. 12. add latest new tocall definitions. 13. finish German/Deutsch translations, add translation file to official codebase. 14. remove self-unpacking archive creation from Ant build.xml file (they cause more support hassles than they relieve). 15. add a few more OpenStreetMap-standard amenity icons. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#114 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Sep-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix APRS frame parser to handle oversized frames (larger than allowed by the APRS specification). 2. support additional hurricane storm type codes used outside the North American area. 3. assorted minor performance improvements. 4. assorted minor code changes to better integrate with the Java Accessibility API, so YAAC should work better with assistive technologies such as screen readers. 5. add alternate form of "-gui" command line option that allows specifying the Station/Object List as the initial screen rather than the map view (to support visually impaired users who need a more text-oriented UI). 6. fix bug in Rx-I-gate code where a fully digipeated frame would not be forwarded to APRS-IS (because its hop count was used up). 7. add new popup menu choice to send with one menu click a configurable pre-recorded response text message in reply to a received APRS text message. 8. fill in more missing Javadoc comments. 9. fix missing mnemonic key for the Window menu on the menu bars. 10. fix station/object list to preserve row and cell selection when updated. 11. add Test Port button to Outernet port driver configuration panel. 12. remove more Java AWT/Swing-specific code from platform-independent OpenStreetMap code. 13. try to fix input file race ondition in OSM renderer. 14. try to fix conflicts in mnemonic key choices. 15. fix build.xml Ant scripts so later versions of the Java compiler can be used without breaking backwards compatibility with users of older JVM releases. 16. add new plugin so YAAC can proxy access to its APRS ports by pretending to be an APRS-IS server. Note this is NOT a full-function APRS-IS server, so it should only be used on a local LAN (such as at a field EmComm deployment). 17. add a command-line utility that will convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (created by the Multiple Sclerosis Society as cue sheets for their bicycle events) into draw layer overlays, UIView-compatible .pos files, and OpenStreetMap extension files that YAAC can interpret for displaying the bicycle event route and stations. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#113 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Sep-06 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix unit scaling for hurricane and weather station barometric pressure. 2. accept APRS weather reports with some fields filled with spaces (not provided) but with later fields filled in with numeric values. Formerly, all fields after the first space-filled field were lost. 3. fix key spec type for secret keys (as used for signed messages). 4. fix some screwed up and missing Javadocs. 5. add weather events (as opposed to weather stations) to the Station Category (or class) filter, so that events such as hurricanes and tornados could be selectively viewed without having to detail-edit the symbol filter. 6. ensure that popup menu choices that pop up another window will still work correctly if invoked from a popup window (such as the station or object popup when clicking on a map icon). Formerly, popup functions like Edit Note would fail to work if invoked from a popup window because closing the popup window would also close the new window or dialog for supporting the menu function. 7. minor rendering performance improvements. 8. add Edit Note text (in purple text) to the popup station window, so the user doesn't have to go to the trouble of invoking Edit Note to see if there is a note already attached to a station. 9. add the ability to zoom into a specific drawn rectangle on the map by holding the Shift key while doing a left-mouse drag on the map. 10. fix error handling in the station renderer so one failing station or object does to prevent rendering other stations and objects on the map. 11. augment View->Show Weather mode to use correct number of wind barbs for the wind speed (previously, was twice the number that should have been plotted) and add temperature, dew point, and barometric pressure per NOAA standards, allowing views of multiple station's local current weather simultaneously rather than having to click on each icon individually to see weather status. 12. randomize next download time for NWS weather radar rasters to reduce the chance of failing a download because of nation-wide YAAC users all hitting the NOAA server at the same time. 13. background the initial load of NWS weather radar in case it was persisted, so as to not delay the startup of YAAC by waiting on the weather web server. 14. fix map rendering after disabling and re-enabling of raster map layers. 15. initial (and partial) draft of German-language localization. Only about half of the user interface is translated, and was done by a party with minimal knowledge of the language and with the help of Google Translate. If this isn't usable due to poor translations, start YAAC with LANG=en to switch back to the default English translation. 16. fix a typo in the Bluetooth plugin's build.xml Ant file. 17. add a new plugin, the Callsign DB plugin, which allows querying license databases for information about the licensee associated with a callsign clicked on the map or in a tabular view, using downloaded copies of the US Federal Communications Commission amateur radio license database and the Radio Amateurs of Canada database, the downloaded country prefix file provided by AD1C, and the QRZ.COM online database (if network connectivity is available and the YAAC user has a subscription to QRZ.COM). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#112 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Aug-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix weather processing for negative temperatures and units of rainfall. 2. minor CPU performance optimizations. 3. bombproof against race conditions in Tx I-gate logic. 4. rewind the minimum supported Java version to allow Java 6 again, just in case. 5. add option to not persist raster map overlays over YAAC shutdowns, fix persistence of US weather radar overlay. 6. fix broken persistence logic for AGWPE server username and password parameters. 7. try to fix hanging receive threads in APRS-IS port driver. 8. fix error message in GPSD port driver. 9. add icon for OSM amenity type "checkpoint". 10. fix bug in OSM importer where one of the writer threads never terminates. 11. fix some APRS 1.2 symbol icons to match icons used on 12. stop shipping ADS-B and sounds plugins as part of the default distribution (keep them optional). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#111 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Jun-28 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. minor performance improvements. 2. fix initialization problem with window menus. 3. accept numeric fields in OpenStreetMap XML that are using bolded or otherwide enhanced digit characters instead of the ordinary US-ASCII digit characters. 4. fix logic error in SRTM tile manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#110 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Jun-24 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix startup error condition for some menu entries introduced by build#109. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#109 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Jun-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. support GPS $GPGGA sentences where the altitude unit isn't specified (assume default of meters). 2. start code refactoring to allow possible future builds with multiple map windows. 3. allow for plugin .zip files renamed to .jar without having a JAR file manifest. 4. support selective supplemental Tx I-gate traffic, based on a subset of APRS-IS server filter expressions, including logging the amount of supplemental traffic transmitted through RF ports. 5. fix some menu entries to only appear on map windows (as they are only meaningful in the context of a map, not a tabular report). 6. properly invoke object editor for updating a station that sends other types of traffic after the last position report (such as status messages). 7. add Help button to configuration dialog. 8. correct reversed condition check for displaying tactical name of a station or object in popup info box from map. 9. tolerate doing an automated upgrade check on a system that never downloaded any OSM map tile files. 10. fix import of KML files to preserve transparency (alpha) level of drawn objects. 11. ensure editing text field for arbitrary free text match in message content filter is wide enough to see the text. 12. fix ConcurrentModificationException in menu listener callbacks. 13. log filter expression used by APRS-IS and SSL-APRS-IS ports so issues with assumed implicit filters can be debugged more easily. 14. add a few more supported AmenityTypes to the OpenStreetMap importer. 15. support other syntaxes that some contributors used for specifying heights, widths, and speeds in OpenStreetMap data. Due to the refactoring (change#2), the ADSB decoder and telemetry alarm plugins have to be updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#108 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Jun-05 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix breakage caused by adding support for multiple beacon records and mixing up the internal versus display versions of the default beacon name. 2. add ability to record textual notes on stations and objects. This data is not transmitted over APRS, but just kept locally as arbitrary annotations on the station or object. 3. try to bombproof against occasional disappearance of one OSM tile's worth of data (caused by corruption of tile index data structure in YAAC memory). 4. fix Sounds plugin to not lose traffic because the user has entered an invalid configuration parameter in the Sounds configuration panel. If such an error occurs, it will be logged in the YAAC.out file, but the code requesting the sound effect will otherwise continue to execute normally (even if the sound request fails). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#107 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Jun-03 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix unit scaling for local weather data encoded into beacon Position Reports and the weather status dialog, especially for rain data. 2. handle below-zero temperature reports from Peet Bros weather stations. 3. clean up Javadocs some more. 4. add theoretical support for GLONASS constellation receivers, tolerate $GPTXT sentence, add better error reporting for garbled sentence parsing. 5. add YAAC-specific GPS marker sentence to allow mobile users to note when they are at positions with certain meanings (start or end of a route, etc.). 6. enlarge GPS satellite catalog to support Satellite Vehicle numbers for alternate constellation satellites reported by multi-constellation receivers. 7. add support for multiple aliases and languages for distance units, to extract height and maximum speed from OpenStreetMap datasets. 8. add ability to enlarge the custom FastBlockingQueue data structure (used primarily for parsing OpenStreetMap datasets). 9. add support for English plural weight units when parsing OpenStreetMap datasets. 10. add support for multiple beacon definitions with assignment of beacons to packet-transmit-capable ports; the original single beacon is now the default for each port until explicitly changed by the user. also ensure query responses containing position beacons use the appropriate beacon for the port that received the query. Note that multiple beacons can only be set up using expert-mode configuration; the configuration wizard only supports the default single beacon. 11. correct URLs in Javadocs to account for moved 3rd-party documentation. 12. increase interval between recomputations of Aloha circles to reduce CPU burden with large APRS-IS feeds. 13. correct file type for GPS logs to .log (the file type used to be .csv, but the logs contain either NMEA-0183 sentences or JSON records from gpsd). 14. add support for pre-filtering downloaded pre-imported OpenStreetMap tiles to remove data types the user is convinced they will never need to display. This will improve rendering performance on systems with slow disk drives (such as Raspberry Pi SBCs with SD cards for mass storage). 15. split the Preferences tab in the expert-mode configuration dialog into two tabs (Preferences and Behavior), so the dialog dimensions stay small enough to fit on low-resolution screens (such as the 7-inch touch screen for the Raspberry Pi). 16. add the ability to selectively load part of a GPS log file as an optimized polyline on the map draw layer. the range bounds for the log file can be defined as either timestamps or markers written by the user when the GPS data was being logged. 17. fix ClassCastExceptions when receiving gpsd JSON position reports and the lat/lon values are of low resolution (fitting in single-precision floats instead of double-precision). 18. shorten delay for turning off blinkenlight on high-speed ports like APRS-IS and SSL-APRS-IS. 19. tighten layout of digipeat path editing panel. 20. correct GPS velocity reporting on GPS status dialog for a non-moving GPS. 21. add ability to get context menu from a station popup window with the keyboard key in addition to by right-clicking the mouse. 22. ensure Telemetry table view is updated in real-time when using Position Report messages with attached base-91-encoded telemetry instead of cleartext Telemetry messages. 23. optimize plotting detailed polylines when zoomed out. 24. make building and amenity label text of a more readable color. 25. correct URLs for downloading US Government provided data, such as USGS terrain data and NOAA weather radar rasters. 26. add support for logging into remote AGWPE servers. 27. limit the number of retries for trying to reconnect to an APRS-IS server to 100 tries separated by 5 seconds; if all 100 tries fail, YAAC gives up and reports the port as closed, requiring human intervention to reopen. 28. add special escape to SerialTNC port server to prevent accidental mode switching on Kenwood D700/D710 radios because of embedded character sequences in KISS frames that look like Kenwood memory application commands. 29. reduce spurious logging when using W1HKJ's Fldigi program as a modem. 30. properly support optimized random read access to files that are not exact integer multiples of the buffer size. 31. optimize OpenStreetMap tile reading some more. 32. remember bogus callsigns when being used in non-Amateur-Radio-Service modes like Part 15 ISM radio links for amateur rocketry. 33. major rewrite of OpenStreetMap compressed XML file importer to significantly improve import performance and collect additional error statistics if an import fails. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#106 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2017-Jan-30 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. dropping support for Java 6; only Java 7 and later may be used to run YAAC. Note that Java 6 hasn't been supported by Oracle for over 2 years. 2. support HTTPS transfer of US Geological Survey elevation (topographic terrain) files. This requires the previous change, as the USGS webservers use an encryption protocol more recent than those provided in Java 6. 3. attempt to fix problem in AGWPE port driver for inactivity pinging. Not sure if this fix will work, but it more strictly complies with the AGWPE protocol specification so is less likely to produce spurious errors. Feedback welcome as to whether this fixes the inactivity hangup. 4. clean up OpenStreetMap importer to more properly handle historic map elements. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#105 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Dec-17 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. update version of bundled third-party Apache compress library from 1.11 to 1.12. 2. add counting number of unique station callsigns using each specific tocall value to statistics displayed on the Destinations filter tab. 3. add locale name to the version identification sent back by YAAC to the author's website, so the author knows which I18N localizations to prioritize. 4. filter user cancellations of OSM imports to not display them as an internal error when they were user-requested. 5. add error checking to website help documentation conversion tool. 6. fix Save menu choice on Edit Filter dialog so that filters with tabular statistics can be saved to a CSV file. also add a menu choice to print such filter statistics. 7. fix memory of table column layout persister to discard the memory if columns in the table were changed by a software upgrade (adding new columns or the like), so the new columns won't be pushed off the screen by using the old column layout). Of course, this means the user will have to re-customize their layout of those views (such as the Destinations filter table with a new column in it). 8. stop displaying "unknown" as a vendor name in the Destinations filter table if the vendor name is reported as unknown in Hessu's aprs-deviceid json file. 9. make the Destinations, Last Digipeater, Sending Station, and Symbol filters' table statistics printable and saveable. 10. fix the quoting of saved CSV files to allow for fields with commas and apostrophes in them. 11. make all filters with tables in their control panel printable. 12. harden printable table print code against programmer typos in setup. 13. per discussions on the APRSSIG mailing list on November 23rd 2016, update APRS-IS port drivers to specify qAO instead of qAR for RX-I-gated packets if the I-gate doesn't support return messaging (Rx-only I-gate). 14. ensure that rejection of the first of a chained set of APRS text messages (as used for messaging the WLNK gateway) causes the entire chain to be rejected without transmitting following messages in the chain. 15. add new 'C' overlay for CERT station for 'c' symbol code. 16. fix some OpenTRAC symbol equivalences to account for typos and newer APRS 1.2 standard overlay codes. 17. update tocall database for entries on WB4APR's list that aren't in Hessu's JSON file and properly identify versions of aprx that are supported by W6KWF. 18. improve the built-in help index and add new help information. 19. clean up some help HTML files to be more compliant with the newer HTML standards. 20. disable the API for submitting bug reports through the YAAC Bugzilla system, as that has gone offline and hasn't been reconstructed yet. 21. fix Sounds plugin to not spell out free-text comment strings if the station operator configured it to SHOUT IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#104 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Nov-08 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix Javadoc comments to not fail with the stricter Java 8 javadoc compiler. 2. code optimizations to improve performance of OpenStreetMap dataset importer. 3. consistently specify the HTTP request User-Agent header for explicit downloads requested by YAAC. 4. fix update error in generic progress dialog. 5. support upgrade checks and downloading when author's website is unavailable, taking advantage of backup copy at SourceForge. 6. fix broken hyperlinks within the help HTML files. 7. support new variations of Flood Gauge symbols as suggested by WB4APR on the aprssig mailing list on October 17th. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#103 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Oct-14 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. optimize performance of OpenStreetMap importer (again), and fix inability to get rid of progress dialog if aborted due to insufficient disk space. 2. import latest updates to tocall and Mic-E model code databases. 3. add support for auto-formatting repeater parameters for overlay codes representing other types of repeaters (D-star, Yaesu Fusion, etc.). 4. fix dialog window race condition when starting new ports. 5. fix NullPointerException preventing edits of beacon and Objects that was introduced during UMD findbugs cleanup. 6. add more missing Javadocs. 7. clarify meaning of Test Port checkbox on Outernet port configuration panel. 8. fix Outernet port driver to use currently specified dual file names for APRS packet files. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#102 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Oct-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. general code cleanup to reduce issues reported by the University of Maryland's findbugs utility (static code analysis for risky or vulnerable code). 2. adding support for receiving APRS packets via an Outernet satellite receiver. 3. adding missing sound effects for gain and loss of GPS lock if receiving GPS data through gpsd. 4. fix cases where help for the wrong port type was being displayed from the Help button on the Add Port dialog. 5. add Escape key closing of Locate Landmark dialog (to avoid having to grab the mouse after using the keyboard to select a line in found results table). 6. attempt to fix bugs in automatic OSM tile downloader feature added in build 101. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#101 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Sep-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix iteration in FastBlockingQueue so queue entries don't get skipped. 2. add support for automatically downloading pre-imported OSM map tiles for map-viewed areas for which tiles haven't been downloaded yet. 3. fix NullPointerExceptions when importing public key certificate chains from the SSL-APRS-IS port editor panel. 4. add the ability to configure the maximum number of retransmits for unacknowledged APRS text messages. 5. update configuration wizard to support plugin GPS port drivers (still need to add support for other types of plugin port drivers). 6. ensure failed OpenStreetMap imports clean up after themselves properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#100 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jul-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. more minor performance improvements. 2. fix formatting errors when generating locally initiated positionless weather report packets. 3. fix errors in decoding Ultimeter raw weather packets and accounting for time-zone differences in reading remote weather station reports in that format. 4. fix analysis of reverse digipeat path calculation to account for partially used New-N paradigm aliases. 5. add support for speaking GPS information for remote GPSs. 6. add a "memory" for remembering the last digipeat path used for sending text messages, so as to make it easier to send repeated messages to the same remote station using the same digipeat path. 7. add configurable hop-count limiting for Rx and Tx I-gating. 8. fix forms where digipeat paths can be manually typed in for text messaging to allow multi-component (comma-delimited) paths. 9. fix weather status dialog to convert units to preferred local units instead of raw APRS units. 10. update beacon configuration tab to not only disable data entry fields that aren't used when GPS is used, but also the prompt labels for those fields. 11. re-fix broken earlier fix that formerly froze the GUI for 10 seconds whenever an I/O port is disabled or deleted. 12. update Test Port terminal window to allow selecting and copying (with control-shift-C) text in the window to the system clipboard. Note that control-C is not used for copy because it is a potentially valid control character to send to I/O devices that accept input from the connected computer. 13. add the digipeat path for sat-gating through the ISS to the list of known standard digipeat paths. 14. fix typo in Bluetooth plugin's GPS port driver so it will accept more than one sentence from the GPS (instead of hanging after the first sentence like it did previously). 15. fix the Ant build.xml file to properly include the Javadocs for YAAC in the sampleplugin source kit. 16. add support in the sounds plugin for GPS events to speak the remote port name, altitude, speed, and bearing of the GPS fix. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#99 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jun-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. extend connect timeouts for APRS-IS port drivers. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#98 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jun-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. prevent NullPointerExceptions when digipeating and logging AX.25 S frames. 2. start implementing night mode display (change of background colors to not affect operator's night vision). Not complete. 3. allow fractional zooming instead of just doubling or halving the scale. Shifted zoom keys do the double/half, unshifted does 1/3 of that. Similarly, the arrow keys on the map do larger amounts of panning if shifted. 4. fix broken locally edited Objects/Items that tried to use alternate table symbols without an overlay. 5. adjust default widths of station/object table's latitude and longitude columns to not truncate the lat/lon strings. 6. fix default positioning of line of sight window so as to keep it adjacent to the map window. 7. fix restoring of rearranged table columns so persisted tables aren't corrupted. 8. fix draw layer to save stroke style of drawn lines and allow stroke to be changed for selected drawing objects. 9. fix NullPointerException when user does not explicitly select a filetype for saving drawings. 10. on the OSM for amenities defined as outline Ways rather than Nodes, if the Way covers more pixels than the icon for the amenity type, draw the icon in the center of the outline (the better to identify the amenity). 11. fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when testing a digipeat alias without a non-zero SSID to see if it is a used-up New-N paradigm alias, 12. in ADS-B decoder plugin, better handle loss of TCP connection to an instance of dump1090. 13. ensure appropriate aircraft symbol always gets set for plottable ADS-B reported aircraft. 14. in sounds plugin, try to force each event to be sent to speech synthesizer, trying to avoid delays in speaking each event. ------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build #97 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jun-05 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix display of decoded ObjectReports and PositionMessages (they didn't formerly display optional altitude values). 2. fix display of private read-only Objects. 3. fix NullPointerException in generating OpenTRAC version of beacon. 4. add background close thread so YAAC doesn't freeze if an I/O port won't finish closing (such as RXTX dealing with a disconnected USB serial device). 5. fix IndexOutOfBoundsException from popup menus on the Outstanding Outgoing Message table. 6. add altitude display (if provided in message) to the popup station window. 7. properly identify file type if draw overlays are read using the All Files file type. 8. try to fix labelling of draw layer transparency control popup. 9. update ADS-B decoder plugin to support dump1090's server socket from a separately started process. ------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build #96 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-May-26 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add altitude as a displayable value for Objects and Items. 2. recognize and accept alternate non-standard format of CTCSS tone values in repeater position reports (but mark them as incorrect so local station operator can inform offending station about it). 3. ensure altitude is reported for position reports, even if course and speed are also reported. 4. log specific IP address used for APRS-IS connection (plain and SSL-authenticated) to help debug if a particular server in a rotary doesn't work. 5. don't try and send beacons if beacon configured to use GPS position and the GPS position does not exist or is bad (stops spurious error messages). 6. fix null pointer exception in toString() method for closed Kenwood connectors. 7. improve error reporting for OSM importing. 8. allow IPv6 addresses for SSL APRS-IS connector, report the specific numeric IP address (and its reverse DNS lookup) if a particular server isn't working). 9. if SSL initial handshake fails, check if it is due to an expired certificate, and report that explicitly. 10. fix temporary file naming problem now that OpenStreetMap node IDs have passed the 4 billion mark (strictly speaking, 2**32) due to last place where 32-bit integers were still being used instead of 64-bit longs. 11. more clearly report in Bluetooth plugin if Bluetooth API could not be reached (such as for 64-bit Windows Java where BlueCove didn't provide 64-bit DLLs). 12. fix Window menu populating so it actually shows the entire open window list. 13. fix ADSB decoder plugin so it actually works. Note this has only been tested so far on Linux with rtl_adsb connected to a ThumbNet USB SDR receiver, and if you are on a version of Java earler than 8, YAAC will not properly shut down rtl_adsb (that application ignores SIGTERM and SIGINT signals and requires a SIGKILL to get rid of it) upon exiting YAAC; you will have to manually kill rtl_adsb before restarting YAAC. However, it does plot received aircraft on the map and in the tabular displays, identified by the aircraft flight number or registration (N) number. ------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build#95 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-May-22 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support for back-feeding Kenwood D710 control head GPS jacks into YAAC by augmenting the Serial_GPS port driver to accept $GPWPL and $PKWDWPL sentences so waypoints can be plotted as stations in YAAC. 2. fill in more missing Javadocs for the YAAC source code. 3. fix AX25Frame bit length calculator to allow for connected-mode frames that don't have a body. 4. implement a "store" for downloading and installing officially supported plugins into YAAC, capable of activating the plugins immediately upon download. 5. reorganize Swing graphics classes specific to table support but not for a single specific table. 6. refactor radio view table of received messages to start collecting APRS frames from the initial start of YAAC, rather than waiting until the radio view is opened. 7. make GPS indicator on radio view blink as GPS data is received. 8. fix table renderers that didn't account for table row sorters, such that text was rendered with the wrong color-code attributes. 9. update station/object list view so that age of digipeaters is the more recent of the digi's last self-transmission and the last time it functioned as a traced digipeater for some other station. 10. fix upgrader launcher to also work in Mavenized development mode. 11. continue to try to fix restoration of raster overlay transparency. 12. add auto-reconnection logic to Bluetooth plugin GPS and TNC port drivers. 13. fix problem in Bluetooth plugin configuration panels where scans for Bluetooth devices won't report the already-connected TNC or GPS device. 14. fix telemetryalarm plugin's build.xml file to account for Maven directory reorganization. ------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build #94 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Apr-29 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support for Bluetooth connected GPS receivers to Bluetooth plugin. 2. optimize port editor panel to not bother loading all the editor panes when modifying an existing port (whose type cannot be changed, therefore not requiring the extra panes). 3. prevent ClassCastException starting up edit of existing port when the port type is not KissOverTcp. 4. commonalize GPS handling code in an abstract superclass so processing code is not duplicated between core Serial_GPS port driver and plugin Bluetooth_GPS port driver. Note this requires that the YAAC core and the Bluetooth plugin be upgraded together. ------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build #93 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Apr-28 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. miscellaneous code performance optimizations. 2. add support for Java 9 changes to system classloader. 3. fix NullPointerException in StationTracker old message/station purge code. 4. add code to ?VER query handler to also report the version of the Java runtime being used to run YAAC. 5. arrange for number of satellites to be reported to the GPS status dialog when using a GPSD daemon for the data source. 6. add explicit support for using W1HKJ's FLDIGI program as a software TNC through the KissOverTcp port driver, including being able to select the FLDIGI OpMode from the YAAC configuration GUI. 7. adjust bandwidth monitor to use actual RF bit rates to compute percentage of channel filled (allowing for FLDIGI alternate modems and HF-speed modems). 8. arrange for Raw Packet view to display the packet count immediately instead of waiting for the next packet after view opening before displaying packet counts. 9. fix ClassCastException when editing port driver configurations. 10. add tracing messages to help debug issues with persisting raster map overlays. 11. add support for detecting socket connection loss in the KISS-over-TCP port driver, so that if FLDIGI is shut down (for example), YAAC will properly handle it instead of reporting spurious errors at a later time. 12. fix KISS frame decoding for KISS-over-TCP port driver. 13. improve precision of packet receive timestamps. 14. miscellaneous cleanup of missed version numbers for upgraded Apache commons libraries. 15. create the new Bluetooth TNC port driver plugin, with support for Serial TNCs in KISS mode connected via Bluetooth devices supporting SPP. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #92 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Apr-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix error in raw packet table sorting. 2. fix null pointer exception and missing callsign in KissOverTcp port driver. 3. fix NullPointerException for closed Serial Weather port driver. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #91 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Apr-19 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. bombproof startup code against changes in Java 9 system classloader. 2. prevent errors in reading oversized YAAC.out log files. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #90 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Apr-18 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. updating to latest versions of Apache commons math and compress libraries. 2. remove some dead code and data fields to reduce memory consumption. 3. handle weather messages using non-standard field widths, and correct errors in field widths in locally-produced weather messages. 4. improve some debug logging messages. 5. correct display of last receive age of local station to only show when one's own packets are digipeated back. 6. fix Tx I-gate code to use the local station's RF port as AX.25 sender and the currently configured local tocall as AX.25 destination of an APRS-IS message gated to RF. 7. fix memory leak in text message table view by ensuring message table is purged of old messages at the same time the enclosing AX.25 frame is purged from the station history and the raw packet table view. 8. correct tactical callsign assignment transmission to only send tactical callsigns created by this station. 9. add logic so user can approve whether tactical callsign assignment messages will be accepted from a specified remote station by the local station. 10. allow sending and receiving tactical callsign update messages over the Internet. 11. attempt to add tooltip of port description to port control buttons on the map toolbar. 12. attempt to debug why clipboard contents might be truncated upon capturing error log from About dialog. 13. fix NullPointerException when trying to sort by tactical callsigns when not all stations have them. 14. have local editing of tactical callsigns take over remote definition of those callsigns. 15. correct formula error for Smart Beaconing corner pegging, correct configuration GUI display to match the correct formula. 16. add storing linearity flag (meters vs. degrees) for persisted raster overlays, with backwards compatibility for persisted values saved by a previous build, with preference flushing to ensure the values are saved in the Preferences backing store. 17. update message timestamps and compute transmission durations to more accurately report when the packet frames were transmitted. 18. fix all AX.2r5 port drivers to use the common raw frame dispatcher listener infrastructure so any YAAC plugins needing raw real-time frames can get them. 19. prevent NullPointerExceptions in reporting name of closed GPS port. 20. add a generic method for transmitting frames after a specified delay interval. 21. update plugin provider API version number to account for changing the TrackerListener interface definition. 22. add new APRS 1.2 extended symbol definitions. 23. update sample plugin and Sounds plugin to deal with TrackerListener interface change. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #89 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Mar-21 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. more memory conservation changes. NOTE these changes make logfiles of the Java-serialization format incompatible; if you are using this log file format, we suggest you change to the binary AX.25 format immediately, and keep an archived copy of build #88 around for translating older Java-serialization format log files to binary format. 2. display explanatory message to users on non-Intel platforms as to why the serial port types aren't available (because RXTX isn't installed). 3. improve table clearing menu option to selectively allow deleting only real-time packets, only logfile playback packets, or all packets. 4. properly trace packets on multi-TNC digipeaters to use the callsign associated with the output port. 5. don't use digipeat times in calculating the last time since a packet was heard from a station. 6. add more search directories to look for RXTX libraries on Linux/Unix platforms other than the ones for which YAAC provides RXTX native libraries. 7. add new filter to allow looking at real-time packets only or playback packets only (or both) if YAAC is receiving real-time packets while being used for logfile playback. 8. fix querying menu options to stop queries to specific remote stations as soon as an answer is received from the remote station, instead of continuing to re-send until the retransmit count is used up. 9. add support for both issuing and responding to the protocol-standard ?APRSS directed query. 10. fix race conditions from updating Swing GUI components from APRS network I/O background threads. 11. fix erroneous filtering in Message Content filter when multiple filter conditions are being checked, add support for this filter for OpenTRAC protocol messages. 12. fix infinite loop error for GPSD port driver. 13. more improvements in propagating user font preferences to the GUI widgets. 14. report stations seen to be digipeated by specific digipeaters in the health monitor. 15. switch to using the latest version of the APRS-standard JSON file of known station type tocalls. 16. add the preference to suppress auto-panning to center emergency status stations on the map. 17. make double-sized symbol mode apply to weather map symbols used in place of the icons for weather-reporting stations. 18. support OpenTRAC position reports for track stripes. 19. support OpenTRAC weather observations in health monitor. 20. expand allowable auto-refresh interval for pages from the built-in mini webserver up to 10 minutes (600 seconds). 21. restrict configured callsign format to international standard for amateur radio station callsigns (i.e., can't use GMRS or land mobile callsigns). 22. add option to radius filter to be able to pick the current map center as the radius center (as opposed to the current self-station location or a manually entered lat/lon, which options still exist). 23. ensure that failure of an AGWPE server used by YAAC is properly detected. 24. add more debugging code (toString()) to help troubleshoot. 25. try to fix NullPointerExceptions in transmit code for certain unusual digipeat combinations. 26. try to improve error reporting for mangled OSM file imports. 27. try to improve SRTM tile cache management to avoid OutOfMemoryErrors with high-resolution tiles. 28. finish implementing popup alarm window for Telemetry Alarm plugin. 29. fix breaking in Telemetry Alarm plugin due to YAAC API change. 30. update Upgrader to support non-standard port number for mini-webserver to use to check if YAAC has shut down before starting upgrade. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#88 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Feb-14 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. more accurately identify duplicate messages. 2. back out broken attempt to support weird Windows implementation of Bluetooth serial ports. 3. remove creation of bogus ".type" multicast aliases. 4. correct documentation of TrackerListener API. 5. fix NullPointerException on cancelled Heard query. 6. change time filtering to be by receive time, regardless of whether a packet has a timestamp embedded in it. 7. add table clearing support to BulletinBoard and DX table views. 8. have Chat startup pre-load the Chat window with text messages already exchanged with the selected remote station. 9. fix re-sort race condition in Heard Stations table model. 10. ensure that heard queries specified by clicking on a station will preselect that station in the drop-down of queryable stations. 11. fix broken Help button in port editor windows. 12. add column for specifiying transparency/opacity of raster overlays. 13. clean up memory-leaking StationListViewer table models. 14. ensure digipeat alias selections for AGWPE ports are saved by the editor pane. 15. change default zoom levels for villages and hamlets, so their names will be seen at reasonable zoom levels. 16. add RF-only filter to sounds plugin, fix the pronounciation of "digi". ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#87 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-29 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions for extremely short Maidenhead locator beacon and status messages with Maidenhead locators. 2. fix NullPointerExceptions and ClassCastExceptions associated with transmitting OpenTRAC messages encoded from PositionReport and StatusMessages. 3. remove broken optimization for deleting stale messages and stations. 4. add confirmation dialog to File->Clear Table menu function. 5. fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in parsing DX reports. 6. change omni-DF regions to be checkerboard patterns to differentiate these regions from position ambiguity circles. 7. fix UpgradeLauncher to properly handle Microsoft Windows path names for installed plugin extensions, so Windows systems can automatically update plugins. 8. fix OSM map layers Restore Default button to re-enable all Way types when restoring defaults. 9. allow transmitting beacons with DFS (omni-DF) extensions even when no APRS RF transmit port is available, so a home station with only an APRS-IS Internet connection can report signal strength reports obtained from another radio. 10. add missing documentation in built-in Help for omni-DF. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#86 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. suppress stack traces in error log for common exceptions that are from network data errors rather than from YAAC program bugs; we want to know about the problems so we can tell users to fix their incorrectly coded beacons in stand-alone beacons, but don't need to waste log file space that might be needed to report a real program error to the author, and keep an option to turn on stack traces with the existing -debug startup option in case they are needed. 2. allow recording a short history of remote GPS positions so a track of such GPSs can be plotted on the YAAC map. 3. support compressed-mode encoding of locally-generated Objects/Items. 4. properly support alternate characters for encoding overlaid digits in symbols when using compressed-mode lat/lon encoding for station position reports and Object/Item reports. 5. support position and object reports using more than one data extension, so such reports can be properly filtered by the Message Content filter. 6. properly store GPS sentence type in mobile station position reports using compressed-mode encoding and local GPS positioning. 7. increase maximum size of YAAC.out file from 64K to 128K in case an important error is hidden in a flood of spurious log messages. 8. support printing out message/station ages using fully-spelled-out localized time unit names for cases where a message might need to be spoken by the sounds plugin. 9. add new sound event type of CRITICAL_ERROR, so some internal problems with YAAC can make noise to get the operator's attention. Also implement a new use of this new type for reporting the new feature of automatically reducing the message history cache time when YAAC is running out of memory to store the history. 10. fix message purging to do special case for remote GPS tracks, since remote GPSs will probably send position messages at far faster than the normally allowable APRS message rate, hence overfilling the message history at the expense of properly behaving APRS stations. 11. properly handle inferred symbols for APRS messages that do not include positions (such as assuming a weather station for positionless weather report messages). 12. add some error checking and tracing for the NullPointerExceptions that appear to have been introduced by recent performance improvements, in case the associated fixes for race conditions are not sufficient to fix the problem. 13. add a new user-requested feature to clear certain table views of old data at user request, rather than having to restart YAAC and lose collected context. currently available for Raw Packets and Raw Messages views. 14. fix optimizations in filters to support unreasonably short callsigns and tocalls coming from misconfigured stations, so such stations' reports can be filtered to help identify them. 15. make the UI beep if user tries to enter the same callsign twice in the Health Monitor GUI, rather than silently failing with an error message in the YAAC.out file but no feedback to the user. 16. try to fix IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions from heard stations view caused by latency in reporting new and purged stations to the GUI thread. 17. add support for omni-DF heard or not-heard area circles (as described in the APRS 1.0.1 spec, chapter 7 for the DFS extension), enabled on the map by the View->Show Map Layers->Show DF option. 18. add support to Configure Beacon to allow beaconing DFS parameters as described above. 19. add support for only a half-hour message retention period in case of extremely overloaded YAAC installations, in support of the automatic retention period reduction feature mentioned in change #9. 20. add backwards compatibility support if new event types are added to YAAC without adding support to the SoundsPlugin (or not upgrading the sounds plugin when YAAC is upgraded). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#85 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-22 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix critical typo in handling symbol overlay characters that do not correspond to defined APRS 1.2 extended symbols. 2. add more missing Javadoc comments. 3. more performance enhancements and memory heap thrashing reductions. 4. consistently identify packets played back from log files to treat them correctly in filtering and purging. 5. ensure all stations have some kind of symbol (by default, the Unknown Position symbol, or "\.") to use for plotting them on the map until they report their correct symbol. 6. add new debugging query handler, invoked with ?YDBG message, to allow remotely checking software performance. 7. add experimental support for peculiar Microsoft Windows behavior with Bluetooth serial devices (such as the Sainsonic AP510) that have two unidirectional COM ports instead of a single bidirectional COM port like motherboard and USB-to-RS232 adapters do. Currently, this support has been added only to Serial_TNC port types. 8. add ability to not specify baud rate for Serial_TNC ports, in case port is on some strange device (Bluetooth?) that baud rate can't be set on. 9. fix some broken hyperlink problems in the built-in help. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #84 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-18 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add the rest of the APRS 1.2 extended symbol definitions. 2. correct bugs in inferring symbol code from source callsign's SSID (was incorrectly inferring from destination callsign SSID). 3. support weather messages that use fewer characters than specified for some fields. 4. assorted minor performance improvements. 5. fix bugs in identifying compressed-format positions using extended (overlaid) symbols. 6. fill in more missing Javadoc comments. 7. add station/object age column to Heard Station table display, and add a row sorter initialized to the station name, so that the table will be initially sorted usefully, and can be sorted other useful ways. 8. add support for hurricane/tropical storm reports. 9. fix ObjectEditor so numeric parameters for weather and hurricane reports can be entered in preference-chosen units rather than only in the units specified by the APRS 1.0.1 protocol specification document, and automatically converted between internal protocol units & user-preferred display units. 10. on raw packets table, ensure message count is immediately updated upon changing filter settings, without having to wait for another message to be received. 11. eliminate programmatic race condition that caused a StackOverflow in changing the settings of a RadiusFilter. 12. stop invisibly small OpenStreetMap nodes from showing up when clicking on a zoomed-out map. 13. fix adbsdecoder plugin directory structure to comply with Maven standards and fix Ant building of the plugin. 14. fix sounds plugin's handling of quoted acronyms to properly spell them out (ignoring the quote marks). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#83 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-12 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix stupid typo in table color rendering code. 2. add persistence to topo level editor. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#82 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-12 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. filling lots of missing JavaDoc comments. 2. fix logic for detecting symbol table ID and code after a Maidenhead position in a Maidenhead record. 3. add support for decoding APRS-standard latitude and longitude expressions other than in an APRS position message (for use in decoding DXcluster reports). 4. make string pattern matching functions in AX25Message accessible in more places (so DXCluster logic can use it). 5. add support for identifying and remembering DXcluster reports sent over APRS, including sending DXcluster events to the SoundsProvider. 6. log if someone sends a AX.25 XID response message and we see it. 7. fix bugs in the OpenTracMapSymbol element. 8. fix altitude scaling in the OpenTracPosition element. 9. add support to get text description of OpenTrac symbol codes (for use in SoundsProvider). 10. add collection and display view for DXcluster reports. 11. fix typo in ordering of opening keystore for SSL. 12. add new soundable event for Objects moving out of range. 13. add support for changing colors of topographic contour lines (not yet persisted). 14. try to stop race conditions when modifying GUI table models from the GUI thread and delaying part of the processing as if it was from a background thread. 15. add detecting and optionally downloading update of OSM tiles to Check For Updates menu choice. 16. add ability to stop attention alert (flashing map arrows) early if another alert is posted (for locate requests). 17. add support for posting local multi-line bulletins in multiple groups. 18. properly localize column headings in AX.25 connection table view. 19. allow Enter key to append user-entered digipeat path in path editing widget. 20. add support for changing the color used for rendering generic buildings on zoomed-in OSM maps. 21. correctly plot altitude of red sight-line on Line of Sight plot, add ability to locate on main map any point along a Line of Sight plot by clicking on the plot. 22. ensure Station/Object list table model is registered for filter changes so the user won't have to fiddle with the view to get it to notice filter changes. 23. add some more of the APRS 1.2 extended symbol definitions, update the OpenTRAC to APRS symbol matchings to account for the new APRS 1.2 symbols (and fix some incorrect matchings). 24. add support in Sound plugin to announce use of APRS symbol overlays that do not correspond to known APRS 1.2 extensions. 25. add support in Sound plugin for OpenTRAC altitude and symbol. 26. add support for DX reports in Sound plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#81 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-06 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add filtering of logfile playback messages in Sounds plugin. 2. fix importing of logfile playback messages so such messages will not be re-transmitted over either RF or the Internet. 3. spell out acronyms/abbreviations when speaking message information in Sounds plugin. 4. for messages received over a third-party (APRS-IS), use the destination tocall of the originator, not of the retransmitting Tx I-gate, to describe the station type of the originating station. 5. have flashing attention alerts temporarily turn off map auto-centering on local GPS fix, so that the map can be centered on emergency-reporting or located stations. 6. correct Kenwood D710 style radio view to more accurately emulate the Kenwood control head display. 7. fix landmark location dialog to turn off map auto-centering when a found landmark is selected for viewing, so that the map can be rendered of the landmark without snapping back to the current GPS fix. 8. have reduction of message retention time immediately purge all messages older than the new (reduced) retention time. 9. update tocall and Mic-E model code tables to account for new listings. 10. correct Sounds plugin ANT build.xml file to build the plugin consistently with the Maven pom.xml file. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#80 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2016-Jan-05 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix NullPointerExceptions occuring while Tx-Igating. 2. add line-of-sight plotting between possibly mobile local station and possibly mobile remote station or object, including labeling ends of the plot with the stations at those ends, and calculating the up/down tilt needed to get line-of-sight from the starting end. 3. make time stretching on APRS-IS port blinking buttons less stretched out. 4. fix problems in selecting the correct terrain elevation tile for line-of-sight plots. 5. make upgrader capable of upgrading supported plugins as well as the core YAAC application. 6. only update fixed beacon position when turning off use of GPS for beacon position when the GPS position is valid. 7. fix Serial_TNC port driver to properly be able to identify when TNC is put back into command mode (such as by power-cycle of the TNC) so YAAC will properly switch the TNC back to KISS mode again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#79 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Dec-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. total rework of source code structure to support building YAAC with Maven, while still maintaining Ant build support. 2. add support for remote GPS receivers (not co-located with the YAAC station) for applications such as amateur rocketry using unlicensed ISM-band radio links to relay GPS data to a YAAC-based ground station. This includes being able to display all the different GPSs's status in the GUI and on the map. NOTE: the above change made a non-backwards-compatible change in the GpsDataListener interface, so plugins using this interface will need to be updated. 3. update About dialog text to account for 3rd-party library web location changes (URL updates). 4. disable starting mini-webserver if running YAAC in -nogui (headless) mode, so as to avoid the need to load the AWT and Swing overhead (thereby requiring an accessible X server on headless Linux/Unix platforms). 5. change editing of PacketSourceFilter so turning on all packet sources will also turn on all the individual source choices, and stop disabling editing the individual choices when the "all" source is enabled. 6. fix auto-pan to keep a tracked mobile station on the map. 7. allow messages received through the External Message Source port type to optionally be processed and displayed locally (in addition to the existing behavior of being transmitted to other stations). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #78 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Nov-29 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. ensure private Objects will still appear on the map. 2. fix categorization of D-star repeater and Winlink symbols as being in the Digipeater/I-gate category instead of Other category. 3. ensure local Objects will get the appropriate "halo" color for a locally-owned Object, even if the Object is private or isn't heard back by digipeater echoing. 4. fix landmark location report table to indicate way types of landmarks that aren't classified as amenities, and make table use full width of dialog box. 5. fix line-of-sight-to-me dialog to dynamically compute local station's altitude above Ground Level (AGL) from GPS fix elevation and SRTM ground elevation. 6. fix enum image loading to prevent duplicate copies of the same image used for different enumerations (such as for airport amenity type and aerodrome boundary waytype). 7. fix GUI's for filter types that weren't getting refreshed when the Clear All Filters menu choice was selected. 8. ensure GUI enable/disable changes of station rendering details are refreshed immediately on the map instead of waiting for the next periodic refresh. 9. use localized names for waytypes instead of programmer symbols in the popup dialog for map details. 10. try to fix race condition causing occasional map rendering failure due to errors decoding OSM data. 11. slightly improve support for the Solaris operating system. 12. add new amenity types. 13. allow OSM Relations converted to Ways exceeding the maximum storable vertex count of a Way to still try to store them (assuming segmentation of the Way will make it short enough to be stored). 14. fix analysis of OSM Relations that convert into multiple ways due to discontiguity of the set of member ways, and fix analysis of tag information attached only to Relations but not their member Ways. 15. fix default zoom level limits for city and county boundaries. 16. add more debugging code. 17. add code to make APRS-IS port driver retry multiple numeric IP addresses for a server DNS alias before giving up from connection failures. 18. add missing translations for OSM amenity types and way types. 19. fix event reporting (used by soundsplugin) to properly classify stations that don't send their first-heard message with a symbol code and also properly classify stealth digipeaters. changes and updates to sounds plugin: 1. add speech variable substitution for bearing and distance to reported station or object. 2. add filtering of events used to generate sounds. 3. improve spelling and pronunciation of D-star station callsigns and APRS object names. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#77 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Nov-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. correct identification of compressed-mode position format in position and object reports and allow them to use overlaid symbols. 2. remove ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions for position and object messages using truncated repeater parameters without trailing comments. 3. refactor code to remove YAAC references from YAAC-independent APRS message parsing code library. 4. correct GUI update logic for non-transmitted local object definitions. 5. add new popup menu command to start plotting line-of-sight path between a clicked map position and the local station's current position, with automatic update if the local station is using GPS to obtain its current position. 6. add Help button to automatic upgrade confirmation dialog. 7. fix bug in Object editor where user was allowed to save an incomplete object definition and cause an exception. OK and Send buttons are now disabled until the minimum fields for the Object definition are filled in. 8. ensure saved local objects will be displayed on the map upon YAAC restart, regardless of whether the local objects are enabled for transmission. 9. fix race condition in AprsIsConnector port driver so that re-connection attempts properly close down the old connection before trying to open a new connection. 10. fix some Javadoc documentation errors in the source code comments. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#76 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Nov-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. bombproof against some startup race conditions causing spurious NullPointerExceptions. 2. fix bug in detecting first digipeater if packet was digipeated more than once. 3. reduce heap thrashing by reducing number of creations of transient object instances. 4. properly handle garbled position messages instead of trying to parse them as compressed-mode positions. 5. add more APRS 1.2 extended symbol definitions. 6. support APRS 1.0 symbol codes in Maidenhead locator messages. 7. support non-standard _ and \ codes for Zulu DMS timestamps. 8. account for re-arrangement of SSID-based symbol assignments as specified in Jun 23 2015 update of 9. refactor APRS symbol definition source code files to remove circular code dependencies. 10. better handle APRS Text messages that have incorrect syntax. 11. minor performance improvements. 12. stop treating APRS-IS server error packets (such as from injecting OpenTRAC packets into the APRS-IS backbone) as Maidenhead locator packets with garbled locations. 13. add error message if user tries to import garbled APRS Object file. 14. fix dismissal of I/O error reporting dialog when connections (such APRS-IS client connections) are repaired. 15. add preference option to display OpenStreetMap labels in English for labels defaultly in some other language (assuming the OpenStreetMap data has English translations defined for those non-English labels), and the ability to extract both languages when importing the OSM XML file. 16. correct displayng of the text message window when configured to only display messages addressed to the local station (or to groups the local station is a member of). 17. add support for editing filled OpenStreetMap ways to use arbitrary texture images (such as used by the official OSM renderers) instead of only solid colors and checkerboard patterns. 18. fix priority filter to not trigger on Special status stations, but only on Priority and Emergency stations (as displayed in the GUI). 19. fix CSV-format packet file playback code to support both the original 2-column format and the 3-column format introduced in build 75. 20. add APRS-to-SMS gateway alias to pre-known aliases list for message sending. 21. add ability for KISS-over-TCP connector to reconnect automatically if a network outage breaks the connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#75 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Oct-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. CRITICAL refix of digipeater logic, to fix newly introduced bug where fully digipeated frames were being digipeated one more time by YAAC, regardless of whether YAAC was even configured to be a digipeater. 2. fix proportional pathing logic so all transmissions on the same cycle for a locally originated message (beacon, status, object) would use the same proportional path choice for all ports the packet was transmitted through (former implementation had first port in cycle using a different path than all later ports). 3. fix another logic error in digipeat code where trailing pseudo-aliases (such as RFONLY, NOGATE, or NORF) would not be detected if valid aliases prior to them had not been fully used up yet. 4. correct AX25 frame logger (at least for CSV format logs) to properly indicate a frame whose digipeat path was fully consumed and add an additional column to CSV format logs to report the port the frame was received from or transmitted to. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #74 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Oct-10 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix for bug in automatic upgrader. 2. re-arrange build#73 change to work around upgrader bug (since upgrader fix can't be automatically distributed until upgrade can succeed). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#73 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Oct-02 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. correct errors in digipeat logic so digipeat path is not changed when Rx I-gating, and tracing properly works for RF-to-RF digipeating. 2. add support for rendering unlabeled and untyped buildings on the map (when zoomed in sufficiently), and adding support for downloading the unlabeled/untyped way (.sways) tile files if the user chooses to have the unlabeled data rendered (selectable in preferences). 3. use more rendering style fill patterns from the OpenStreetMap Standard renderer in YAAC's renderer. 4. fix to allow editing local objects with Private scope. 5. more optimizations to OSM rendering code. 6. fix OSM importer to remember that OSM natural tagged areas can be areas. 7. keep Serial TNC port driver from producing spurious "trying to force TNC back into KISS mode" errors when configured for a KISS-only TNC. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #72 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Aug-22 downloadable from or changes and updates to YAAC include: 1. add support for configuring maximum displayed track length for moving stations for which track stripe display has been enabled. 2. adjust the display scaling of the zoom levels on the Ways tab of the View->Show Map Layers->Show Geographical Map Layers dialog to be more consistent with the displayed map scale. 3. add "stretching" of blink time for APRS-IS blinkenlights, so you can actually see the light turn green for incoming messages (which usually arrive so quickly that the old mode wouldn't stay green long enough to see it). 4. try to make OSM nodes big enough to click on when there is no icon image defined for a particular node type. 5. add mini-webserver support for sharing local copies of the special.nodes and special.ways files if the user has created some to supplement their OpenStreetMap data (as is done by the BMMapGenerator mentioned below). 6. add icons for a few more OpenStreetMap amenity types. 7. add bombproofing to import code so that temporary files aren't destroyed immediately if the import crashes for some reason. 8. adjust the default zoom limit for HWY_PRIMARY streets to make major roads that aren't motorways still visible at slightly further-out zoom levels. 9. adjust the API for adding web pages to the mini-webserver to support sending back HTTP response header parameters, and add support for responding to queries with 404 errors. 10. correct the name of the self-unpacking Linux archive to indicate it only works on x86 (Intel) processors. Also, in the source distro, is a new plugin and a new utility. adsbdecoder is a plugin that attempts to read the output from a Software Defined Radio (using utilities such as rtl_sdr) and decoding the output as ADS-B aircraft positioning records. Received records are converted into simulated APRS position reports for display on the YAAC map. This plugin is at alpha status, but is being made available in case others would like to play with it or otherwise display non-APRS-protocol data in the YAAC displays. BMMapGenerator is a tool for generating maps of Black Rock City (the home of the Burning Man® festival) based on the survey data provided by the Black Rock City Department of Public Works (DPW) and camp location information accumulated from many sources, outputting them in the special.ways and special.nodes files used to add custom local information to the OpenStreetMaps layer of the YAAC map window. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#71 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Jul-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add amenity types and map icons specific to support usage at the Burning Man(R) arts festival and similar temporary events. 2. add support to use all four variations of the APRS protocol Position Report message in both plain-text and compressed formats, to support usage for the Duchifat-1 satellite and other specialized scenarios. 3. protect against loss of raster map rendering when a raster image update collides with a map regeneration. 4. add support for clicking on and searching through map details obtained from the "special" tile files (used to inject custom information not available in the standard OpenStreetMap data set). 5. update documentation to explain about reporting emergency status and how emergency stations will be identified. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#70 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Jun-28 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. prevent spurious plotting errors for dynamically refreshed raster map overlays due to race conditions. 2. support raster maps whose pixel coordinates are degree-based rather than linear-distance-based. 3. remove spurious logging print statements from raster map renderer. 4. fix regression in object processing for repeater objects whose frequency is the beginning of the object name. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#69 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Jun-25 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. another attempt to fix RXTX crash problem on Mac OS X. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#68 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Jun-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. change default for loading files of local objects to assume the objects should be enabled for display and transmission. 2. ensure newly loaded enabled local objects will be displayed on the map. 3. fix scaling and rendering of degree-indexed raster maps (such as the US National Weather Service radar maps) to properly compute the non-linear transformation of latitude to Y pixel coordinate. 4. properly display and allow selection of overlay characters, regardless of whether they correspond to APRS 1.2 extended symbols or not. 5. protect against broken pointers in the RXTX native library by not double-unregistering event listeners when using the Test Port feature for serial port drivers (Serial_TNC, Kenwood, Serial_GPS, Serial_Weather). 6. ensure default baud rates are actually used for serial port drivers until the user selects a non-default value. 7. allow the user to create objects when there are no open APRS data ports. 8. correct transmit logging to show the callsign used to transmit the message out each port (not a bogus "null" string). 9. clarify error messages when an AGWPE port cannot be opened. 10. add option to double the size of station/object icons on the map. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#67 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Jun-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix ordering of optional data in position report message free-text field so PHG appears in the correct order relative to repeater frequency data. 2. support decoding repeater parameters from an object report where the frequency is in the object name and not in the free-text field. 3. support repeater parameters in MicE messages (as sent by Kenwood radios for QSY support). 4. fix the decoded display of MicE messages to include the free-text comment. 5. support alternate "T000" format for specifying tone/code squelch is turned off. 6. fix bug with initializing beacon the first time from the wizard (where repeater parameters cannot be specified). 7. first (incomplete) draft at fixing raster map overlay scaling. 8. fix digipeat alias table in port configuration panels to display column headings. 9. try to speed up creation of port editing panel (was very slow on Raspberry Pi). 10. ensure status message (as well as position comment) is displayed in popup dialog invoked by map click. 11. add new filter type to filter by the optional fields present in a message or reported by a station (such as repeater parameters, weather info, PHG data) or arbitrary free text appearing in the free-text comment. 12. fix error where attempt to load drawing files (GPS, KML, CSV) from the main window actually destroyed the selected file by overwiring it with the current draw layer contents (possibly nothing). Also fix actual intentional saving to check for pre-existing file and confirm that overwrite is desired before doing so. 13. optimize OSM rendering a little more, check for corrupted file pointer cache and force cache to be rebuilt if pointer doesn't work. 14. add missing choice of port protocols (APRS or OpenTRAC) for transmitting through an AGWPE port. 15. fix rare sequence problem in importing OSM data that prevents Ways of an amenity type from being tagged as such and thereby filtered out from rendering. 16. fix possible socket leak on asking for the port list of an AGW server (or compatible). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#66 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Jun-02 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add support to position and object reports for radio and repeaters using narrowband channels and two-way CTCSS and DCS coding. 2. add support for multiple uses of third-party wrapping of APRS messages (such as from I-gating positions from the DTMF gateway). 3. add new model codes to MicE model code list. 4. add support for non-standard symbol overlay characters to support the Duchifat-1 satellite project. 5. add support for the DeLorme Earthmate PN-40 (suppressing spurious error messages for proprietary GPS sentences that YAAC doesn't need). 6. fix problem with the External Message Source port driver preventing it from accepting and forwarding messages, and from doing proper proportional pathing when doing so. 7. fix problem with private Objects expiring off the map before they are manually deleted. 8. fix exceptions while trying to authenticate the keystore as a prerequisite to re-opening a SSL-APRS-IS port. 9. make OK button work on asynchronous I/O error reporting dialog. 10. fix incorrect type identification of external message source port type on toolbar blinkenlights. 11. display airport ID when clicking on airport ways on the OpenStreetMap map. 12. make it easier to aim for clicking on OpenStreetMap ways on the map. 13. add a robots.txt file to the mini-webserver to try to prevent web spiders from navigating every possible page YAAC can produce. 14. fix bug in OpenStreetMap importer that missed flagging waterways as being water instead of land. 15. prevent former names of OpenStreetMap roads from overwriting the current names. 16. prevent users from specifying blank passwords for their keystores. 17. raise thresholds for reporting excessive processing time for incoming messages, to reduce the number of spurious warnings reported by slower client computers. 18. don't log transmits to ports that are disabled or receive-only. 19. only use dual JVM startup on Macintosh OS X (where a command-line property must be defined to get the correct Apple-compliant GUI behavior). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#65 of YAAC ("Yet Another APS Client"), created 2015-May-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix GUI race condition for displaying keystore password dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#64 of YAAC ("Yet Another APS Client"), created 2015-May-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. changes to OpenStreetMap rendering to use OSM-style icons for amenities that are not being reported over APRS (so live stations/objects can be differentiated from static map resources). 2. add a few more OpenStreetMap amenity types to the known types in YAAC. 3. fix condition in station tracker where some newly added stations or objects (usually, stealth digipeaters) were not properly updating some table displays. 4. fix some drop-down choices where only transmitting stations should be the choices and non-transmitting objects were included (not completely done through entire program yet). 5. fix memory leak upon closing heard stations view. 6. fix automatic prompting for keystore password so YAAC can successfully start with a SSL-APRS-IS port, including fixing race condition that could prevent ever successfully entering the password. 7. more performance optimizations to OpenStreetMap rendering and importing. 8. add menu option to searck OpenStreetMap data for specific types of amenities. 9. more performance optimizations to topographic layer rendering. 10. add support for rendering additional street data not included in the standard OpenStreetMap dataset (suitable for temporary events). 11. add support for UDP receive port for External Message Source port type. 12. ensure upgraded native libraries are properly marked as executable for the local operating system. 13. add favorite icon and access logging to built-in webserver, and fix some bugs where YAAC did not always support non-default port number for the built-in webserver. 14. improve error logging and handling for Serial_TNC port type. 15. make Kenwood port type slightly more tolerant of slow computers. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#63 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-May-12 downloadable from or changes and updates to YAAC include: 1. correct errors in decoding and encoding compressed-mode APRS position reports. 2. correct error in transmitting locally-created MicE position message. 3. fix floating point truncation error for position lat/lon values. 4. fix loading of UIView .pos files to optionally enable transmission of the loaded objects immediately and properly display them on the map. 5. allow changing transmission scope of local objects from the Local Objects view. 6. fix saving to CSV of filtered tables to use the same filter as used to display the table. 7. fix null pointer exception when trying to display scope enumerations. 8. bombproof transmit code against transmission failures that do not attach a timestamp to the queued messages. 9. bombproof beacon generating code to not fail when merely printing out the beacon in a debug print statement. changes to telemetryalarm plugin include: 1. fix build script to properly package the plugin for distribution. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#62 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-May-08 downloadable from or changes and updates to YAAC include: 1. improved reporting of events to the sound maker interface, including supporting the generic alarm event (used by the telemetry alarm plugin) and the station and object newly in range events, with a configurable range limit. 2. fix the playing back of previously recorded log files so they properly appear on the GUI and use progress dialogs with proper message counts. 3. add support for transmitting APRS status messages (APRS 1.01 specification, section 16). 4. add trailing carriage return to locally originated MicE messages. 5. add support for multiple nested 3rd-party prefixes in an APRS message, to support the APRStt gateway being forwarded through I-gates. 6. display I-gate forwarded messages as coming from the I-gate, not a bogus callsign for the APRS-IS network as a whole. 7. fix missing refresh on Sending Station filter table when a callsign is manually entered. 8. fix inability to persistently enable radius filters. 9. fix exception in rendering area "symbols". 10. limit duration of track length for moving station. 11. generalize filter dialog to support multiple different sets of filters. 12. fix radius check to apply to individual position messages, only falling back to station states if the messages do not contain positions. changes to telemetryalarm plugin include: 1. properly use ALARM type event. changes to sounds plugin include: 1. fix macro plugin buttons for sound action editor to insert at current cursor position in speech format string, rather than only at the beginning. 2. define three new macros for maidenhead location, APRS symbol meaning, and altitude. 3. support Kenwood VS3/VGS1 message pronunciation when message starts with a '%' character. 4. support speaking of OpenTRAC messages. 5. support alternate symbols and names for stations/objects. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #61 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Apr-30 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. minor tweaks to better support D-star callsigns (as sent in objects). 2. add more event types for sound support and triggering code thereof. 3. fix deadlocking and event order for receipt of first packet from a particular station or object. 4. add wrapper interface for I/O error reporting dialog so another version could be created for other platforms. 5. change SoundMaker interface to support more generic types of events with associated parameters whose types can differ between different events. 6. fix NullPointerException for APRS 1.2 extended symbol codes that don't have custom icon images yet. 7. fix Provider superclass to allow for multiple JavaHelp HelpSets, so plugins can provide help for their extensions. Source code also contains original release of sounds plugin, producing appropriate sound effects for different types of events detected by YAAC. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#60 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Mar-13 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. identify APRS Messages that do not have correct addressee format as invalid. 2. tweak sound maker interface to allow new sound plugin to work. 3. extend font configurability to support changing the font used for the menu bars. 4. fix incorrect numbering of custom Mic-E status values upon display and filtering. 5. fix error in specifying shift direction for repeater Objects. 6. try to ensure map is re-plotted when OSM layer is fully rendered. 7. try to get I/O failure dialogs properly dismissed when APRS-IS ports auto-recover. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#59 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Feb-26 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix NullPointerException for newly transmitted messages. 2. fix sorting error for received non-upper-case-named ObjectReport. 3. add some missing sound triggers. 4. fix illegible re-layout of Serial TNC port editor when window is resized. 5. optimize imported map data to remove duplicate POI name data. 6. try to fix problem with being unable to disable transmission on Serial TNC port. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#58 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Feb-18 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix more ClassCastExceptions associated with encoding and decoding repeater shifts into radio tuning data in APRS position messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#57 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Feb-18 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. try to reduce usage of memory and CPU-wasting string splitting code when more efficient code is available. 2. more memory usage reductions. 3. fix NullPointerExceptions and ClassCastExceptions associated with encoding and decoding CTCSS tones into radio tuning data in APRS position messages. 4. stop using computationally expensive character set decoders for strings in APRS packets that can only be 7-bit ASCII. 5. fix NullPointerExceptions caused by using MicE encoding for station beacons of non-moving stations. 6. fix error reporting breakage in Test Port logic for Serial_TNC port editor. 7. rename menu function for exporting configuration to an XML file and update the online help correspondingly. 8. add more debug context logging to config export code. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#56 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Feb-12 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. prevent I/O error reporting dialog from getting stuck by only allowing one to exist at a time, closing the previous one when the next one appears. 2. try to reduce chance of concurrent modification exception on reading the list of stations and objects from the StationTracker. 3. fix bug preventing Points Of Interest from being rendered on the OSM map layer. 4. add code to restrict transmission rate to SerialTNC ports, to try to prevent buffer overruns in the TNCs due to YAAC transmitting faster than the local channel has capacity for. 5. improve error reporting for unhandled failure cases in AGWPE port driver. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#55 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Feb-05 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. finish help files for new View->Local Objects menu choice. 2. fix race condition in port configuration editors using text fields, especially when doing an Add port operation. 3. reduce the chance of getting in a deadlock with the SerialTNC port driver inside the RXTX library. 4. fix error in format change of latitude and longitude when using the dd.dddddd display format in the custom edit control for lat/lon (affects beacon definition as well as object creation/editing). 5. add preliminary support for transmitting base-91 telemetry extension in PositionReport messages (already capable of receiving it). ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#54 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2015-Feb-01 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. bombproof AX25Stack against failures in message listeners. 2. add new port flag definitions to identify HF RF ports (not fully used yet). 3. make PositionReport and MicE messages sendable so that beacon generation can use common code to insert transmitting port's callsign. 4. fix prompt for keystore password to avoid NullPointerException on dialog closure. 5. add support for displaying help index directly from Help menu. 6. stop showing bogus change color for luminosity, flood level, and snowfall level on the Health Monitor view. 7. properly size and zoom-limit the display of political unit names (villages, cities, counties, etc.), with a new GUI tab in the Map Layers dialog to customize the zoom limits. 8. display zoom limits in the current distance unit rather than in OpenMap internal map scale. 9. move beacon save button to more standard location in expert-mode configuration dialog. 10. fix beacon editing to not affect map until editing is actually saved to persistent storage. 11. fix error reporting for port configuration editor. 12. ensure message sender panel (bottom of map window) will get enabled properly once ports are opened. 13. prevent exception in weather status dialog and ?WX? query handler if weather station is not sending data to YAAC (cable unplugged, etc.). 14. correct units for line of sight panel tower height sliders. 15. fix scaling of line of sight panel to correct excessive earth curvature in plot. 16. fix NullPointerExceptions for APRS 1.2 symbol codes for which new icon files haven't been provided yet. 17. provide default digipeat aliases for ports created in the wizard if the earlier wizard panel specified that this station should be a digipeater. 18. pick better default symbol for digipeater supporting regional aliases. 19. fix incorrect plotted direction of PHG circle offset. 20. fix AGWPE port editor to correctly maintain the selected port name from the AGWPE server, and filter and direct traffic per AGWPE port. 21. fix premature demands for keystore password when messaging other stations not sharing a secret key with the local station. 22. stop creating bogus NOCALL station icon during port startup. 23. fix problem with creating locally originated objects, make it easier find and manage local objects with a new view. 24. fix typo in OSM importer that caused airport and railroad data to be discarded. --------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#53 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Dec-30 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add new icon for HamNet nodes (symbol 88) and bogus icon for stealh digipeaters. 2. assorted minor performance optimizations. 3. correct symbol code updates for stations (fixing corner case where some object's symbol was assigned to a station). 4. fix glitch that prevented stealth digipeaters from being plotted. 5. add local destination aliases (not digipeat aliases) to list of pre-loaded destinations for messages. 6. fix health monitor view so I-gate and weather tables will update appropriately if a new station is added to the health monitor list for digi, I-gate, or weather monitoring. 7. fix mini-webserver configuration to allow turning off the webserver by setting its listening port number to zero. 8. fix obscure glitches in specifying overlays and/or APRS 1.2 extended symbols for your beacon or locally-originated objects. 9. fix layout of weather numbers on popup window to fit better in available space and not have excessive digits after the decimal point. 10. make overlay characters more visible on map symbols. 11. adjust ordering of co-located symbols so most recently transmitted station/object is always on top. 12. make maxspeed attributes in OpenStreetMap data more flexible in accepting different formats of the maxspeed value strings in the XML file. 13. correct some other OSM XML file parsing errors that caused loss of attribute data from Leisure and Highway type ways. 14. handle stale link in mini-webserver's history page, should a viewed station expire from the message cache. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#52 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Dec-15 downloadable from or or upgradeable via Help->Check for Updates changes and updates include: 1. minor performance improvements. 2. improvement of stealth digipeater vicinity plotting, using special non-transmittable symbol ?# to identify a vicinity-plotted non-beaconing digipeater, and combining the reported positions of multiple stations using the digipeater to better locate the digi. 3. fix transmission of Objects, including properly handling permanent Objects and properly remembering the number of times an Object has already been transmitted for the next restart of YAAC. 4. use proper units for displaying wind speed and gusts, and rain numbers in all places where weather data is displayed. 5. fix reporting of repeater/monitoring frequency information in beacon and Object reports. 6. improve the state display of the message pause control on the map toolbar. 7. ensure that vicinity-plotted stealth digipeaters can be plotted on the map. 8. update and improve built-in documentation. 9. bombproof YAAC startup against hung ports. 10. make it easier to find keystore password dialog on the screen when YAAC needs to open the keystore. -------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#51 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Dec-04 downloadable from or or upgradeable via Help->Check for Updates changes and updates include: 1. fix keystore opening for YAAC startup with a saved SSL-APRS-IS port. 2. fix sorting of Bulletin Board display. 3. fix race conditions for Raw Messages table update. 4. fix enabling of default message sender fields on the bottom of the map window when only one port is defined. 5. change types of permanent Objects from Item to Object with permanent timestamp code. 6. document the ?UP query type. 7. fix race conditions for checking that keystore is open before doing checks for signing outgoing messages. 8. add command-line option for opening keystore when running in non-GUI mode. 9. ensure that SSL and non-SSL APRS-IS port drivers are treated the same way for message transmission. 10. enable packet transmission through SSL-APRS-IS port driver. --------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #50 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Dec-01 downloadable from or or upgradeable from Help->Check for Updates changes and updates include: 1. fix breakage caused by using per-port callsigns for locally-originated packets, including fixing inability to transmit locally created objects and items. 2. more minor performance optimizations. 3. refix signed message code to include the sending callsign in the signature computation, moving the signature generation until transmission time when the callsign is specified for multi-port deployments (actually, setting the originating callsign for locally-originated messages is now always delayed until transmission time to allow for possibly being a multi-port deployment, whether it actually is or not). 4. add GPS sentence type support for proper encoding of compressed-mode APRS positions. Also ensure compressed-mode position format is complete even if user chose not to send GPS velocity or altitude. 5. bombproof OpenTRAC protocol code against delayed setting of local callsign. 6. remove north-east bias of randomized vicinity plot positions. 7. allow specifying aliases (tactical names) for stations before you have actually heard them, and prevent purging knowledge of those alias assignments as long as they are still in force, even if the station no longer is transmitting. 8. correct storage of APRS Objects and Items to make case significant, even though case is not significant for stations (since all callsigns should be in uppercase, according to the AX.25 protocol specification). Note this doesn't yet support the extreme special case in the APRS protocol specification stating that Objects with the special permanent timestamp should be treated as unique objects if sent by different stations (unlike other Objects and Items, which can be taken over by other stations). 9. upon YAAC startup, the persisted Objects transmitted by that YAAC installation should have their first transmission time randomly spread out within the initial send rate interval for each Object, to prevent a huge transmit pile up at YAAC startup and every repeat interval thereafter for those persisted objects. 10. ensure that YAAC asks for the keystore password prior to attempting to transmit any message expecting signature computation at transmit time. 11. fix the column refreshing for the age columns in the Health Monitor view (these were broken when the alias columns were added before the age columns but the age refresh timer wasn't updated correspondingly). 12. prevent user from modifying port driver type of an existing port definition; the port type can only be specified when the port definition is added, and changing the type requires deleting the port and re-adding it with the new type. Add a warning to the generic port editor view telling the user why this is so to prevent complaints. 13. ensure the key import panel always confirms that the keystore password has been entered, to handle the case where the panel is launched from the SSL APRS-IS port editor instead from the key management view. 14. in the configuration wizard, when re-run on an already configured installation, ensure that the digipeater and I-gate capabilities are tested separately. Also automatically turn on tracing for WIDE1-1 digipeating, and ensure that both WIDEn-N and SSn-N aliases are properly enabled or disabled as the max-N spinners are adjusted. 15. fix fatal typo in OSM file importer's logging code. 16. generalize message signing logic so that key manager code doesn't have to contain message-type-specific signing code. 17. add initial draft of KISS-over-TCP port driver for TCP/IP-connected KISS TNCs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#49 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Nov-20 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. minor performance speedups for topographic contour rendering and OSM map importing. 2. clearer reporting of last time of digipeating by traced digipeaters (before, last digipeat time was mixed up with last self-beacon time). 3. left-align path in weather health monitor table. 4. stop popping up message table when messages are received that are not addressed to the local station (and therefore not displayed in the default mode of the message table). 5. speed up detection of already-downloaded tiles in OSM and topo download dialogs. 6. correct rendering of selected event type for local receive aliases. 7. don't tag objects as being of the type of the sending station in the popup window. 8. prevent thrashing of map repaint if there is a bug in the rendering code for a particular station setup. 9. add the ability to view and edit tactical names of stations on the tables in the Health Monitor view. 10. correct behavior of Sending Station filter. 11. add new remote query ?UP to report the period of time since the YAAC station was started up. 12. clean up race condition on shutting down a GPSD connection. 13. fix transmission code so APRS packets can be sent to APRS-IS through an SSL connection (not just a passcode-authenticated connection). 14. fix mutex deadlock in AGWPE driver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#48 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Nov-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. assorted updates and corrections to the built-in help files. 2. minor performance optiomizations. 3. improvements in the health monitor view, including correcting software errors in monitoring inactive digipeaters, displaying the clock error for weather stations, and making the weather station monitor display available on the built-in webserver. 4. correcting old message purging to use the purge threshold instead of (erroneously) the time filter. 5. correct statistics for Serial_TNC port driver. 6. report incoming traffic to blinkenlight for GPSD port driver. 7. fix memory leak in AGWPE port driver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#47 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Nov-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. update the Health Monitor view to: a. make entering the list of stations to monitor more user-friendly; b. display the last path used to hear each monitored station; c. color-code flag stations that haven't been heard from in too long or have erroneous clock settings; d. make the Health Monitor tables printable and saveable; e. display the weather data in the Health Monitor as either raw APRS units or the user-selected units specified in the YAAC Preferences; f. add right-click popup menus for the stations listed in the Health Monitor tables. 2. fix logic for exporting table views as CSV files to support windows with more than one table (such as the tabbed view of tables in the Health Monitor view), and that the save files default to .csv file type. 3. try to reduce race conditions in the Raw Messages view. 4. make list of local aliases more user-friendly to edit. 5. fill in more missing Javadocs. 6. re-enable MessageSenderPanel (fixing start-up race condition). 7. fix memory leak upon closing Edit Filter dialog. 8. properly display non-standard switch-to-KISS-mode command strings entered by users, instead of replacing them with the built-in choices (private bugzilla bug #17). 9. try to fix refresh problems in Destination filter GUI. 10. update documentation to explain that age displays are how long since a station was heard by YAAC, not how long since the station transmitted. 11. update documentation to emphasize that SSL-authenticated access to the APRS-IS backbone is still an experimental feature. 12. add support for GPSD v3.x JSON format as well as V2.92 format. 13. prevent repeated transmission of switch commands by Serial-TNC driver when switching a TNC2-compatible TNC to KISS mode. 14. improve titling of configuration wizard panels to make their purpose more understandable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #46 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Oct-29 downloadable from or upgrade from build#45 strongly recommended due to bugfixes in this build. changes and updates include: 1. fix critical problem with saving APRS-IS port callsign definitions. 2. change default retention time for messages from permanent to 2 hours, and persist changes made by the user. 3. keep download of OSM tiles from breaking if the user sets their radius filter too low. 4. add a few more point-of-interest symbols for the map. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#45 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Oct-28 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. SSL-authenticated APRS-IS connection is no longer a plugin, but an integrated part of the core YAAC application. 2. new symbol files added for OpenStreetMap point-of-interest types. 3. started adding support for alternate alert/alarm sound interface. 4. fix station callsign support for multi-TNC deployments, including ensuring that locally originated messages would get the callsign for each port it is transmitted through. 5. add support for weather data in Object reports (such as for airport weather stations on FireNet). 6. bombproof against non-strict formatting of telemetry messages. 7. add support for delayed callsign assignment to OpenTRAC entities (so locally originated entities can get the per-port callsigns at transmission time), and document all the escape codes in the help files. 8. properly separate updates of the position and weather of objects/items from the updates of the same for the reporting stations. 9. add telemeter station count to telemetry view. 10. add menu function to save most tabular views as CSV files. 11. fill in more missing Javadocs. 12. add hot-key Help support to more window panels. 13. add Help buttons to all port configuration panels. 14. add ability to import LotW keys directly from the SSL APRS-IS port editing panel. 15. make heard stations view behave less annoyingly about real-time updates. 16. fix window sizing of weather status view. 17. tweak window sizing of popup station info window. 18. add support for using the Linux/Unix gpsd daemon as a shareable GPS position supplier. 19. allow right-clicking on APRS-IS sourced messages in raw packet view to get popup menu for originating station. 20. provide default host name of localhost for new AGWPE port. 21. add support for pausing between initialization commands on Serial_TNC ports. 22. add displayed warning about receive-only mode to Kenwood port configuration panel. 23. fix memory leak in telemetry view by ensuring listener for station updates is unregistered when telemetry window is closed. 24. add support to upgrade mechanism for extra clean-up code, use the new mechanism to remove the old SSL-APRS-IS port driver plugin. 25. clarify name of downloading pre-imported map tiles menu selection. 26. log to error log each time an emergency precedence message is received. 27. add About dialog credit to HamHUD for inventing SmartBeaconing. 28. send query responses back to the port from which the query was received. 29. add support for plugins that use 3rd-party library JAR files. 30. improve analysis of OpenStreetMap node attribute tags. 31. change message signature code to not include originating callsign (due to its newly dynamic setting per transmit port). 32. don't accidentally chop received APRS-IS messages in half if strange network fragmentation occurs. 33. fix incorrect q-construct generation for locally originated messages going to APRS-IS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build#44 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Oct-01 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. initial implementation of SSL APRS-IS port connector as a plugin. 2. more APRS 1.2 extended symbol images. 3. more performance optimizations for both message processing and map rendering. 4. fill in more missing Javadoc comments. 5. identify more invalid message frames. 6. better tell the difference between moving and deadreckoned stations. 7. bombproof image loading when curent working directory is not YAAC installation directory. 8. allow ObjectEditor to stay open to create multiple versions of an object (or multiple objects if object name is changed). 9. ensure that private (non-transmitted) objects are seen on the map. 10. display aliases (tactical names) on popup windows about stations/objects and on webpages about those stations/objects. 11. add bearings to landmark locator report, and allow searching airport IDs for string matches. 12. add menu choice to disable drawing callsigns on map entirely. 13. add ability to get sending station popup menu on BulletinBoard and Raw Packets views. 14. generalize webserver code so that more than one webserver could be instantiated (for use by plugins). 15. bombproof against failed port startups. 16. add support for importing public key certificates and PKCS#12 private/public key pairs (for use with the SslAprsIs plugin). 17. re-project draw layer elements when removing the draw toolbar (map is changing window size). 18. update default network name for APRS-IS access to FireNet. 19. fix null pointer exception for disabled port definitions. 20. fix bug in SerialGPSConnector, add support for producing waypoints from OpenTRAC messages. 21. in AprsIsConnector, differentiate to server between forwarded and locally originated APRS messages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #43 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Sep-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add new APRS overlay definitions and icons for OpenTRAC-compatible symbol meanings ( as of 28 Aug 2014). 2. more CPU and transient memory usage optimizations. 3. fix automatic persistent refetching of NWS weather radar overlay upon YAAC restart. 4. fix APRS 1.2 extended symbol mode, so it can be switched while YAAC is running, so its setting will be persisted over YAAC restarts, and to support icons for the new symbol meanings. 5. fix "disable all" button action on the Symbol filter GUI. 6. add credit to WA8LMF for being original artist of UI-View standard symbols. 7. part 1 (incomplete) of effort to infer global coastline data from OSM ways. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #42 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Aug-19 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. cleanup of source code comments (to support Javadoc documentation for plugin authors). 2. some additional memory optimization and CPU performance improvements. 3. add support for Base-91-encoded telemetry data in APRS position messages. 4. continue separating GUI-specific code from the back-end code. 5. add the ability to update locally-originated Objects from the outstanding message table view. 6. allow the built-in mini-webserver to be configured as to which TCP port number it listens on for inbound connections, and how frequently the auto-refreshing web pages refresh themselves. 7. remember whether weather radar overlays were previously loaded when YAAC is restarted. 8. fix typo so that Open dialog is displayed when loading a drawing overlay or KML file into the draw layer. 9. remove access to constructors for static-method-only library classes. 10. add support for timeslotted transmissions on all RF port types (SerialTNC, AGWPE). 11. ensure that YAAC shutdown can't hang because of an RXTX library deadlock. 12. enable the code for doing 1990's-era connected-mode packet sessions to a remote packet server (such as a BBS). 13. fix editing locally-originated Objects and Items so Objects get 3 (not the former 1) transmission, and Items get unlimited transmissions (until they are explicitly killed or taken over by another station). 14. speed up YAAC startup by spawning port startups in parallel. 15. add support and recognition for more OpenStreetMap Node and Way types. Also authored a new plugin to support monitoring of selected stations' telemetry data, with the ability to send alarm messages by email and/or SMS when a telemetry value goes out of range. Known as the telemetryalarmplugin. Uses the JavaMail reference implementation to send e-mails and SMS (text messages). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ new beta build#41 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Jul-16 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. changing background color of blinkenlights to better indicate disabled (gray) versus enabled-but-idle (black) states. 2. add ability to manually delete inactive stations/objects from history (useful for field events when a mobile station completes its route and is shutdown, so that the station is immediately removed from the map). 3. correct glitches with symbol editor for the station/object list. 4. suppress debugging messages from the topography renderer unless debugging is turned on. 5. compress the station popup window to only show the latest commented message comment instead of the entire history for that station (makes the popup window more usable). 6. fix problem with symbol editor screwing up all symbols in a table because one editor was shared between multiple tables. 7. refactor drawing loading to be in the GUI section of the code. 8. ensure street names are drawn, even for streets that also have a highway number/shield. 9. add option to load drawing files from the File menu. 10. remove trailing carriage return control character from body text in CSV-format log files. 11. correct APRS-IS gating of RF messages to _not_ remove unused routing information from gated packet. 12. ensure AGWPE port driver can detect loss of connection to a non-local AGWPE server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #40 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Jun-07 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. keep blinkenlight buttonms up for disabled but still configured ports. 2. multiple fixes and improvements for drawing layer, including support for CSV and KML file saving and loading of draw overlays. 3. add support to load and save predefined lists of aliases (tactical names). 4. add latest updates to TOCALL database. 5. prevent null links for online help porting to the website. 6. ensure OSM tile downloading deletes obsoleted tiles. 7. fix bug in disabling, enabling, and defining new local destination callsigns and addressees (such as Australian equivalent of US National Weather Service beacon messages). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #39 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 2014-May-19 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix typo preventing user from creating new authentication keys. 2. have receipt of signed messages stop blocking the entire application until the user enters the keystore password. Instead, only prompt if the local system has authentication keys, the message is from a sender associated with a local key, the local user hasn't already unlocked the keystore, and then query for the password without blocking other operations. 3. add ability to authenticate to the Chat dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #38 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 2014-May-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. again fix stupid typo in CPU architecture identification during YAAC startup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #37 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 2014-May-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix stupid typo in CPU architecture identification during YAAC startup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #36 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 2014-May-10 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fixing memory leak in per-station histories. 2. optimizing OpenStreetMap rendering speed and import storage consumption. 3. adding support for Raspberry Pi console serial port device (as used by the TNC-Pi shield in serial mode). 4. optimize message reception logic. 5. remove unused and duplicate fields in message objects to reduce memory usage. 6. add support for HMAC cryptographically signed messages so that messages can be confirmed as from a particular sending party (suitable for telecommand applications), including indicating if a signed message was successfully confirmed or failed signature confirmation, and helping user choose which messages to sign. 7. optimizing floating-point math code (to reduce burden on slow systems like the Raspberry Pi). 8. reduce number of transient arrays of Enum types. 9. properly display age for stations seen only as digipeaters (not for traffic originated by those stations). 10. optimize table sorting code to allocate fewer transient wrapper objects. 11. ensure YAAC icon is displayed in title bar of progress dialogs instead of default Java icon. 12. fix bug in dynamically loading drivers, localized messages, and configuration panels provided by plugins instead of the core YAAC code. 13. make raster (image) maps persist over YAAC restarts. 14. more refactorings to separate back-end from graphical front-end. 15. optimize topographic map rendering. 16. optimize rendering of railroad tracks on OpenStreetMap maps. 17. add support for importing .gpx files for draw overlays. 18. at import time, filter out OpenStreetMap Ways that do not have any description associated with them (since they won't be rendered anyway, why waste disk space and time importing them just to ignore them unconditionally?). 19. start implementing experimental "file" access to KISS TNC's, under the assumption that they are connected through an operating system file that is not a hardware serial port (such as TNC-Pi through the i2ckiss program). WORK IN PROGRESS, NOT FULLY TESTED. 20. make FIFO cache for topographic tiles dynamically sizeable, to reduce file thrashing on systems that have enough memory to cache more tiles. 21. fix SendingStationFilter to correctly filter Object messages by the station who sent them, not by the object itself. 22. correctly handle non-APRS (OpenTRAC) messages in the Destination filter. 23. persist state of graticule enable/disable menu item. 24. change ?VER handler to use same response format as APRSIS32. 25. add tool to index YAAC built-in help for viewing on the website. 26. document how to write plugins for YAAC. Ensure plugin SDK is freshly built and included in binary distribution. 27. account for decommissioning of CloudMade website as a mirror site for OpenStreetMap data. 28. Tune poor responsiveness log messages to have more reasonable thresholds. 29. Add inactivity monitor to AGWPE port driver. 30. change default behavior for using proposed APRS 1.2 extended symbol set (now defaulted to "no"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #35 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 2014-Mar-20 downloadable from or changes and updates in this build include: 1. memory usage optimizations (to improve the performance of YAAC), with removal of some no-longer-needed code. 2. make sure configuration profile name (if specified) is displayed in the title bar of all configuration dialogs (wizard and expert-mode). 3. allow downloading high-resolution (1-arc-second grid spacing) USGS topographic data when it is available (default is 3-arc-second data). 4. make minor usability behavior improvements for tabular displays. 5. make all-versus-my messages checkbox on Raw Messages view properly refresh the display when it is changed. 6. tell author's website which version of YAAC is requesting an upgrade. 7. fix previous build's breakage in loading raster map files. 8. refactor code to support other programs being built from the non-YAAC-specific AX.25, APRS, and OpenTRAC code libraries. 9. try to make addition of new known digipeat aliases a little more user-friendly. 10. seriously optimize CPU time spent in rendering topographic contours. 11. add support for setting some SAR (Search and Rescue) friendly default configuration parameters. 12. try to improve documentation of multiple-configuration profile support. 13. add automatic re-connect logic for AGWPE ports (in case the AGWPE server crashes or is located on a remote computer). 14. optimize the APRS-IS and serial weather station drivers a little bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #34 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 2014-March-11 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. refactor to allow using ax25 and aprs packages separately from YAAC. 2. account for Peet Bros weather stations using zero-based Julian dates instead of the expected 1-based day-of-year. 3. fix bug preventing the Help->About dialog from being displayed. 4. attempt to fix failure to refresh in switching station/object list between filtered and unfiltered views. 5. refactor to allow using the AprsIsConnector driver outside of YAAC. 6. display date from weather station on the Weather Status dialog, to help detect clock/calendar errors in remote weather stations. 7. handle race condition in AprsIsConnector's inactivity (hang) detection timer. Another tool (based on YAAC's code base) may be released in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #33 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 5 March 2014 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fixed ability to send weather data from non-weather-station-symbol stations. 2. fixed up to toString() methods to improve debugging. 3. added support for indicating weather station make and model in weather data reports. 4. corrected conversion error in TemperatureUnit class. 5. continued separating GUI code from back-end message processing code. 6. add health monitor functionality. 7. fix table cell renderers to properly show non-default background colors. 8. have map zoom and pan buttons return focus to the map after they are triggered by keyboard input. 9. ensure beacon symbol overlay is cleared when primary table symbol is chosen. 10. fix breakage in YAACBootstrap code for Raspberry Pi platform. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #32 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2014-Feb-23 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. major code refactoring to allow using APRS and OpenTRAC message parsing code outside of the graphical YAAC environment. 2. major code refactoring to further separate the YAAC GUI code from the back-end processing (alas, still not complete) to allow for possible future substitution of an alternate UI. 3. add support for "freezing" message processing, so rapid message flows can be paused for analysis without data loss (up to a point). 4. identify messages with garbled and/or erroneous content, and indicate such identification in the graphical user interface. 5. fix typo in computing distance to bulletin-transmitting stations on the Bulletin Board view. 6. add option to Message view to choose whether to show messages addressed to your station or to everybody. 7. highlight emergency precedence messages. 8. fix bug in Station Category filter when unselecting options, where the option would not reselect again. 9. add new precoded query for version of remote software (APRSIS/CE compatible). 10. use blacklist to prevent answering queries from blacklisted stations. 11. allow YAAC to run when the current working directory is other than the YAAC installation directory. 12. fix bug in OSM tile segmenter where a Way segment that crosses a tile without any endpoint actually inside the tile would not include the segment (thereby leaving gaps in the Way when plotting the spanned tile). 13. add new filter to show only valid or only invalid (garbled/erroneous format) messages. 14. add missing display strings for less-used weather parameters. 15. fix critical typo in map renderer causing the map to fail to render if a station or object has illegal characters in its symbol code and/or symbol table ID. 16. add documentation on how to define desktop shortcuts. 17. record first digipeaters in station list, using vicinity plotting if the message digipeated contains position information and messages haven't been received from the digipeater itself yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #31 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 28-Jan-2014 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. Add view reporting which stations' traffic is being I-gated from the Internet to local RF. 2. Add support for "blacklisting" stations that are producing illegal traffic, to protect digipeater or I-gate operators. Persist the blacklist across YAAC restarts. 3. Clean up glitches in I-gating logic. 4. Add support for multiple messages in the beaconing of a station, such that a station with a weather station but with a symbol code other than a weather station can send positionless weather report messages after their position report or Mic-E position message. 5. Fix more bugs where dialog boxes are associated with the map window instead of the window that made the menu request. 6. Separate more GUI logic from the back-end menu functionality. 7. Add confirmation check to attempts to edit APRS objects transmitted by other stations (i.e., confirm taking over others' objects). 8. Add option to File->Save->Objects menu choice to allow saving all APRS Objects, or only the Objects created and maintained by this station. 9. Try to reduce unnecessary GUI view refreshes. 10. Improve error reporting in various places. 11. Add support for NWS bulletin messages. 12. Add support for more OpenStreetMap attributes for future map features. 13. Make beacon fixed altitude removable and persisted. 14. Optimize rendering code a little more. 15. Add support for weather event objects (storms, hurricanes, etc.). 16. Ensure APRS symbol to OpenTRAC symbol translation goes to the most generic OpenTRAC symbol code. 17. Remove no-longer-needed debugging code. 18. Fix residual bugs from support of APRS 1.2 extended symbols. 19. Optimize map tile file reading I/O code. 20. Add automatic refresh to pages in mini-webserver. 21. Add support for non-standard position messages with only two digits of longitude degrees. 22. Add support for converting old station position reports into Object reports managed by this YAAC instance. 23. Add missing localized labels for APRS 1.1 weather parameters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #30 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2013-Dec-27 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix bugs with transmitting OpenTRAC protocol messages. 2. start supporting sending objects via OpenTRAC. 3. separate more GUI code from back-end code in CoreProvider. 4. add more missing context-sensitive help tags. 5. fix bugs with APRS 1.2 extended symbol support. 6. change wizard default symbol for I-gate stations. 7. ensure overlay character is displayed even for local station. 8. restrict allowed characters for manually entered overlay character. 9. reduce excessive refiltering when clearing filters. 10. add option to persist symbol filter settings. 11. change the way the Transmit Enabled option is displayed in the port editing panels, so as to make it more obvious whether the port is allowed to transmit messages. 12. start attempting to support converting OSM Relations into oversize Ways when possible during OpenStreetMap file import (not completed). 13. make built-in webserver support APRS 1.2 extended symbols. 14. ensure paths and repeat rates for locally created Objects are preserved over YAAC restarts with the rest of the Object. 15. prevent spurious link failure messages when user manually shuts down APRS-IS connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- beta build #29 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 09 Dec 2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix failure in config wizard caused by adding support for APRS 1.2 extended symbol set. 2. add some more APRS 1.2 extended symbols. 3. add some bombproofing against concurrent modification exceptions in StationTracker class. 4. fix bug 8 (crash when using "check for updates") by having the YAAC upgrader report its progress in downloading the upgrade and confirm permission from the user before actually proceeding to start the upgrade program and shut down the old version of YAAC. 5. separate more GUI code from back-end code. 6. fix table layout for Symbol filter. 7. shrink date substring for ?VER query handler, so VER responses are less likely to be truncated or discarded by intervening I-gates or digipeaters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #28 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2013 Dec 04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix port configuration code so incompatible options from different port types don't get applied to the wrong port type when editing. 2. add configurable control over whether a deployment with both RF and APRS-IS ports can Igate (independent control for each direction). 3. add configurable support for APRS 1.2 extended symbol icons. 4. more accurately identify which stations are directly accessible by this station (to support the ?APRSD query). 5. fix dynamic menu bar builders to handle sub-menus as the first entry of a menu. 6. clean up exporting images of the current map view (for the mini-webserver). 7. refactor the menu choices to get a little closer to separating GUI presentation code from back-end processing code (not complete yet). 8. support font preference choices in more views. 9. fix spelling error in header when saving UIView object files. 10. fix error in protocol column when displaying OpenTRAC packets in the Raw Packets view. 11. fix default column sizing in Outstanding Message view. 12. properly support APRS 1.2 extended MicE model types. 13. improve user interface for specifying per-RF-port list of digipeating aliases. 14. add F1 hot-key help tagging for more windows. 15. add more icons for OpenTRAC station types. 16. ensure asynchronous popup error dialog still has the YAAC logo icon associated with it. 17. allow AGWPE port to be configured even if local AGWPE server can't be found (user may want to use a server process on another computer, or have the server on a non-default TCP port number). 18. make table sorters assume updates will affect the sort key columns. 19. use the correct symbol when drawing the local station, regardless of any object editing that may have selected another symbol. 20. stop reporting bogus ancient age for locally created stations and objects that haven't actually been received back yet from digipeaters. 21. fix widget scoping for F1 hot-key help. 22. fix double expansion of proportional pathing indexes in path editing widget. 23. remove spurious error condition when resorting back-end-updated table views. 24. support APRS 1.2 extended symbol images that aren't exactly 16x16 pixels. 25. add more missing Javadoc comments. 26. handle corrupted empty SRTM tile files. 27. add support for Xastir-compatible exchange of tactical callsigns for stations. 28. add support for loading and saving files of object definitions directly from the top-level File menu, instead of only buried in the Station/Object list view. 29. fix race condition in removing timed-out messages from the raw packets list. 30. remove dead code for never-implemented serial port protocol migrator (failed attempt to handle O/S renumbering serial ports so a YAAC restart gets the wrong ports associated with Connector code). 31. fix bugs with re-using Way objects instead of creating a new one for each Way and wasting lots of memory. 32. add more support for initiating PositionlessWeatherReport messages from YAAC. 33. fix bugs in generating and displaying web pages from the mini-webserver built into YAAC, including adding page titles and properly displaying icons. 34. handle incorrectly formatted HTTP requests in mini-webserver. 35. add per-station/object history pages to mini-webserver. 36. remember retransmission parameters for local objects when saving them. 37. remove choice of automatically switching Byonics TinyTraks to KISS mode, as it does not work for those particular TNCs. 38. properly stop transmitting a locally originated object if it is taken over by another station. 39. add hyperlink to APRS-IS configuration panel to launch the documentation for server-side filter expressions. 40. stop duplicate logging of messages transmitted out more than one port. 41. add support and documentation for using AGWPE with a non-standard server TCP port number. 42. eliminate race conditions in cancelling a local object transmission. 43. update TOCALL list to latest info (still haven't converted over to common JSON file yet). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #27 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 25-Oct-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. providing Microsoft Windows icon files for labelling desktop shortcuts to YAAC, and documentation on how to create shortcuts. 2. fix typos in some debug messages for connection-oriented AX.25 frames. 3. fix bugs with External Message Source port and transmitting messages received through such ports. 4. add more support for OpenTRAC. 5. improve accuracy of dead-reckoning projections. 6. more memory optimizations for large message collections. 7. arrange for Radio View to be able to open automatically on YAAC restart, and optionally filter RadioView to only use data from RF (not Internet) ports. 8. refactor code to help separate more Java-AWT-specific GUI code from back-end functionality. 9. add more context-sensitive help tags for F1 "hot key" help. 10. map main map window closeable like all the other YAAC display windows. 11. fix popup dialogs to be parented by the window that launched them instead of forcing a connection to the map window. 12. add ability to edit the liveness and scope of Objects from the Station/Object List view. 13. allow data entry of latitutde and longitude in the currently selected format (not just APRS-standard DD MM.MM format) (does not yet support UTM format). 14. add support to refresh all currently downloaded map tiles from the current tiles available on the author's website without having to manually figure out which sets of coverage circles will specify all existing tiles. 15. prevent user from screwing up port type when modifying an existing port definition. 16. have US National Weather Service radar raster map overlays automatically update with newer radar data until the overlay is removed or network connectivity to the NWS website is lost. 17. use selected font and font size more consistently throughout YAAC (still a work-in-progress). 18. persist the font and font size choices over YAAC restarts. 19. begin adding support for new TOCALL database files (still a work-in-progress). 20. have configuration wizard automatically fix message retention times if configuring a digipeater or I-Gate. 21. add support for CSV files of lat/lon coordinates for draw overlay (so externally plotted route lines can be imported into YAAC as a draw polyline). 22. clarify explanation of implicit APRS-IS filters. 23. change APRS-IS, Serial_TNC, and AGWPE configuration GUIs to more clearly indicate receive-only versus transmit/receive configuration. 24. improve categorization of Amenity types. 25. start adding hooks for future "highlight amenity locations" function. 26. allow saved locally-initiated Object definitions to be restored at YAAC restart time. 27. inform user when APRS-IS server connection is lost, instead of just silently failing, with generic infrastructure so other port drivers could do so as well. 28. fix bugs in External Message Source port driver, improve debug logging from the driver. 29. remove some spurious debug print statements. 30. eliminate 2nd JVM instance on Raspberry Pi environment, since RPi includes its own version of the RXTX library and the ones included with YAAC don't support the RPi environment, so the definition of java.library.path isn't needed on RPi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #26 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 2013-Sep-04 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. clean up inline comments. 2. minor code optimizations, maintaining backwards compatibility. 3. fix bug where mobile local station's icon wasn't rotating to travel direction. 4. allow sorting station list by icon symbol codes. 5. fix problem where purging of old records caused a hang in the Raw Packets view. 6. add button to restore factory default map rendering options without having to clear all YAAC configuration data. Also sort POI categories alphabetically instead of randomly. 7. make memory monitor bar optional in GUI (off by default) to stop confusing users. 8. fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when restoring preferences to adjustable tables. 9. fix sorting table views on a general basis. 10. fix 2nd-order error reporting errors from BlinkenLight buttons. 11. correct bug in AGWPE port connector that prevents it from receiving messages if the port settings are changed. 12. only have config wizard allow editing PHG parameters if a transmitting RF port is declared. 13. add more OpenTRAC support. 14. use configured distance unit for displaying speed on GPS status dialog. 15. add support to not time-filter AX.25frames from log file playback. 16. add bomb-proofing to map rendering code if it should be given OSM map tiles from a later release. 17. adjust default zoom levels for OSM ways. 18. optimize map tile encoding for slightly more compact tiles. 19. optimze OSM map renender some more. 20. improve performance of Test Port terminal window. 21. add support for mobile APRS-IS connectivity (via separately provided wireless Internet devices). 22. eliminate over-speeded race condition in trying to re-establish broken APRS-IS connection. 23. update TOCALL list with satellite codes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#25 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 16-Jun-2013 downloadable from or or upgradable using the Help->Check for Updates menu choice changes and updates include: 1. assorted performance improvements in both incoming message processing and OSM map rendering. 2. stop reporting spurious EMERGENCY alerts for position comments describing emergency rooms that are not reporting a current emergency. 3. fix column titles on OSM map leyer selection dialog and sorting of POI types. 4. allow larger maximum time filter settings. 5. fix dumping of config XML on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) platform. 6. fix bug with using -clear command-line option to reset YAAC to factory default settings. 7. support more OpenStreetMap amenity types (note this will require using new YAAC build to work with new imports of OpenStreetMap data). 8. fix default zoom levels for some WayTypes to make more sense (and plot more efficiently) for wide zoom-out levels (continental and further out). 9. optimize OSM attribute saving to only keep attributes actually used in plotting street maps (saving disk storage and CPU time in rendering street maps). 10. fix race condition in restarting failed APRS-IS connection. 11. add Test Port button for Kenwood port driver. 12. save previous YAAC run's console log in next run's log file. 13. make the feature of automatically keeping specifically tracked stations on the map user-enablable. --------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#24 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 02-Jun-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix assorted typos in source code comments. 2. accurately identify stations as not being objects. 3. correct race conditions causing duplicate entries in sending station filter. 4. fix some bugs in connected-mode AX.25 support. 5. show current console log contents in About dialog, with option to copy-and-paste it to some other application. 6. remove duplicate spurious sort code from Station/Object list. 7. officially support and document the multiple profile capability. 8. allow upgrader to pull upgrades from SourceForge if author's own website is down. 9. remove spurious stack traces from Terminal window. 10. suppress flashing arrows for Mic-E Special status stations unless explicitly enabled by user. 11. add support for filtering log file replay. 12. add filter choice to show stations accessible only over RF (blocking stations relayed over APRS-IS even if listening to the RF re-broadcast). 13. make filter objects cloneable so that filter sets can be duplicated. 14. allow manually entering sending and destination callsigns into the filters so that offline instances of YAAC can filter log file replays by sender and destination. 15. optimize rendering code for terrain maps. 16. add hook to help submit problem reports to the author. 17. allow individualized control of different administrative boundary levels in OpenStreetMap maps (will require re-import of map data to provide the appropriate level separation). 18. more optimizing of OSM map tile reader code. 19. reverse-engineer 1-hour rain data from the updated 24-hour data provided by Peet Bros weather stations. 20. stop stripping the first character from non-APRS messages. 21. add start-up tracing to Serial_TNC and Serial_GPS drivers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ beta build #23 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 17-May-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates in this build include: 1. significant improvements and additions to the online help. 2. more small performance optimizations in the software. 3. remember the last zoom level of the map as well as the last center position for the next restart of YAAC. 4. preliminary support for multiple YAAC configuration profiles, using a specific profile name on the YAAC invocation command line. If a profile name is not specified, the default (nameless) profile is used. Command format: java -jar YAAC.jar -profile 5. try to get YAAC to let go of unused serial ports so other applications can use them once the user has left YAAC's configuration windows. 6. fix the keystroke echoing in Test Port terminal windows. 7. try to make the APRS-IS driver stronger in recovering from network outages. 8. handle premature connection drops when downloading individual OpenStreetMap precompiled tile files. 9. change default hemisphere for new YAAC installations to the center of the continental United States. 10. ensure that Show Dead Reckoning option setting is persisted. 11. collect rain since midnight from Peet Bros. weather stations and report it when producing weather reports. 12. persist column resizing and reordering on tabular views. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build#22 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 29-Apr-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix typo in ResourceBundle translation tag for the Locate Station command dialog. 2. add the ability to click the Edit port and Delete port buttons on the port list configuration panels without selecting a port first; the change will force the user to pick a port _after_ clicking Edit or Delete. 3. Change the ?ALOHA query to indicate whether the Aloha radius is for a saturated channel or a preliminary value because not enough stations have been heard to indicate the saturation limit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #21 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 28-Apr-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix bugs in AX.25 stack to correctly support connected-mode AX.25 packets (I-frames). 2. fix some dialog titles for some menu choices. 3. try to fix the MessageSenderPanel to allow the user to keep manually entering a callsign when new callsigns are being received over the RF and Internet channels. 4. optimize message receiving code. 5. add support for APRS 1.2 feature of text encoding of Mic-E status code in plain-text position messages, and filtering by Mic-E status code. 6. add online help for configuration wizard. 7. fix bug where configuration wizard port list wouldn't allow user to enable or disable ports. 8. add option to clear all filters (so as stop blocking any frames by filter). 9. optimize file reading and map rendering code. 10. add missing help to online help. 11. add reporting the most distant station to the ?ALOHA query. 12. move some of the CoreProvider's menu choices to public constants (for proposed future support in Apple OS X integration). 13. ensure that packet logging properly closes the log file after each block of packets is written to disk. 14. make ?QUERIES handler break the answer up into multiple answers short enough to fit within the APRS specification's maxium message length. 15. change ?APRSD handler to always respond, even when there are no direct RF stations to report. 16. fix bug in initializing main window menus for menu choices that depend on RF connectivity. 17. remove "unknown" TNC type for SerialTNC driver, since KISS-only mode behaves identically to "unknown". 18. fix APRS-IS driver config window to enable/disable the transmit enable checkbox when a passcode is added or removed. 19. fix APRS-IS driver to properly recover from a remote-end socket close. 20. fix AGWPE driver to properly send KISS frames. -------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #20 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), created 14-Apr-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. start implementing full TNC functionality in YAAC for connection-oriented radio sessions (not yet complete). 2. optimize frame processing for incoming RF AX.25 frames. 3. add support for displaying YAAC build notes from the YAAC program. 4. add explicit support for QRU queries, and a QRU server for appropriately tagged locally originated objects. add abulity to QRU-group-tag locally originated objects. 5. clean up code that checks for updates and pretty-up the upgrader utility. 6. move upgrader utility to lib subdirectory to reduce chance of users invoking the wrong JAR file. 7. enlarge the fonts in the Test Port dumb terminal window. 8. report the type of roads in the OSM popup window. 9. fix HTTP connection leak when downloading terrain tiles from the USGS website or OSM precompiled tiles from the author's website. 10. hint in beacon editor whether entering altitude is meaningful. 11. plot OSM roads in in-scale widths when zoomed in closed enough to see road widths. 12. add support for non-standard floating-point telemetry messages. 13. fix typo causing last value in weather messages to be skipped. 14. optimize APRS-IS port driver, make it able to re-establish connections if there is a transient DNS outage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #19 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 23-Mar-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fixing full-text search of YAAC online help. 2. showing highway number (if available) for clicked-on roads in OpenStreetMap data. 3. adding an online automatic upgrader application that can upgrade YAAC with a click on the Help->Check for Updates menu choice. --------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #18 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 20-Mar-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add more icons for more types of Points Of Interest nodes on the OpenStreetMap map. 2. add new port driver for external APRS message insertion from other applications via a TCP socket connection. 3. cache RXTX serial port list so as to speed up the opening of a PortEditor window; serial ports only have to be queried once instead of once per port type that uses serial ports. 4. start adding F1 hotkey support for opening online help for specific windows (not implemented for all window types yet). 5. generalize printing mechanism, add printing support to most tabular views. 6. add support for UTM format latitude/longitude display. Currently using the N/S hemisphere letter instead of latitude zone letter codes. 7. fix scaling error in barometric pressure display. 8. fix race condition in creating contextually-sensitive window-specific menu bars. 9. change colors for rendering Mic-E status circles on map to match color scheme specified for station highlighting, update online help to match. 10. when in single-station tracking mode, auto-pan the map to keep the tracked station in the viewport if it happens to travel off the map window. 11. add tooltips to draw toolbar buttons. 12. fix GPS status dialog to use currently configured distance units for altitude. 13. update online help to account for new features and menu commands. 14. add support for fixed altitude value in beacons for fixed stations without GPS. 15. fix double station selection dialog when locating a station with zero SSID that is colocated with other stations with the same callsign and non-zero SSID's. 16. fix deadlocking typo in startup when YAAC asks if you want to configure, and the user selects viewing online help about it. 17. optimize OSM map I/O and rendering a little more. 18. drop backwards compatibility support for 32-bit node ID's in OSM files (assume always 64-bit, since it's been that way for several builds). 19. add support for displaying town names on map. 20. improve ability to click on OSM Ways and get detailed information about them. 21. add support for displaying collected APRS telemetry data. 22. fix race condition in trying to restart failed APRS-IS socket connection. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #17 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS CLient"), built 28-Feb-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. add more icons for OpenStreetMap amenity nodes. 2. add support for Special precedence (between Welfare and Priority), and text equivalents of Mic-E status. Fix misfiring of attention alerts for the wrong priorities, and ensure it can't happen again. 3. add configuration wizard support for regional digipeat aliases and automatically downloading an initial map set. 4. use the configurable fonts for the Station/Object list and per-station history tables. 5. add the View Heard Stations table (reporting number of messages per 15 minute interval for each heard station). 6. add the ability to selectively enable mapping Point Of Interest nodes by amenity category and specific types. 7. have automated HTTP downloads of map data report that the HTTP requests are coming from YAAC. 8. add support for automatically setting the WIDEn-N and regional digipeat aliases for digipeat beacons. 9. change default for drawing the local station to being enabled as an icon. 10. add support for importing ESRI shapefiles into the Draw layer map overlay, using the current line style, size, and color attributes at the time of import. 11. lower minimum allowed interval for slow beaconing rate to 60 seconds or the current fast interval (whichever is longer). 12. block broadcast queries when only an APRS-IS connection is used. 13. fix bug when restarting YAAC with saved disabled connection ports. 14. remove logic inferring Priority precedence from using lower-case letters for latitude and longitude direction. 15. add limited support for using a SOCKS5 server as a proxy for accessing APRS-IS servers. 16. augment beacon contents to automatically add local WIDEn-N and regional code preferences to beacon message comments for digipeating stations. 17. fix null pointer exceptions introduced when trying to send OpenTRAC protocol versions of APRS-only messages. ---------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #16 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 17-Feb-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix support for OpenTrac so it actually can send and receive beacons and objects in both APRS and OpenTrac protocols. 2. add support for message list mode in Radio view (Kenwood TM-D710 emulation). 3. allow alias editing in station list without losing focus when new stations are heard. 4. catch exceptions around creating configuration dialog panels, to ensure that YAAC can be configured even if corrupted. 5. improve some error messages to report additional context. 6. add timing debug statements for the port editor panel. 7. add partial support for UTM-indexed raster map images; unfortunately, coordinate transforms aren't completely accurate yet. 8. ensure that US NWS radar maps can be updated after initial load correctly. 9. ensure that raw packet and per-station history views are properly refreshed when the packet view mode is changed. 10. fix the weather status dialog to use the correct units for barometric pressure. 11. add Mic-E status codes to the popup station information dialog. 12. fix bug in wizard's beacon editing panel to save changes in beacon to persistent storage. 13. fix station renderer to use user-selected variable-spaced font for labelling stations and objects. 14. add map indication of Mic-E status on station icons as a color-coded circle around each Mic-E-reporting station. 15. bombproof OpenTrac symbol maps to handle OpenTrac symbol codes that don't yet have corresponding icon files. 16. fix local station recognition for the local station filter. 17. support USGS's occasional misspelling of 3-arcsecond SRTM terrain files. 18. improve response time of configuration dialog's Preferences tab when scanning available fonts for language compatibility. 19. add new port driver for weather stations using a wxnow.txt file to deliver weather data to other applications (like YAAC). 20. fix log file loading menu to not see files that are not supported log file types. 21. fix saving offsets for repeater frequencies in beacon. 22. add bombproofing for broken port drivers. 23. start implementing support for multiple configuration profiles (not completed yet). 24. add new option to clear window positioning memory. 25. try to make clicking on OpenStreetMap ways more likely to work. 26. fix protocol selection for SerialTNC driver. 27. fix protocol error in sending locally originated messages to APRS-IS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #15 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 26 Jan 2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix bugs in the digipeater to ensure that received packets are always sent to the APRS-IS, even if n-N digipeat aliases are used up upon receipt to prevent RF digipeating. 2. add new panels to the configuration wizard to ensure that beacons are properly configured and can be enabled prior to exiting the wizard. 3. attempt to fix the problem with hanging opening of the configuration dialog, and add print statements to measure the dialog opening timing to help troubleshoot the slow dialog open on other platforms. 4. add support to download US National Weather Service radar map overlays to the YAAC map GUI. 5. ensure that changes to the enable checkbox for any interface port are properly saved to backing storage so the enable/disable state will be preserved on the next startup of YAAC. 6. allow station popup dialog to be dismissed by the Escape key instead of having to click on the close button on the window title bar. 7. try to fix hang of YAC program when last window is closed. 8. add the WHO-IS server to the list of well-known APRS-IS services. 9. add to the list of well-known APRS-IS network servers. 10. fix sizing of TNC configuration panel's digipeat alias list. 11. try more optimizing of the serial GPS driver. 12. change default comment for YAAC beacons (so that user is prompted to change it during the configuration wizard). -------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build #14 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), dated 20-Jan-2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix code to properly handle APRS Messages with UTF-8 message text, and display the messages correctly in the frame display tables. 2. ensure Station/Object list window is refreshed immediately if use of filters is enabled or disabled. 3. allow user to select which system print queue to use for Print menu commands (currently only to print the main map). 4. add generalized support for selecting different fonts, indicating which fonts support which language character sets, and updating fonts in use in real-time. 5. fix obscure NullPointerException when disabling active ports. 6. try to get current callsign updated in real-time when Beacon record's callsign is edited. 7. use the View "Dead" Objects setting to control whether dead objects should appear when the user left-clicks on the map. 8. fix file logging code to ensure that the last logged messages would be flushed to disk when the program is shut down. 9. added new pages to the mini-webserver to display the current station/object list, the current message list, and the current bulletin board. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #13 of YAAC (Yet Another APRS Client) downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix incorrect handling of AX.25 I frames with odd send sequence numbers in the ctl byte. 2. fix problem in handling non-Latin1 text strings in localized versions of YAAC. 3. implement initial version of Russian localization of YAAC (thanks to Sergej). 4. correct window titles on Window menu that are not localized to be localized. 5. add a debugging terminal window for debugging serial port and APRS-IS connections. 6. prevent YAAC from hanging as a windowless program when the last window is closed without actually exiting YAAC. 7. add support to allow disabling port definitions when editing them. 8. add debugging code for problms with opening Ports tab in Configure expert-mode dialog. 9. add collecting highway speed limits to OSM map data (not yet used, but now available). 10. add code to debug OSM XML importing. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #12 of YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client"), built 6 Jan 2013 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. ensure raw packet window is properly listed on Window menu. 2. correct search ranges for SRTM tile downloads, add download throttling to reduce rejections by the USGS website from over-accessing it. 3. fix topographic rendering to not infinite loop for areas that don't have SRTM tile files, and prevent failures due to boundary issues. 4. fix missing save of overlay field in beacon records. 5. add missing table update event when enable checkbox is changed in the Configure dialog's Ports table. 6. don't try to start up ports that were saved as disabled at YAAC startup. 7. properly display any defined overlay code for the local station. 8. optimize APRS-IS port driver, remove spurious exception when disabling the port. 9. fix race condition in enabling/disabling I/O ports. ------------------------------------------------------------------ next beta build #11 of YAAC (Yet Another APRS Client) downloadable from or changes and updates include: Fixing stupid bogus debug statement introduced with emergency fix in build #10. ------------------------------------------------------------------ latest beta build #10 of YAAC (Yet Another APRS Client), dated 22-Dec-2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. recognize packets received from I-Gates so as to not re-inject them into the APRS-IS backbone. 2. clarify the online help regarding when a default APRS-IS filter is used by YAAC. 3. add automatic reconnect logic for APRS-IS connection if the network connection is lost. 4. add a little more OpenTrac support. 5. add the latest TOCALL definitions to YAAC's knowledge base. ----------------------------------------------------------------- latest beta build #9 (20-Dec-2012) of YAAC (Yet Another APRS Client) downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. start implementing support for the OpenTrac binary protocol. NOT COMPLETED, NOT GUARANTEED TO WORK. 2. fix downloaded SRTM tile viewer to recognize the current file naming convention. 3. add option to change background color of map window. 4. fix bug in the BlinkenLight's popup window for enabling/disabling ports. 5. minor rendering and filtering optimizations. 6. only apply default APRS-IS filter if connecting to the filter port 14850. 7. add new menu command to test if a new build of YAAC has been created. 8. add mini-webserver for viewing current YAAC map window from a remote web browser. 9. fix failures of configuration panels after an APRS-IS connector has been disabled. 10. add missing online help regarding the highlighting of station icons. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next beta build (8) of YAAC, created 6 Dec 2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. support for sending non-default values for the reserved bits in AX.25 callsign fields, and displaying and digipeating received non-default reserved bits. 2. add support for sending non-digipeated broadcast queries to locate adjacent APRS stations (the ?APRS?, ?IGATE?, and ?WX?). 3. add support for overlaying raster image maps on the map display (1st draft). 4. ensure Raw Packet window can be reopened after it is opened and closed. 5. update outstanding transmit message table to indicate messages that have not been transmitted even once yet (including recognizing they have no transmit timestamp). 6. separate window close and application exit functions so the File menu can be used to close specific YAAC windows without accidentally shutting down the entire application. 7. add click on port status blinkenlights to bring up port configuration dialog for that port (so user can restart or re-configure a malfunctioning port). 8. link the lines of a multi-line WinLink message together, so they can all be cancelled at once from the Outstanding Message dialog. 9. add a feature for displaying the line-of-sight path between two clicked points on the map (assuming SRTM terrain data has been downloaded to provide the ground elevation between the points). 10. refresh display of topographic layer after downloading new SRTM tiles. 11. allow displaying topographic data as both contour curves and filled-in regions simultaneously. 12. update the menu mechanism to allow the AbstractMenuAction instances to decide whether they should be associated with a particular window frame, so menu items specific to certain windows can be implemented. 13. make minor performance optimizations to map rendering code. 14. add recently registered TOCALL destinations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- beta build 7 of YAAC, created 07-Nov-2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. display weather station barometric pressure in the correct units, and provide a preferences option for which unit pressure should be displayed in. 2. properly handle lower-case callsigns sent from other stations. 3. add the ability to make, save, recall, and delete "bookmarks" of specific views on the map. The bookmarks are prerserved in Java Preferences to be available on later invocations of YAAC. 4. add the ability to compose multi-line e-mail messages that can be sent through the APRSlink gateway to the Winlink2000 network. 5. show a blank for the last send time of outgoing messages that haven't actually be transmitted the first time yet. 6. add support for missing interface ports (such as removed USB-to-RS232C "dongles") so that their configuration will be preserved not only in the Java Preferences backing store but also in the GUI, so the user has the option of fixing the broken configuration instead if re-entering it from scratch. 7. remove CPU-wasting random filling of topographically flat areas that happen to be exactly at a contour line level. 8. fix the labelling of the remote AGWPE server host name in the AGWPE port configuration editor panel. 9. update online help to account for new feature additions and changes. 10. add support for APRS 1.2 weather station voltage and flood level sensors. 11. change the "sender" name of APRS-IS gated messages to "APRS-IS". 12. limit the time that YAAC will wait to connect to a remote AGWPE server to 2 seconds. 13. add latest new ToCall definition (APHAX -> SM2APRS by PY2UEP). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- beta build 6 of YAAC, dated 31-Oct-2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. fix the drawing of topographic contour curves, and improve performance somewhat, using standardized curve spacing. 2. switch topographic code to use the USGS file format directly instead of using a custom format. 3. fix AGWPE frame reception code to properly strip off the KISS port number on frame reception. Still don't know if a port number needs to prefix transmitted frames (not specified in AGWPE protocol document). --------------------------------------------------------------------- beta build 5 of YAAC, created 29-Oct-2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. Add support for AGWPE servers on different hosts than the computer running the instance of YAAC. 2. Adjust the colors for rendering topographic maps. 3. Add the ability to render topographic maps as contour lines (as well as the first ability by filled-in regions). --------------------------------------------------------------------- emergency fix to beta build 4. only load the AGWPE driver when the AGWPE server is detected to be running on the host computer. --------------------------------------------------------------------- beta build 4 of YAAC, dated 25-Oct-2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. adding support for the AGW Packet Engine as an underlying set of TNCs. Any number of the TNCs (hardware or software) configured into the AGWPE server can be accessed as separate ports in YAAC. 2. update the configuration wizard to support AGWPE and be contextually smarter about which port drivers it presents to the user. 3. add the ability to optionally filter the Station/Object List with the current filter settings. 4. rename the Sniffer view to the Raw Packet view. 5. make the right station get selected when right-clicking the Station/Object list to use a context menu option on the selected station. 6. add the first draft of the topographic map layer to the map window, with a function to download Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) elevation data from the US Geological Survey's website, using the same style of selection dialog as was used for downloading precompiled OpenStreetMap tiles from the YAAC author's website. 7. fix the Help viewing logic to attach the Help window to whatever window invoked the help. This keeps the help window from getting stuck behind a modal dialog that asked for the help. 8. add a preference for the formatting style in which to display latitude/longitude values (in degrees and minutes, degrees/minutes/seconds, or fractional degrees). Note this does not affect the generation of lat/lon strings for APRS protocol messages, as these formats are fixed by the protocol specification. 9. use the current filters to restrict which stations and objects are selected by right-clicking on the map. 10. allow panning and zooming the map with the keyboard keys when in drawing mode (where the mouse only does drawing functions and not map-moving functions). 11. fix the Object editor to: a. not permit underscores in object names when using untimed reports (permanent), due do the underscore possibly being a delimiter to end the name string. b. fix some layout errors in the Area-type symbol controls. c. add online help describing how to use the Object editor. 12. fix infinite recursion bug in the table models behind the destination and last digipeater filters. 13. make assorted corrections and additions to online help, including describing the popup menu options for the map and table views. 14. have the OpenStreetMap daat importer check for sufficient free disk space before starting an import. 15. add all the choices on the Query menu to the popup menus on the map and table views. 16. add more debug logging to report the specific version information about a given invocation of YAAC. 17. Clean up the modem control code for the Serial_TNC driver. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd beta build of YAAC, dated 13-Oct-2012 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. Make improvements to draw toolbar, adding the ability to add text labels, and add online help for draw tools. 2. Make radio view look more like the Kenwood D710 display. 3. Add option to persist locally-created Object and Item definitions over restarts of YAAC. 4. Add the ability to graphically drag an Object on the map to another geographical location and update the transmitted object messages appropriately (taking over an object or station if the selected object was not locally created). 5. Remove a few scraps of dead code. 6. Add ability to take over stations and convert them to objects/items. 7. Add ability to display an already-received message on the radio view. 8. Fix title error in online help. 9. Add support for hardware flow control on the Serial_TNC port driver. 10. Improve some error messages for corrupted data. 11. Prevent stations transmitting object reports from being identified as objects themselves by the symbol status background coloring. 12. Fix annoying spurious warnings from the build process. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd beta build of YAAC, dated 2012-Oct-02 downloadable from or changes and updates include: 1. start adding support for reporting first digipeater for sent messages. 2. ensure certain digipeat debug messages are only printed when YAAC is running in debug mode. 3. add PHG, estimated range, and altitude for stations and objects in the Station List. 4. fix station list station count updating. 5. rename StationTypes to Symbols globally throughout the program. 6. rename digipear alias lists to paths globally throughout the program. 7. stop displaying latitude and longitude in popup station info window. 8. change default scope for newly created objects to Local instead of Private. 9. display "--direct--" instead of blank for an empty digipeat path in the DigipeatPathPanel. 10. change Matching Station filter name to Sender filter. 11. fix GUI panel rebuild for Packet Source filter so it is done immediately. 12. update online help to account for previous build's refactoring and renaming done in this build. 13. add support to selectively keep FIXME Node and Way records in the OpenStreetMap data. 14. prevent GPS status from oscillating between SPS and DGPS when both $GPGGA and $GPRMC sentences are being received from the GPS receiver. 15. stop updating local station's fix with GPS data if the GPS is not supposed to be used. 16. start adding support for OSM Relation records (incomplete but executable). 17. turn on RS232 handshake signals to enable devices expecting hardware flow control, and enhance SerialTNC driver to support hardware flow control enforcement from the TNC. 18. change displayed abbreviations for speed units to (MPH, KPH, knots). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st change to beta build of YAAC, dated 22-Sep-2012 downloadable from and changes and updates include: 1. combine station and object lists into a single list, with options to filter to only stations or only objects as well as combined. Rename to "Station List" instead of "Station Status" and "Object Status". 2. rename KenwoodTacticalPane to KenwoodRadioViewPane (code and UI). 3. rename LocalDestinations to MessageGroups (code and UI). 4. allow null values for symbol code renderer (SSRenderer). 5. add cache for common SelectableSymbol values. 6. try to fix background color of radio view pane to match actual radio's colors. 7. add local alias symbols as well as alias names for stations and objects. 8. add repetition interval to proportional pathing list. 9. rename backoff ratio to decay ratio. 10. draw a box around all smart beaconing parameters in configuration dialog to group them together. 11. rearrange view menu. 12. fix licensing statement in About dialog. 13. rename overlay symbol editing field. 14. make GPSDistributor more tolerant of garbled GPS sentences. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- final alpha test build of YAAC, dated 2012-Sep-17 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. continue refactoring YAAC to try to separate GUI-specific code from back-end network processing code. 2. fix bug in StationStatus view when no message traffic received yet. 3. correct method names to be more descriptive of their functions. 4. remove wasted screen space from complex editor widgets like the LatLonEditor and DigipeatPath editor. 5. fix BlinkenLights to properly handle configuration updates of existing ports. 6. add support for per-Object digipeat paths and retransmission timers for locally originated Objects and Items. 7. add some missing Javadocs. 8. add missing online help files. 9. replace out-of-date online help example screenshots with up-to-date screenshots. 10. optimize OSM tile downloader to only look up the IP address of my website once instead of once per file (keeping my DNS bill down). 11. start adding code to remember locally-originated Objects and Items for the next restart. 12. make the Serial TNC port driver more rapidly recognize a TNC that has left KISS mode and attempt to switch it back to KISS mode. 13. fix ConcurrentModificationException in PortConnector's event delivery methods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 13-Sep-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. ensure all aliases entered into YAAC are available on the drop-down lists for message sending as the pre-defined digipeat choices. 2. major refactoring of the Provider interface in an attempt to remove all explicit references to the java.awt and javax.swing packages (because Android doesn't use them). Work in progress, not yet completed.... 3. start moving GUI-specific code out of the menu entry definitions and into GUI-specific classes. 4. adjust blinkenlights code to increase change of lights being lit. 5. add code to dynamically add and remove Blinkenlight objects from map window as I/O ports are opened and closed. 6. make default digipeat alias configurable instead of hard-coded. 7. add support to digipeat path editor widget to support cases where only a single alias string (however many aliases are in it) are allowed, as opposed to the multi-string case used for proportional pathing. 8. fix bugs in the simulated realtime (with optional acceleration) file playback code, add a progress dialog with a cancel button to the simulated playback. 9. update online help to account for GUI refactoring. 10. correct prefix used to send non-MicE position messages for YAAC. ------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 03-Sep-2012 downloadable from 1. fix typo in build.xml for compiling sample plugin. 2. correct default PID for newly created AX.25 frame objects. 3. persist the setting of the Auto-Center Map view option. 4. fix some errors in reading back CSV-format APRS message save files. 5. correct null pointer exception in MessageSenderPanel when sending to a previously-unheard station. 6. fix some spurious compile-time warnings. 7. fix GPS activity reporting for blinkenlights so it properly handles a formerly-defined but now-missing serial GPS port. 8. fix null pointer exception in serial weather port configuration GUI. 9. filter spurious TNC command lines from Kenwood APRS-mode port driver. ------------------------------------------------------- latest build of YAAC, dated 23-Aug-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. more LGPL license banners. 2. update Chat tool to have a better UI 3. minor code clean-ups 4. fix online help linkage in filter dialog ------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 16-Aug-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. adding blinking lights to show when data is being received or transmitted through the interface ports. 2. fix plotting of weather conditions (thunderstorms, tornados, etc.) to properly compute dead-reckoned motion based on receive time rather than the expiration time in the WXSVR object reports. 3. have the ObjectEditor restrict the length of Object or Item names to the limit of 9 characaters specified by the APRS protocol documents. 4. Clarify the Online Help for the Query menu. 5. Change the configuration of APRS-IS ports to always use the callsign associated with the station's beacon, rather than allowing the user to specify some other callsign. 6. Fix the handlers for ?APRSD and ?APRSL queries to respond with a message stating that there are no local or direct RF stations when the local YAAC instance only has an APRS-IS port. 7. add support for OpenStreetMap rendering when the view spans over the International Date Line. 8. add support for a few more misspellings of OSM amenity types. 9. optimize the OpenStreetMap importer some more, including adding code to remove duplicate adjacent vertices in the same way, and remove midpoint vertices on straight edges (midpoint vertex has 180-degree angle between the two line segments). 10. fix code that kept the OSM map from ever rendering when the center point kept changing (such as when tracking a mobile local station). 11. fix file descriptor leak when loading weather symbol icon files. 12. support status messages with leading Maidenhead position coordinates (i.e., a message like ">AA00aa some comment"). 13. ensure that YAAC doesn't try to re-open a disabled APRS-IS connection. 14. fix typos in TOCALL list. 15. put in more LGPL copyright notices in source files that didn't have them yet. --------------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 09-Aug-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. more LGPL banners and Javadoc comments. 2. fixing Object/Item transmissions so updates to Objects properly cancel transmisions of the former content of the Object and start transmission of the new format. 3. minor floating-point performance improvements in the StationRenderer 4. fix NullPointerExceptions when viewing message history of locally originated Objects/Items. 5. fix typos in ObjectEditor when editing repeater objects and permanent (non-timestamped Items). 6. Fix unit display for speeds to say mi/hr, km/hr, or knots instead of using just distance units. -------------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 02-Aug-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. correcting minor inconsistencies in the code base. 2. prevent some null pointer exceptions at startup time in the Station Status and Object Status views. 3. make the distance units customizable in the BulletinBoard view. 4. add more missing LGPL license banners to the source code. 5. add more online help pages. 6. ensure Locate->Station only uses cached station positions if they are under an hour old. 7. correct some Javadoc typos in the plugin API. 8. optimize the map tile reading code some more. 9. optimize the way segmenting code in the OSM importer. 10. optimize the OSM map renderer, removing duplicate triggering of the renderer and allowing the renderer to abort when its Projection becomes obsolete. 11. start fixing message sending logic for future fixes to local Object/Item transmissions. 12. update YAACBootstrap so the -agentlib command line option can be passed through to the real YAAC process launched by the bootstrap. ------------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 19-July-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. general code optimizations of inefficient code segments to improve response time of map rendering and message reception. 2. fill in more LGPL comment banners. 3. add support for transmitting compressed-mode beacons (only had support for receiving compressed-mode beacons previously). 4. recognize new to-call code APTHWX for Thailand weather service. ------------------------------------------------------------ next build of YAAC, dated 10-Jul-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. optimize the map auto-centering code. 2. upon initial static station location entry in the configuration wizard, center the map upon that position. 3. separate the auto-center map and display local station options in the View menu, allow two different ways of displaying the local station (the existing crosshair or course pointer method, or using the configured station icon). 4. try to clean up the landmark type display in the Locate->Landmark menu option. 5. allow selective multiple individual stations for tracking when not in track-all mode, and allow untracking those stations, too. Update online help to account for this. 6. optimize reading and writing the OSM tile files some more (to help accelerate map rendering. 7. correct where the rendering of the OpenStreetMap copyright notice is displayed on the map window. 8. avoid rendering untyped building Ways when zoomed out extensively (saving render CPU time). 9. add the ability to automatically identify whether YAAC has been configured to function as an I-gate, and still provide the default filter if not an I-Gate, even if configured to transmit into the APRS-IS backbone. ----------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 05-July-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. More source files fitted with LGPL license banner to get ready for official open source release (still not finished, alas). 2. Add a new layer for drawing additional features onto the map, such as lines, stripes, boxes, and ovals/circles, including the ability to save and load the features created in the draw layer. Still a work-in-progress. 3. Generalize the icon loading code so it could be used anywhere, not just in the StationTypes (APRS symbol codes) class. 4. Stop unneeded timers when the Station Status and Object Status windows are closed. 5. Fix enabling/disabling of buttons on dual-list choosers in the Filtered Messages window. 6. Add a few more minor performance improvements to the OpenStreetMap file importer and the station drawing code. 7. Add more online help files. 8. Report the OpenStreetMap copyright and license in compliance with their license terms. ------------------------------------------------------ next build of YAAC, dated 19-Jun-2012 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. fix destination filtering for APRS-IS sourced messages. 2. add new Locate->Landmark menu choice, which searches the OSM dataset for name string matches and allows panning and zooming the map to any of the found choices. 3. add the KISS mode command for Byonics TinyTrak TNC's to the known list for SerialTNCConnector. 4. prevent trying to use IPv6 addresses to access APRS-IS servers if there is a IPv4 address choice. 5. Enlarge font sizes slightly for road labels. ----------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 2012-June-12 downloadable from NOTICE: For users of serial KISS TNC's, please verify that your configuration is still correct after this upgrade. Change #10 below may cause unexpected breakage if you do not confirm your configuration is still correct. changes and updates in this build include: 1. Start introducing LGPL copyright and license notices in source files, in preparation for official open-source release. 2. Create plugin SDK distribution file to be included in distro file. 3. Fill in more missing Javadoc comments (to better supplement the plugin SDK). 4. Fix progress dialog so it can't be hidden while the operation is still in progress. 5. Add ability to bring up popup menu on Messages table, 6. Fix purging of old messages so they are purged from the Sniffer view, too. 7. Add new popup menu choice to selectively draw the track stripe of a single station or object when drawing all track stripes simultaneously is turned off. 8. Add new online help files for the tactical and outgoing message views. 9. Document the new OpenStreetMap features of directing the user's browser to an OpenStreetMap mirror site and downloading pre-compiled tiles from the author's website. 10. Add a feature to specify what command (if any) should be used to switch a serial TNC into KISS mode, building in the defaults for TNC2-compatible and Kamtronics TNCs. 11. Document the permanent message pruge time configuration option. 12. Remove spurious debug print statement from query responder. 13. Generalize the block-deletable ArrayList subclass to use elsewhere in YAAC. 14. make the -nogui command line option work for "headless" operation of YAAC. 15. Add a sample plugin (with source code) that runs in headless mode to report the appearance and motion of stations and objects. 16. Optimize the OSM file importer some more. 17. Add tracking information support for new versions (without deltas) of the OSM dataset. 18. Add the alternate flavor of NWS-WARN (as a message address) to the default supported local destinations. 19. Add "NOT YET IMPLEMENTED" comments to in-work code that may show up in the documentation associated with the plugin SDK. ------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 2012-June-03 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. Detect when GPS data is not valid and block transmitting GPS-based beacons when invalid. 2. The new feature of downloading pre-compiled tiles now allows the user to choose what area of the planet should be downloaded. 3. Fix the popup for single-object messages to display the sending station for each message. 4. Add the popup menu to the rows in the Sniffer view. 5. Fix typo in config wizard for APRS-IS connections. 6. Update online help some more. 7. Updated some debug print statements. -------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 2012-May-31 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. Have the Configure wizard initialize the center position of the Radius filter to match the configured fixed location of the YAAC station (same fixced values configured into the beacon). 2. Change return path specifications so query responses to stations only on the APRS-IS might get through. 3. Restructure the File menu to add new options for OpenStreetMap data, including guidance to find the mirror websites that have the OpenStreetMap data sets (planetary level and smaller extracts), and a way to copy pre-imported tiles directly from the YAAC author's website instead of having to import them yourself. 4. Save memory and avoid confusing dead-reckoned positions when using a GPS receiver that sends more than one sentence with the same time's position fix (for example, both $GPGGA and $GPRMC). 5. Optimize lookups of non-area Way information when clicking on the map for popup windows. --------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 2012-May-30 downloadable from changes and updates include: 1. Rename IGateConnector to AprsIsConnector, with corresponding changes to online help and GUIs. 2. Add support for browser launching for future features. 3. Remove tree-based station and object "lists". 4. Enable editing max zoom levels for OSM way types. 5. Replace inefficient uses of character-set-specific byte to String converters with more efficient always-assume-it's-ASCII deprecated readLine() and new String() methods. 6. Make number of retransmits for locally-initiated messages user-configurable. 7. Fix labelling of temperature fields in the GUI, and add support for localizing these labels. 8. Add support to popup menus to open a frame of just messages sent by a specific station or about a specific object. 9. Document in online help the sources for OpenStreetMaps data. 10. Document the local or direct only filter. 11. Add configurable ability to purge old message data from memory, so YAAC can run indefinitely without OutOfMemoryErrors (we hope!). 12. Further optimize serial port input processing (to try to reduce message corruption and loss due to rceiver overrun errors). 13. Don't update current GPS fix with garbage lat/lon values when GPS isn't currently able to provide a fix. 14. Add support for clicking on non-area Ways in the map and getting popup information about it. 15. Support decoding weather data from Strings as well as byte arrays. 16. Arrange for deleted interface port numbers to be ure-used, rather than requiring ever-growing port numbers. 17. Remove some obsolete TODO comments. -------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 2012-May-23 downloadable from changes and updates in this build include: 1. online help documentation corrections. 2. duplicating the main (map) window's menu bar in certain other windows of YAAC, so that platforms which always display windows as the full screen (such as Macintosh) will still have menus when switching to other windows. This includes correcting the behavior of the Window menu so that it consistently displays the list of currently open windows, no matter which window contains the menu, and using the I18N resource bundles to get the name strings to be displayed on the Window menu. 3. attempt to accelerate GPS sentence parsing (so as to reduce sentence garbling due to serial port receiver overruns). 4. clean up the GPS port closing logic so normal YAAC shutdown does not hang. --------------------------------------------------------- next build of YAAC, dated 2012-May-22 downloadable from Hurray! My website is back up! Changes and additions in this build include: 1. Rename I-Gate ports to APRS-IS ports, since not all YAAC users will intend to set up an I-Gate. Support backwards compatibility with previous releases. 2. Add local alias support for stations, allow displaying the local alias in place of the station callsign on the map, display and edit aliases in the Station Status table. 3. Support displaying weather station temperature reports in either Fahrenheit or Celsius, configurable on the Configure dialog's Preferences tab. 4. Add support for right-click popup menus in other windows (currently, the Station Status and Object Status windows). 5. Add left-click popup window for information about OpenStreetMap ways and nodes clicked on in the map. 6. Fix error message handling for menu-based message sending functions when the user forgets to select a destination. 7. Recognize the $GPBOD, $GPRTE, and $GPRMB GPS sentences, also recognize and use the Garmin-proprietary $PGRMZ sentence. 8. Add more debugging information to the exported configuration file. 9. Implement a more disk-efficient encoding scheme for OpenStreetMap Ways, backwards compatible with the previous build. 10. Recognize more non-standard OpenStreetMap amenity types, add more custom icons for displaying OSM Nodes on zoomed-in maps. 11. Try to optimize the OSM file importer a little more, using more parallel processing to allow work to be done why the disk is busy. 12. Correct bug preventing negative temperatures in weather reporting messages. 13. Optimize byte-reading code in the serial TNC, serial GPS, and serial weather station port drivers so as to reduce the number of overrun bytes (and thereby reduce the number of messages garbled at receive time). 14. Recognize memory heap limit adjustment of the bootstrap JVM and pass the adjustment along to the real YAAC JVM instance.